< Salmos 73 >

1 Ciertamente ʼElohim es bueno con Israel, Con los que son puros de corazón.
A Psalm of Asaph. How good is God to Israel, to those who are upright in heart.
2 En cuanto a mí, casi se deslizan mis pies. Por poco resbalan mis pasos.
But my feet were nearly moved; my steps had nearly slipped.
3 Porque tuve envidia de los arrogantes Al ver la prosperidad de los perversos.
For I was zealous over the iniquitous, seeing the peacefulness of sinners.
4 Porque no hay dolores en su muerte, Y su cuerpo está lleno de grasa.
For they have no respect for their death, nor do they have support in their wounds.
5 No pasan trabajos como los otros hombres, Ni son plagados como los demás.
They are not with the hardships of men, nor will they be scourged with men.
6 Por tanto la arrogancia es su collar. Los envuelve un manto de violencia.
Therefore, arrogance has held on to them. They have been covered with their iniquity and impiety.
7 Los ojos se les saltan por la gordura, Y logran con creces los deseos del corazón.
Their iniquity has proceeded, as if from fat. They have parted from the affection of the heart.
8 Se burlan y hablan perversamente de opresión. Hablan con altanería.
They have thought and spoken wickedness. They have spoken iniquity in high places.
9 Ponen su boca hacia el cielo, Pero su boca desfila por la tierra.
They have set their mouth against heaven, and their tongue has traversed the earth.
10 Por tanto su pueblo vuelve a este lugar, Y bebe aguas en abundancia.
Therefore, my people will be converted here, and fullness of days will be found in them.
11 Y dicen: ¿Cómo puede ʼEL saber? ¿Hay conocimiento en ʼElyón?
And they said, “How would God know?” and, “Isn’t there knowledge in high places?”
12 Ciertamente así son los perversos, Y fácilmente aumentan su riqueza.
Behold, these are sinners, and, abounding in this age, they have obtained riches.
13 En verdad, en vano guardé puro mi corazón, Y lavé mis manos en inocencia.
And I said: So then, it is without purpose that I have justified my heart and washed my hands among the innocent.
14 Pues soy azotado todo el día, Y castigado cada mañana.
And I have been scourged all day long, and I have received my chastisement in the mornings.
15 Si dijera yo: Hablaré como ellos, Claro que traicionaría a la generación de tus hijos.
If I were to say that I would explain this: Behold, I would condemn this nation of your sons.
16 Cuando meditaba para entender esto, Fue ardua tarea para mí.
I considered, so that I might know this. It is a hardship before me,
17 Hasta que al entrar en el Santuario de ʼEL Percibí el fin de ellos.
until I may enter into the Sanctuary of God, and understand it to its last part.
18 Ciertamente los colocaste en deslizaderos, Los lanzaste a la destrucción.
So, because of deceitfulness, truly, you have placed it before them. While they were being lifted up, you were casting them down.
19 ¡Cómo son destruidos de repente! ¡Son absolutamente consumidos por repentinos terrores!
How have they been brought to desolation? They have suddenly failed. They have perished because of their iniquity.
20 Como cuando uno despierta de un sueño, Así ʼAdonay, cuando Tú despiertes, Despreciarás su apariencia.
As a dream is to those who awaken, O Lord, so will you reduce their image to nothing in your city.
21 Cuando mi corazón se amargaba Y me sentía traspasado,
For my heart has been inflamed, and my temperament has been changed.
22 Era entonces torpe e ignorante, Como una bestia ante Ti.
And so, I have been reduced to nothing, and I did not know it.
23 Sin embargo, yo siempre estoy contigo. Tú sostienes mi mano derecha.
I have become like a beast of burden to you, and I am always with you.
24 Me guiarás con tu consejo, Y después me recibirás en gloria.
You have held my right hand. And in your will, you have conducted me, and with your glory, you have taken me up.
25 ¿A quién tengo yo en el cielo sino a Ti? Y fuera de Ti, nada deseo en la tierra.
For what is there for me in heaven? And what do I wish for on earth before you?
26 Mi cuerpo y mi corazón desfallecen, Pero ʼElohim es la Fuerza de mi corazón Y mi Porción para siempre.
My body has failed, and my heart: O God of my heart, and God my portion, into eternity.
27 Porque ciertamente los que se alejan de Ti perecerán. Tú destruyes a aquellos que son infieles a Ti.
For behold, those who put themselves far from you will perish. You have perished all those who fornicate away from you.
28 En cuanto a mí, la cercanía de ʼElohim es mi dicha. En ʼAdonay Yavé está mi refugio, Para que cuente todas tus obras.
But it is good for me to adhere to God, to put my hope in the Lord God, so that I may announce all your prophecies, at the gates of the daughter of Zion.

< Salmos 73 >