< Salmos 57 >
1 Ten compasión de mí, oh ʼElohim. Ten compasión de mí. Porque mi alma confía en Ti, Y en la sombra de tus alas me amparo Hasta que pase la destrucción.
For the music director. According to “Do Not Destroy.” A psalm (miktam) of David concerning the time he fled from Saul and hid in the cave. Please be kind to me, God! Be kind to me because I come to you for protection. I will shelter under the shadow of your wings until the danger is past.
2 Clamaré a ʼElohim ʼElyón, A ʼEL, Quien me favorece.
I cry out for help to God Most High, to God who vindicates me.
3 Él enviará desde el cielo Y me salvará de la infamia del que me oprime. (Selah) ʼElohim enviará su misericordia y su verdad.
From heaven he sends his help, and he saves me. He defeats those who persecute me. (Selah) God sends me his unfailing love, showing he is completely trustworthy.
4 Mi vida está en medio de leones. Estoy tendido entre los que respiran fuego. Hijos de hombres, sus dientes son lanzas y flechas, Y su lengua, espada aguda.
I am surrounded by man-eating lions—I am forced to live with them! Their teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongues are swords.
5 ¡Exaltado seas sobre los cielos, oh ʼElohim! ¡Tu gloria sea sobre toda la tierra!
God, your greatness is above the highest heavens; and your glory covers the whole earth!
6 Tendieron una red ante mis pies para doblegar mi vida. Cavaron un hoyo delante de mí Y ellos cayeron en él. (Selah)
They set a trap to catch me. I was so depressed. They dug a pit on my path but they were the ones who fell into it. (Selah)
7 Mi corazón está establecido, oh ʼElohim. Está firme mi corazón. Cantaré y entonaré salmos.
I have confidence in you, God, I have confidence in you. I will sing songs of praise to you.
8 Despierta, alma mía. Despierten, arpa y lira. Yo despertaré el alba.
I say to myself, “Wake up!” Wake up, harp and lyre! I will wake up the dawn!
9 Te daré gracias entre los pueblos, oh ʼAdonay. Te cantaré salmos en las naciones.
I will thank you among the peoples, Lord; I will sing your praises among the nations.
10 Porque tu misericordia es grande hasta los cielos, Y tu verdad, hasta las nubes.
Your faithful love reaches to the heavens; your trustworthiness to the clouds.
11 Exaltado seas sobre los cielos, oh ʼElohim. Y tu gloria sea por encima de toda la tierra.
God, your greatness is above the highest heavens; and your glory covers the whole earth!