< Salmos 149 >
1 ¡Aleluya! Canten a Yavé un canto nuevo Su alabanza esté en la congregación de los santos.
Praise Yahweh! Sing a new song to Yahweh, praise him whenever [his] faithful [people] gather together!
2 Alégrese Israel en su Hacedor. Regocíjense en su Rey los hijos de Sion.
[You] Israeli people, be glad because of [what God], who created you, [has done for you]! You people of Jerusalem, rejoice because of [what God] your king [has done for you]!
3 Alaben su Nombre con danza. Cántenle alabanzas con pandero y arpa.
Praise Yahweh by dancing, by beating/playing tambourines, and by playing harps to praise him!
4 Porque Yavé se complace en su pueblo, Embellecerá a los humildes con salvación.
Yahweh is pleased with his people; he honors humble [people] by helping them to defeat [their enemies].
5 Que los fieles exalten su gloria. Que canten con regocijo en sus camas.
God’s people should rejoice because they have won battles and they should sing joyfully all during the night!
6 Que enaltezcan a ʼEL con su boca, Con una espada de dos filos en su mano
They [MTY] should shout loudly to praise God; but [they should also hold] sharp swords in their hands,
7 Para ejecutar venganza sobre las naciones Y castigo sobre los pueblos,
[ready to use them] to defeat the [soldiers of] nations [that do not worship God], and to punish the people [of those nations],
8 Para atar a sus reyes con cadenas, Y a sus nobles con grilletes de hierro,
and to fasten the arms and legs of their kings and other leaders with iron chains,
9 Para ejecutar la sentencia escrita sobre ellos. Éste será un honor para todos sus fieles. ¡Aleluya! ¡Aleluya!
to judge [and punish] the people of those nations, like [God] wrote/declared [should be done]. It is (a privilege/an honor) for God’s faithful people to do that! Praise Yahweh!