< Salmos 16 >
1 Guárdame, oh ʼElohim, porque en Ti me refugio.
A writing of David. Keep me, O Lord; for I have hoped in you.
2 Dije a Yavé: Tú eres mi ʼAdonay. No tengo bien fuera de Ti.
I said to the Lord, You are my Lord; for you has no need of my goodness.
3 Para los santos y los íntegros que están en la tierra Es toda mi complacencia.
On behalf of the saints that are in his land, he has magnified all his pleasure in them.
4 Multiplicarán sus dolores los que sirven a otro ʼelohim. No derramaré sus libaciones de sangre, Ni estarán sus nombres en mis labios.
Their weaknesses have been multiplied; afterward they hasted. I will by no means assemble their bloody meetings, neither will I make mention of their names with my lips.
5 Yavé es la porción de mi herencia y de mi copa. Tú sustentas firmemente mi parcela.
The Lord is the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup: you are he that restores my inheritance to me.
6 Las cuerdas me cayeron en lugares deleitosos Y es hermosa la heredad que me corresponde.
The lines have fallen to me in the best places, yes, I have a most excellent heritage.
7 Bendeciré a Yavé que me aconseja, Aun en las noches me corrige las partes más íntimas de mi personalidad.
I will bless the Lord who has instructed me; my reins too have chastened me even till night.
8 A Yavé coloqué continuamente delante de mí. Porque está a mi derecha, no seré movido.
I foresaw the Lord always before my face; for he is on my right hand, that I should not be moved.
9 Por lo cual se alegra mi corazón, Y se regocija mi gloria. Mi cuerpo reposará también confiadamente,
Therefore my heart rejoiced an my tongue exulted; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:
10 Porque no abandonarás mi alma en el Seol, Ni permitirás que tu Santo experimente corrupción. (Sheol )
because you will not leave my soul in hell, neither will you suffer your Holy One to see corruption. (Sheol )
11 Me mostrarás la senda de la vida. En tu Presencia hay plenitud de gozo, Delicias a tu mano derecha para siempre.
You have made known to me the ways of life; you will fill me with joy with your countenance: at your right hand [there are] delights for ever.