< 2 Samuel 16 >

1 Y como David pasó un poco de la cumbre del monte, he aquí Siba el criado de Mifi-boset, que le salía a recibir con un par de asnos enalbardados, y sobre ellos doscientos panes, y cien hilos de pasas, y cien masas de higos pasados, y un cuero de vino.
When David [and the others] had gone a little way past the top of the hill, Mephibosheth’s servant Ziba met him. He had with him two donkeys that were carrying 200 loaves of bread, 100 bunches/clusters of raisins, 100 bunches of fresh fruit, and a leather bag full of wine.
2 Y dijo el rey a Siba: ¿Qué es esto? Y Siba respondió: Los asnos son para la familia del rey, en que suban: y los panes y la pasa para los criados que coman: el vino para que beban los que se cansaren en el desierto.
The king said to Ziba, “What are these for?” Ziba replied, “The donkeys are for your family to ride on, the bread and the fruit are for your soldiers to eat, and the wine is for them to drink when they become exhausted in the desert.”
3 Y dijo el rey: ¿Dónde está el hijo de tu señor? Y Siba respondió al rey: He aquí, él se ha quedado en Jerusalem porque ha dicho: Hoy me volverán la casa de Israel el reino de mi padre.
The king said, “Where is Mephibosheth, the grandson of your [former] master [Saul]?” Ziba [deceived David by] saying, “He stayed in Jerusalem, because he thinks that now the Israeli people will allow him to rule the kingdom that his grandfather Saul ruled.”
4 Entonces el rey dijo a Siba: He aquí, sea tuyo todo lo que tiene Mifi-boset. Y respondió Siba inclinándose: Rey señor mío, halle yo gracia delante de ti.
The king said to Ziba, “Okay, everything that belonged to Mephibosheth is now yours.” Ziba replied, “Your Majesty, I will humbly serve you; and I desire/hope that you will always be pleased with me.”
5 Y vino el rey David hasta Bajurim: y, he aquí, salía uno de la familia de la casa de Saul, el cual se llamaba Semeí, hijo de Gera: y salía maldiciendo,
When King David [and those with him] arrived at Bahurim [town], a man named Shimei met him. Shimei, whose father was Gera, was one of Saul’s relatives. Shimei was cursing David as he approached.
6 Y echando piedras contra David, y contra todos los siervos del rey David: y todo el pueblo, y todos los valientes hombres estaban a su diestra y a su siniestra.
Then he threw stones at David and his officials, even though the officials and David’s bodyguards surrounded David.
7 Y decía Semeí maldiciéndole: Sal: Sal, varón de sangres, y varón impío.
Shimei cursed David and said to him, “Get out of here, you murderer, you scoundrel!
8 Jehová te ha dado el pago de todas las sangres de la casa de Saul, en lugar del cual tú has reinado: mas Jehová ha entregado el reino en mano de tu hijo Absalom: y, he aquí tú eres tomado en tu maldad: porque eres varón de sangres.
Yahweh is (getting revenge on/punishing) you all for murdering [MTY] many people in Saul’s family. And now he is giving Saul’s kingdom to your son Absalom. You murderer, you are being paid back for the many people that you have killed/murdered [MTY]!”
9 Y Abisaí, hijo de Sarvia, dijo al rey: ¿Por qué maldice este perro muerto a mi señor el rey? Yo te ruego que me dejes pasar, y quitarle he la cabeza.
Then Abishai said to the king, “Your Majesty, this man is [as worthless as] [MET] a dead dog! (Why should he be allowed to curse you?/He should not be allowed to curse you.) [RHQ] Allow me to go over there and cut off his head!”
10 Y el rey respondió: ¿Qué tengo yo con vosotros, hijos de Sarvia? El maldice así, porque Jehová le ha dicho que maldiga a David: ¿quién pues le dirá: Por qué lo haces así?
