< Jeremías 46 >
1 Palabra que fue a Jeremías profeta de Jehová contra las gentes.
These are messages that Yahweh gave to the prophet Jeremiah about [other] nations.
2 A Egipto: contra el ejército de Faraon-necao, rey de Egipto, que estaba cerca del río Éufrates en Carcamis, al cual hirió Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia, el año cuarto de Joacim, hijo de Josías, rey de Judá.
After Jehoiakim, son of King Josiah, had been ruling Judah for almost four years, this message about Egypt was given [by Yahweh]. It was when the army of King Neco of Egypt was defeated by the army of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon along the Euphrates River. [This is what Yahweh said: “The officers of the army of Egypt are saying to their troops],
3 Aparejád escudo y pavés, y veníd a la guerra.
‘Prepare your shields and march out to fight the battle!
4 Uncíd caballos, y subíd los caballeros, y ponéos con capacetes: limpiád las lanzas, vestíos de lorigas.
Put harnesses on your horses, and get on their backs. (Get into your positions/Line up) [for the battle]; put on your helmets. Sharpen your spears, and put on your armor!’
5 ¿Por qué los ví medrosos, tornando atrás? y sus valientes fueron deshechos, y huyeron a más huir sin volver a mirar atrás: miedo de todas partes, dijo Jehová.
But what [RHQ] do I see? I see that the soldiers of Egypt will be terrified and will be fleeing. [Even] the bravest of their soldiers will be running away, without [even] looking backward! [I, ] Yahweh, say that [their soldiers] will be terrified on all sides!
6 No huya el ligero, ni escape el valiente: al aquilón junto a la ribera del Éufrates tropezaron, y cayeron.
[Even] the fastest [runners] will try to run away, but [even the greatest of] their warriors will not escape. In the north, by the Euphrates [River], they will stumble and fall.
7 ¿Quién es este, que como río sube, y cuyas aguas se mueven como ríos?
What group is this that will be covering the land like the water of the Nile [River] covers the land when it floods?
8 Egipto como río se hincha, y las aguas se mueven como ríos, y dijo: Subiré cubriré la tierra, destruiré la ciudad, y los que en ella moran.
[It is the army of] Egypt that will be covering the land like a surging/huge flood, and they will boast that they will cover the earth and will destroy cities and the people [who live in them].
9 Subíd caballos, y alboratáos carros, y salgan los valientes: los Etiopes, y los de Libia que toman escudo, y los de Lidia que toman y entesan arco.
You [riders of] horses, charge/rush [into the battle]! You [drivers of] chariots, drive furiously! [All] you warriors from Ethiopia and Libya who carry your shields, you warriors from Lydia who shoot arrows, you come!
10 Mas ese día será a Jehová Dios de los ejércitos día de venganza, para vengarse, de sus enemigos; y la espada tragará, y se hartará, y se embriagará de la sangre de ellos; porque matanza será a Jehová Dios de los ejércitos en tierra del aquilón al río Éufrates.
But, [you need to know that] this is the day when [I], Yahweh, the Commander of the armies of angels, will get revenge on my enemies. With my sword [PRS] I will kill [my enemies] until I am satisfied; my sword will [be like a monster that] [MET, PRS] drinks the blood [of the animals it kills] until it is no longer thirsty. [The enemy soldiers who will be killed] in the north beside the Euphrates River [will be like] [MET] a sacrifice to [me], the Commander of the armies of angels.
11 Sube a Galaad, y toma bálsamo, virgen hija de Egipto: por demás multiplicarás medicinas: no hay cura para ti.
You people [IDM] of Egypt, go up to the Gilead [region] to obtain medicine; but it will be useless to take all those medicines; you will not be healed.
12 Las naciones oyeron tu vergüenza, y tu clamor hinchió la tierra; porque fuerte se encontró con fuerte, y cayeron ambos juntos.
[People in] the [other] nations will hear how you were humiliated. [People] all over the earth will hear you wailing. [Your mighty] warriors will stumble over each other and they will all fall down together.”
13 Palabra que habló Jehová a Jeremías profeta acerca de la venida de Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia, para herir la tierra de Egipto.
[Then] Yahweh gave me this message about King Nebuchadnezzar when he planned to attack Egypt [with his army]:
14 Denunciád en Egipto, y hacéd saber en Magdalo: hacéd saber también en Mémfis, y en Tafnes, decíd: Está quedo, y aparéjate; porque espada ha de tragar tu comarca.
“Shout [this message] throughout Egypt! Proclaim it in Migdol, Memphis, and Tahpenes [cities]! ‘(Get into your positions/Line up) [for the battle]; Prepare to defend yourselves, because [everyone] around you will be killed.’ [PRS, MTY]
15 ¿Por qué ha sido derribado tu fuerte? no se pudo tener, porque Jehová le rempujó.
