< Salmos 44 >

1 Oh ʼElohim, escuchamos con nuestros oídos, Nos contaron nuestros antepasados Las obras que Tú hiciste en sus días, En los tiempos antiguos.
God, we ourselves have heard what our parents and grandparents told us. They told us about the miracles that you performed long ago.
2 Con tu mano expulsaste a las naciones Para establecerlos a ellos. Abatiste a los pueblos y los echaste.
[They told us] how you expelled the ungodly people and enabled us to live in their land. [They told us] that you punished those ungodly people and enabled your own people to prosper [IDM].
3 No poseyeron la tierra por su espada, Ni los libró su brazo, Sino tu mano derecha, tu brazo y la luz de tu rostro, Porque te complaciste en ellos.
It was not by using their own swords that they conquered the people that lived in that land, and it was not by their own power that they were victorious; it was only by your power [MTY, DOU] [that they did those things]; and they were sure that you were with them, and that showed that you were pleased with them.
4 Tú eres mi Rey, oh ʼElohim. ¡Ordena las victorias de Jacob!
You are my King and my God; it is you who enable us, your people [MTY], to defeat our enemies.
5 Por medio de Ti sacudiremos a nuestros enemigos. En tu Nombre pisotearemos a los que se levantan contra nosotros.
It is by your power that we knock our enemies down and tramp on them.
6 Porque no confiaré en mi arco, Ni mi espada me salvará.
I do not trust that I will be saved by using my bow [and arrows] and my sword.
7 Pero Tú nos salvaste de nuestros adversarios Y avergonzaste a los que nos aborrecen.
No, it is you who have rescued us from our enemies, it is you who have caused those who hate us to become ashamed [because they were defeated].
8 En ʼElohim nos gloriaremos todo el día Y alabaremos tu Nombre para siempre. (Selah)
We have continually boasted about what God [has done for us], and we will thank him [MTY] forever.
9 Pero nos desechaste y nos avergonzaste. No sales con nuestros ejércitos.
But [now] you have rejected us and caused us to be disgraced; when our armies march out [to fight a battle], you no [longer] go with them.
10 Nos haces retroceder del adversario. Los que nos aborrecen nos saquean.
You have caused us to run away from our enemies, with the result that they captured the things that belonged to us.
11 Nos entregas como ovejas para el matadero Y nos esparciste entre las naciones.
You have allowed us to become like [MET] sheep that were ready to be slaughtered; you scattered us [far away] among [other].
12 Vendes a tu pueblo por nada. Ningún beneficio exiges por ellos.
[It is as though] [MET] you sold us, your people, [to our enemies] for a very small price, and you did not gain much profit from selling us!
13 Nos convertiste en oprobio de nuestros vecinos, En escarnio y burla de los que nos rodean.
People who live in nations near us make fun of us; they laugh at us and deride/belittle us.
14 Nos pusiste como refrán entre las naciones, Un objeto de burla en medio de los pueblos.
They make jokes using the name of [our country], they shake their heads [to indicate that they despise us].
15 Todo el día mi deshonor está delante de mí Y la confusión cubre mi cara,
All day I feel disgraced; from seeing my face, people know that I am ashamed.
16 Por la voz del que me critica y deshonra Por causa del enemigo y del vengativo.
I hear what those who sneer at me and revile me say; I am ashamed in front of my enemies and those who want to harm me.
17 Todo esto nos vino, Pero no nos olvidamos de Ti, Ni fuimos infieles a tu Pacto.
All these things have happened to us [even] though we have not forgotten you, and we are not the ones who disobeyed the agreement you made with [our ancestors].
18 Nuestro corazón no se volvió atrás, Ni nuestros pasos se desviaron de tu senda.
We have not stopped being loyal to you, and we have not stopped doing what you want us to do [IDM].
19 Pero Tú nos aplastaste en un sitio de chacales, Y nos cubriste con la sombra de muerte.
But [it is as though] you have allowed us to be helpless among wild animals, and abandoned us in a deep dark [ravine].
20 Si nos olvidamos del Nombre de nuestro ʼElohim O alzamos nuestras manos a un ʼelohim extraño,
If we had forgotten to worship [MTY] our God, or if we had spread out our hands to [worship] a foreign god,
21 ¿ʼElohim no demandaría esto? Porque Él conoce los secretos del corazón.
you certainly would have known that, because you know [even] what we secretly think.
22 Pero por tu causa nos matan cada día. Somos considerados como ovejas para el matadero.
But it is because we belong to you, [that our enemies] are constantly killing us. They act toward us as though we were only sheep to be slaughtered.
23 Despiértate, ʼAdonay. ¿Por qué duermes? Despiértate, no nos rechaces para siempre.
[So], Yahweh, arise! Why are you asleep [RHQ]? Get up! Do not reject us forever!
24 ¿Por qué escondes tu rostro Y te olvidas de la aflicción y de nuestra opresión?
Why are you not looking at us? Why are you forgetting that we are suffering and being oppressed [by our enemies]?
25 Porque nuestra alma está agobiada hasta el polvo Y nuestro cuerpo está pegado a la tierra.
We are pushed down to the ground and we cannot get up.
26 Levántate, sé nuestra Ayuda. Redímenos por tu misericordia.
Arise, and come and help us! Rescue us because you faithfully love us!

< Salmos 44 >