< Salmos 71 >

1 Oh Yavé, en Ti me refugié. No sea yo avergonzado jamás.
Lord, you are the one who keeps me safe; please don't disappoint me.
2 ¡Líbrame en tu justicia y rescátame! ¡Inclina a mí tu oído y sálvame!
Save me, rescue me, because you always do what is right.
3 Sé Roca de habitación para mí A la cual yo acuda continuamente. Tú diste mandamiento para salvarme, Porque Tú eres mi Roca y mi Fortaleza.
Please listen to me, and save me. Be my rock of protection where I can always go and hide. You gave the command to save me; for you are my rock and fortress.
4 Oh mi ʼElohim, rescátame de la mano del perverso, De la mano del hombre malhechor y violento.
My God, rescue me from the power of the wicked, from the clutches of those who are evil and brutal.
5 Porque Tú, oh ʼAdonay Yavé, eres mi Esperanza, Mi Confianza desde mi juventud.
For you, Lord God, are my hope. You are the one I have trusted since I was young.
6 Por Ti fui sustentado desde mi nacimiento. Tú eres Quien me sacó del vientre de mi madre. Mi alabanza es para Ti continuamente.
I have depended on you since birth; you have taken care of me from my mother's womb. That's why I'm always praising you!
7 Fui asombro para muchos, Porque Tú eres mi fuerte Refugio.
My life has been like a miracle to many people, for you have been my powerful protector.
8 Llena está mi boca de tu alabanza, Y de tu gloria todo el día.
All day long I am full of praise for you, telling how wonderful you are!
9 No me deseches en el tiempo de la vejez, Ni me desampares cuando se agote mi fuerza.
Don't reject me now I'm getting old. When my strength is gone, please don't abandon me.
10 Porque mis enemigos hablaron contra mí, Y los que acechan mi vida consultaron
For my enemies are talking about me; those who want to kill me are plotting together.
11 Y dijeron: ʼElohim lo desamparó. ¡Persíganlo y agárrenlo, pues no hay quien lo libre!
They say, “God has given up on him. Let's go after him because there's no one to save him.”
12 ¡Oh ʼElohim, no te alejes de mí! ¡Oh mi ʼElohim, apresúrate a socorrerme!
God, please don't stay away from me. My God, hurry to help me!
13 Sean avergonzados y consumidos los adversarios de mi vida. Sean cubiertos de vergüenza y confusión los que procuran hacerme daño.
Defeat my accusers, get rid of them! May those who want to cause me trouble be covered with shame and disgrace!
14 En cuanto a mí, esperaré continuamente, Y te alabaré aun más y más.
As for me, I will go on hoping in you, and I will praise you more and more.
15 Mi boca proclamará tu justicia y tu salvación todo el día, Aunque no sepa sus límites.
I will talk about your goodness and your salvation every day, even though it's more than I can understand.
16 Iré a los poderosos hechos de ʼAdonay Yavé. Mencionaré tu justicia, la tuya sola.
I will come and explain what the Lord has done. I will remind people that you alone do what is right.
17 Tú, ʼElohim, me enseñaste desde mi juventud, Y aún declaro tus maravillosos hechos.
God, you have taught me since I was young, and I still tell others about all the wonderful things you do.
18 Y aun en la vejez y las canas no me desampares, oh ʼElohim, Hasta que proclame tu fuerza a esta generación, Tu poder a todos los que vienen.
Even though I'm old and gray, please don't abandon me, God. Let me tell the new generation about your power. Let me explain to all who are to come the great things you do.
19 Porque tu justicia, oh ʼElohim, llega hasta los cielos. Tú has hecho grandes cosas. ¿Quién como Tú, oh ʼElohim?
God, your trustworthy and true nature is higher than the highest heaven! You have done incredible things! God, who is like you?
20 Tú Quien me mostraste muchas angustias y calamidades, Volverás a darme vida, Y volverás a levantarme de las profundidades de la tierra.
You had me face many troubles and plenty of misery, but you will bring me back to life; you will rise me up from the depths of the earth.
21 Que Tú aumentes mi grandeza Y vuelvas a consolarme.
You will give me even greater prestige, and you will make me happy again.
22 También te alabaré con el salterio, A causa de tu verdad, oh ʼElohim mío, Te cantaré salmos con el arpa, ¡oh Santo de Israel!
Then I will praise you on the harp for your trustworthiness, my God. I will sing praises to you on the lyre, Holy One of Israel.
23 Mis labios se alegrarán de gozo cuando te cante salmos, Y mi alma, que Tú redimiste.
I will shout for joy as I sing praises to you, for you have redeemed me.
24 Mi boca también susurrará todo el día tu justicia, Porque fueron avergonzados y humillados Los que buscan mi calamidad.
All day long I will tell about all the good things you have done, for those who tried to cause me misery have been disgraced and humiliated.

< Salmos 71 >