But the king replied, “You two sons of Zeruiah, (do not tell me what to do/this does not concern you) [RHQ]. If he is cursing me because Yahweh told him to do that, certainly no one should say ‘(Why are you doing that?/You should not be doing that.) [RHQ]’”
11 Y dijo David a Abisaí, y a todos sus siervos: He aquí, que mi hijo, que ha salido de mi vientre, asecha a mi vida, ¿cuánto más ahora un hijo de Jemini? Dejádle que maldiga, que Jehová se lo ha dicho.
Then David said to Abishai and to all his officials, “You know that my own son is trying to kill me. So [it is not surprising that] this man from the tribe of Benjamin is also trying to kill me. So ignore him, and allow him to curse me, because [perhaps he thinks that] Yahweh told him to do that.
12 Quizá Jehová mirará a mi aflicción, y me dará Jehová bien por sus maldiciones hoy.
Perhaps Yahweh will see that I am having all this trouble, and [some day he will repay me by] (blessing/doing good things for) me in return for this man cursing me today.”
13 Y como David y los suyos iban por el camino, Semeí iba por el lado del monte delante de él, andando y maldiciendo, y arrojando piedras delante de él, y esparciendo polvo.
Then David and those who were with him walked along the road, and Shimei continued walking along the hillside near him. While he walked along, he cursed David and threw stones and dirt at him.
14 Y el rey y todo el pueblo que con él estaba, llegaron cansados, y descansó allí.
When David and those who were with him arrived at the Jordan [River], they were very tired. So they rested there.
15 Y Absalom y todo el pueblo, los varones de Israel, entraron en Jerusalem, y con él Aquitofel.
While that was happening, Absalom and all the Israeli people who were with him had arrived in Jerusalem. Ahithophel had also arrived there.
16 Y fue, que como llegó Cusai Araquita, el amigo de David, a Absalom, Cusai dijo a Absalom: Viva el rey, viva el rey.
When David’s friend Hushai came to Absalom, he said to Absalom, “I desire/hope that the king will live a long time! May you live for many years!”
17 Y Absalom dijo a Cusai: ¿Este es tu agradecimiento para con tu amigo? ¿Por qué no fuiste con tu amigo?
Absalom said to Hushai, “You have been loyal [RHQ] to your friend [David for a long time]. So why did you not go with him [instead of coming to me]?”
18 Y Cusai respondió a Absalom: No: sino al que eligiere Jehová, y este pueblo, y todos los varones de Israel, de aquel seré yo, y con aquel quedaré.
Hushai replied, “I will serve the one whom Yahweh and these people and all the other people of Israel have chosen [to be their king]. So I will stay with you.
19 Ítem, ¿a quién había yo de servir? ¿No es a su hijo? Como he servido delante de tu padre, así seré delante de ti.
You are my master [King David’s] son; if I do not serve you, what other man should I serve [RHQ]? I will serve you as I served your father.”
20 Entonces Absalom dijo a Aquitofel: Consultád que haremos.
Then Absalom said to Ahithophel, “What do you advise that we should do?”
21 Y Aquitofel dijo a Absalom: Entra a las concubinas de tu padre, que él dejó para guardar la casa; y todo el pueblo de Israel oirá que te has hecho aborrecible a tu padre: y así se esforzarán las manos de todos los que están contigo.
Ahithophel replied, “Your father left some of his slave wives in the palace to take care of it. Have sex [EUP] with them. When everyone in Israel hears that you have done that, they will realize that you are acting very contemptuously toward your father. Then all those who are with you will be very encouraged.”
22 Entonces pusieron una tienda a Absalom sobre la techumbre, y entró Absalom a las concubinas de su padre en ojos de todo Israel.
So they set up a tent for Absalom on the roof [of the palace]. And Absalom went into the tent and had sex [EUP] with his father’s slave wives, [one by one, ] and everyone [HYP] could see [him going into the tent].
23 Y el consejo que daba Aquitofel en aquellos días, era como si consultaran la palabra de Dios. Tal era el consejo de Aquitofel, así con David, como con Absalom.
In those days, people accepted what Ahithophel recommended as though he were speaking the words of God. So just as David had always accepted what Ahithophel said, now Absalom did also.

< 2 Samuel 16 >