< Salmos 60 >
1 Oh ʼElohim, Tú nos rechasaste. Tú nos desechaste, rompiste nuestras defensas. Te airaste. Vuelve a nosotros.
For the leader. On shushan eduth. A michtam of David (for teaching), when he fought with Aram-naharaim and Aram-zobah, and Joab returned and defeated twelve thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt. O God, you have spurned and broken us, routing us in your wrath – restore us!
2 Hiciste temblar la tierra, la agrietaste. Repara sus grietas, porque se tambalea.
You have shaken the land and cleft it; heal its tottering breaches.
3 Hiciste sufrir a tu pueblo cosas duras. Nos hiciste beber vino de aturdimiento.
You have made your people drink hardship, and given us wine of reeling.
4 Pero a tus fieles diste un estandarte Para que sea desplegado por causa de la verdad. (Selah)
You have given those who fear you a banner, a rallying-place from the bow, (Selah)
5 Sálvanos con tu mano derecha, y respóndenos, Para que sean librados tus amados.
for the rescue of your beloved. Save by your right hand and answer us.
6 ʼElohim respondió desde su Santuario: ¡Yo me alegraré! Repartiré a Siquem, Y mediré el valle de Sucot.
God did solemnly swear: “As victor will I divide Shechem, and mete out the valley of Succoth.
7 Mío es Galaad y mío es Manasés, Efraín es el casco de mi cabeza, Judá, mi cetro,
Mine is Gilead, mine is Manasseh, Ephraim is the defence of my head, Judah my sceptre of rule,
8 Moab, vasija para lavarme. Sobre Edom echaré mi sandalia, Y sobre Filistea lanzaré mi grito de victoria.
Moab the pot that I wash in, Edom – I cast my shoe over it, I shout o’er Philistia in triumph.”
9 ¿Quién me conducirá a la ciudad fortificada? ¿Quién me guiará a Edom?
O to be brought to the fortified city! O to be led into Edom!
10 ¿No eres Tú, oh ʼElohim, Quien nos rechazaste Y no sales con nuestros ejércitos, oh ʼElohim?
Have you not spurned us, O God? You do not march forth with our armies.
11 Socórrenos ante el adversario, Porque vana es la liberación del hombre.
Grant us help from the foe, for human help is worthless.
12 Con ʼElohim haremos proezas. Él pisoteará a nuestros adversarios.
With God we shall yet do bravely: he himself will tread down our foes.