Your god is a bull; Why does he fall down? He will not be able to stand up, because Yahweh will knock him down.
16 Multiplicó los caídos: cada uno también cayó sobre su compañero, y dijeron: Levántate, y volvámonos a nuestro pueblo, y a la tierra de nuestro nacimiento, de delante de la espada vencedora.
The soldiers from other countries will stumble and fall over each other, and [then] they will say to each other, ‘Let’s get up and go back to our own people, to our own land. Let’s get away from the swords of our enemies!’
17 Clamaron allí, Faraón, rey de Egipto, rey de revuelta: dejó pasar el tiempo señalado.
There [in Egypt] they will say, ‘The king of Egypt talks loudly, but when our [army] had an opportunity [to defeat our enemies], they failed.’
18 Vivo yo, dice el Rey, Jehová de los ejércitos es su nombre, que como Tabor entre los montes, y como Carmelo en la mar, así vendrá.
[I, ] the King, who am called the Commander of the armies of angels, say this: ‘As [surely as] I live, someone’s army will be coming [to fight against the army of Egypt]. They will be [extremely powerful], [as though they were as tall] as Tabor Hill, or [as high] as Carmel [Mountain] close to the [Mediterranean] Sea.
19 Hazte vasos de transmigración, moradora hija de Egipto; porque Mémfis será por yermo, y será asolada hasta no quedar morador.
[All] you people who live in Egypt, pack your possessions/clothes and prepare to be exiled. Memphis [city] will be destroyed; it will become a ruin, and no one will be living there.
20 Becerra hermosa Egipto: destrucción del aquilón viene, viene.
Egypt is [like] [SIM] a beautiful young cow, but [the army of a powerful king] from the northeast will come to attack it [like] a horsefly [MET] [bites a cow].
21 Sus soldados también en medio de ella como becerros engordados: que también ellos se volvieron, huyeron todos sin pararse; porque el día de su quebrantamiento vino sobre ellos, el tiempo de su visitación.
The (mercenaries/soldiers [from other countries] who have been hired) will become like [SIM] fat calves; but they also will turn around and run away; they will not stand [there and fight], because it will be a day when there will be a [great] disaster in Egypt, a day when their people will be [greatly] punished.
22 Su voz irá como de serpiente; porque con ejército vendrán, y con hachas vienen a ella como cortadores de leña.
[The soldiers of] Egypt will run away, as silently as a snake scurries/crawls away. [The army of] the enemy will advance; they will march along carrying their axes like [SIM] men who cut down trees.
23 Cortaron su monte, dice Jehová, porque no podrán ser contados; porque serán más que langostas, ni tendrán número.
[I, ] Yahweh, say that they will kill the soldiers [of Egypt] as though [SIM] they were a forest of trees, because the enemy soldiers will be as numerous as [a swarm of] locusts.
24 Avergonzóse la hija de Egipto: será entregada en mano del pueblo del aquilón.
The people of Egypt will be humiliated; they will be conquered by people from the northeast.’
25 Dijo Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: He aquí que yo visito al pueblo de Alejandría, y a Faraón, y a Egipto, y a sus dioses, y a sus reyes; y a Faraón, y a los que en él confían.
[I, ] the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom the Israelis [worship], say, ‘I will punish Amon, [the god whom the people] of Thebes [city] worship, and [all] the [other] gods in Egypt. [I will punish] the King of Egypt and [all] those who trust in him.
26 Y entregarlos he en mano de los que buscan su alma, y en mano de Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia, y en mano de sus siervos; y después será habitada como en los días pasados, dijo Jehová.
I will cause them to be captured by those who want to kill them—Nebuchadnezzar the King of Babylon, and his army officers. But many years later, people will live in Egypt again. [That will surely happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.’
27 Y tú no temas, siervo mío Jacob, y no desmayes Israel; porque he aquí que yo te salvo de lejos, y a tu simiente de la tierra de su cautividad. Y volverá Jacob, y descansará, y será prosperado, y no habrá quien le espante.
But you people of Israel who serve me, do not be at all dismayed [DOU] now, because some day I will bring you back from distant places; I will bring your descendants from the land to which they were exiled. [Then you] Israeli people will again live peacefully and safely, and there will not be any [nation] to cause you to be terrified.
28 Tú, mi siervo Jacob, no temas, dice Jehová, porque contigo soy yo; porque haré consumación en todas las naciones a las cuales te echaré: mas en ti no haré consumación: mas castigarte he con juicio, y talando no te talaré.
[I, ] Yahweh, say to you people of Israel who serve me, ‘Do not be afraid, because I will be with you. I will completely destroy the nations among whom I have scattered you, but I will not completely get rid of you. I will punish you, but I will punish you only as severely as you deserve: It would be wrong if I did not punish you at all.’”