< Jeremías 16 >

1 Y fue a mí palabra de Jehová, diciendo.
Yahweh gave me another message. [He said to me],
2 No tomarás para ti mujer, ni tendrás hijos ni hijas en este lugar.
“Do not get married and have children in this land,
3 Porque así dijo Jehová de los hijos y de las hijas que nacieren en este lugar, y de sus madres que los parieren, y de los padres que los engendraren en esta tierra:
because this is what [I], Yahweh, say about the children who are born in this city, and about their mothers and fathers:
4 Muertos de enfermedades morirán, no serán endechados ni enterrados: serán por muladar sobre la haz de la tierra; y con espada, y con hambre serán consumidos; y sus cuerpos serán para comida de las aves del cielo, y de las bestias de la tierra.
[Many of] them will die from terrible diseases. And no one will mourn for them. No one will even bury their corpses; the corpses will lie on the ground, [scattered] like manure. [Others] will die in wars or from hunger, and [then] their corpses will become food for vultures and wild animals.”
5 Porque así dijo Jehová: No entres en casa de luto, ni vayas a lamentar, ni los consueles; porque yo quité mi paz de este pueblo, dijo Jehová, mi misericordia y miseraciones.
This is [also] what Yahweh said to me: “Do not go to funerals to mourn or to show [those whose relatives have died] that you feel sorry for them, because I have stopped protecting them, and I have caused that things will not go well for them. I have stopped faithfully loving them and acting mercifully toward them.
6 Y morirán en esta tierra, grandes y chicos: no se enterrarán, ni los endecharán, ni se arañarán, ni se mesarán por ellos.
[Very many people] will die in this land, [including] those who are important and those who are not important. And no one will mourn for them, or [even] bury [their corpses]. No one will cut himself or shave his head [to show that he is very sad].
7 Y no partirán pan por luto por ellos, para consolarlos de su muerte; ni les darán a beber vaso de consolaciones por su padre o por su madre.
No one will bring food to comfort those who are mourning, not even if it is their father or their mother [who has died]. No one will give them a cup [of wine] to cheer them up.
8 Y no entres en casa de convite, para sentarte con ellos a comer o a beber.
And do not go into the houses where people are feasting. Do not eat or drink anything with them.
9 Porque así dijo Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel: He aquí que yo haré cesar en este lugar delante de vuestros ojos, y en vuestros días, toda voz de gozo, y toda voz de alegría, toda voz de esposo, y toda voz de esposa.
[I want you to do this] because this is what [I], the Commander of the armies of angels, say: ‘While you are still alive and seeing it happen, I will cause there to be no more singing and laughing in this land. There will be no more joyful voices of bridegrooms and brides.’
10 Y acontecerá que cuando denunciares a este pueblo todas estas cosas, ellos te dirán: ¿Por qué habló Jehová sobre nosotros todo este mal tan grande? ¿y qué maldad es la nuestra, o qué pecado es el nuestro que pecamos a Jehová nuestro Dios?
When you tell these things to the people, they will ask, ‘Why has Yahweh declared that these terrible things will happen to us? What have we done [for which we deserve to be punished like this]? What sin have we committed against Yahweh our God?’
11 Entonces les dirás: Porque vuestros padres me dejaron, dice Jehová, y anduvieron en pos de dioses ajenos, y los sirvieron, y se encorvaron a ellos; y a mí me dejaron, y mi ley no guardaron:
Then this is what you must tell them [that I am replying to them]: ‘It is because your ancestors turned away from me, Yahweh. They worshiped other gods and served them. They abandoned me and did not obey my commands.
12 Y vosotros hicisteis peor que vuestros padres; porque he aquí que vosotros camináis cada uno tras la imaginación de su malvado corazón, no oyéndome a mí:
But you [who are living now] have done more wicked things than your ancestors did! Each of you stubbornly does the evil things that he desires and refuses to pay attention to what I say.
13 Por tanto yo os haré echar de esta tierra a tierra que ni vosotros ni vuestros padres conocisteis; y allá, serviréis a dioses ajenos de día y de noche, porque no os daré misericordia.
So, I will throw you out of this land, and I will send you to a land that you and your ancestors have never known about. There you will worship other gods day and night. And I will not act mercifully toward you.’
14 Por tanto he aquí que vienen días, dijo Jehová, que no se dirá más: Vive Jehová, que hizo subir a los hijos de Israel de tierra de Egipto:
But there will be a time when people [who are solemnly promising to do something] will no longer say, ‘[I will do this], [just as surely] as Yahweh lives—the one who brought the Israeli people here from Egypt.’
15 Mas: Vive Jehová, que hizo subir los hijos de Israel de la tierra del aquilón, y de todas las tierras donde los había arrojado; y tornarlos he a su tierra, la cual di a sus padres.
Instead, they will say ‘[I will do this, just as surely] as Yahweh lives—the one who brought [us] Israeli people back to our own land, from the lands to the north and from all the other lands to which he had (exiled us/forced us to go).’ [They will be able to say that] because [some day] I will bring your descendants back to this land that I gave to your ancestors.
16 He aquí que yo envío muchos pescadores, dijo Jehová, y pescarlos han; y después enviaré muchos cazadores, y cazarlos han de todo monte, y de todo collado, y de las cavernas de los peñascos.
But now I am summoning [your enemies who will seize the people of Judah like] [MET] fishermen [catch fish]. I am summoning those who will search for them on every mountain and hill, and in every cave, [like] [MET] hunters [search for animals to kill].
17 Porque mis ojos están puestos sobre todos sus caminos, los cuales no se me escondieron; ni su maldad se esconde de la presencia de mis ojos.
I am watching them carefully. I see every sin [that they commit]. They will not [be able to] hide from me [MTY].
18 Mas primero pagaré al doble su iniquidad y su pecado; porque contaminaron mi tierra con los cuerpos muertos de sus abominaciones, y de sus abominaciones hinchieron mi heredad.
Because of all the wicked things that they have done [DOU], I will punish them twice as much [as I would punish other people. I will do that] because they have caused my land to become unacceptable to me because of their [worshiping] lifeless statues of detestable gods, and [also because they] have done many other evil things throughout my land.”
19 O! Jehová, fortaleza mía, y fuerza mía, y refugio mío en el tiempo de la aflicción: a ti vendrán naciones desde los extremos de la tierra, y dirán: Ciertamente mentira poseyeron nuestros padres, vanidad, y no hay en ellos provecho.
[Then I prayed, saying], “Yahweh, you are the one who strengthens me and protects me [MET]; you are the one to whom I go when I have [troubles]. [Some day people from] nations all over the world will come to you and say, ‘Our ancestors left/gave us only something that was false; [they worshiped idols] that are completely worthless [DOU].
20 ¿Hará el hombre dioses para sí? Mas ellos no serán dioses.
No one can [RHQ] make their own gods; the gods that they make are [only idols]; they are not real gods.’”
21 Por tanto, he aquí, les enseñaré de esta vez, enseñarles he mi mano y mi fortaleza; y sabrán que mi nombre es Jehová.
[Then Yahweh said], “Now I will show my power to [the people of Judah]; I will show them that I am truly very powerful [DOU]. Then, finally, they will know that I, Yahweh, [am the true God].”

< Jeremías 16 >