< Proverbios 27 >
1 No te jactes del mañana, Pues no sabes lo que traerá el día.
Do not boast about [what you will do] tomorrow, because you do not know what will happen [PRS] on any day.
2 Alábete el otro y no tu propia boca, El extraño, y no tus propios labios.
Do not praise yourself [MTY, PRS]; allow others to praise you. If someone else praises you, that is okay.
3 Pesada es la piedra, y la arena pesa, Pero la incitación de un necio es más pesada que ambas.
[It causes pain to our bodies to carry heavy] stones or [a pail full of] sand, but doing something stupid/foolish [can cause] great [pain to other people’s spirits.]
4 Cruel es la ira e impetuoso el furor, Pero ¿quién puede mantenerse en pie ante la envidia?
It is cruel to be angry [with others], and our being angry sometimes destroys [others], but being jealous of someone is [RHQ] often more cruel than that.
5 Mejor es reprensión manifiesta, Que amor oculto.
It is better to correct someone openly than to show that you l don’t love that person [by not correcting him].
6 Leales son las heridas de un amigo, Pero engañosos los besos del que odia.
If a friend criticizes you, [he is a good friend and] you can trust him; but if one of your enemies kisses you, he is [probably wanting to] deceive you.
7 La persona saciada pisotea el panal, Pero para la hambrienta, hasta lo amargo [le] es dulce.
When someone’s stomach is full, he does not want to eat honey; but when someone is [very] hungry, he thinks that [even] bitter things taste sweet.
8 Cual ave que se va de su nido, Así es el hombre que se va de su lugar.
Anyone who wanders [far] from his home/family is like [SIM] a bird that is far from its nest.
9 Los ungüentos y los vinos alegran el corazón, Así el consejo de un hombre es dulce para su amigo.
[Putting olive] oil and perfume on a person’s skin causes him to feel good, but having a friend [who gives] good advice [is even better].
10 No abandones a tu amigo, ni al amigo de tu padre, Ni vayas a casa de tu hermano en el día de tu aflicción. Mejor es el vecino cerca que el hermano lejos.
Do not neglect your friends or your parents’ friends; and at a time when you are experiencing a disaster, do not go to a relative [who lives far away to request his help]; someone who lives near you can help you more than relatives who live far away.
11 Sé sabio, hijo mío, y alegra mi corazón, Así tendré que responder al que me ultraje.
My child/son, cause me to be happy by becoming wise, in order that I will [know how to] reply to those who would criticize me [about your behavior].
12 El prudente ve el mal y se aparta, Pero los ingenuos siguen, y reciben el daño.
Those who have good sense will realize that there is something dangerous ahead, and they will hide; those who do not have good sense [just] keep going, and later they will suffer because of [doing] that.
13 Quítale la ropa al que sale fiador de un extraño, Y tómale prenda al que confía en la mujer extraña.
[You deserve to] have your property taken from you if you [foolishly] promise to a stranger (OR, a strange woman) that you will pay what she owes if she is unable to pay it [DOU].
14 Al que bendice a su prójimo de madrugada a gritos Por maldición se le contará.
If you rise early in the morning and call out a greeting to your neighbor [while he is still sleeping], he will consider it to be a curse, [not a blessing].
15 Una gotera continua en tiempo de lluvia Y una esposa pendenciera son iguales.
[Having] a wife that is [constantly] nagging is as [bad as listening] to rain continually dripping on a rainy day.
16 Pretender refrenarla es como refrenar el viento, O sujetar aceite en la mano derecha.
[Trying] to restrain/stop her [from doing that] is as [difficult] [SIM] [as trying] to stop the wind or [trying] to hold oil in your hand.
17 El hierro con el hierro se afila. Así estimula el hombre el semblante de su amigo.
[We can use one] iron tool to sharpen [another] iron [tool]; similarly [SIM], [when one person shares] what he is thinking, it can help other people [to think more clearly].
18 El que cuida su higuera comerá higos, Y el que atiende los intereses de su ʼadón recibirá honores.
Those who take care of fig trees will have figs to eat; [similarly], servants who protect their master will be honored [by him].
19 Como el rostro se refleja en el agua, Así el corazón del hombre refleja al hombre.
[When a person looks] in the water, he sees his own face; similarly [SIM], [when we look at] a person’s behavior, we know what he is thinking.
20 El Seol y el Abadón no se sacian jamás. Así los ojos del hombre nunca se sacian. (Sheol )
[It is as though] the place where the dead people are is always wanting more people to [die and] come there; and humans [SYN] are always wanting to acquire more things, [too]. (Sheol )
21 El crisol prueba la plata y la hornaza el oro, Y al hombre, la boca del que lo alaba.
[Workers put] silver and gold in a very hot furnace [to burn out what is impure], and [SIM] people learn [what we are really like when they see how we react when people] praise us.
22 Aunque machaques al necio con el pisón del mortero entre el grano partido, Su necedad no se apartará de él.
Even if you beat/crush a fool severely [like] [MET] you pulverize grain with a pestle, you [probably] will not be able to cause him to stop (being foolish/doing foolish things).
23 Observa bien la condición de tus ovejas, Atiende tus rebaños.
Take good care of your flocks of sheep and herds of cattle,
24 Porque las riquezas no duran para siempre, Ni se transmite una corona de generación en generación.
because the money [that you acquired from selling animals previously] will not (last/stay with you) forever; similarly [SIM], governments [MTY] certainly do not [RHQ] last forever.
25 Salen las verduras, aparece el retoño Y los vegetales de las montañas son cosechados.
After you cut the hay [DOU] and [store it to feed the animals in the winter while] a new crop of hay is growing,
26 Las ovejas proveen tu ropa, Y las cabras el precio del campo,
you will be able to [shear the sheep and] make clothes from the wool, and you will get money from selling [some of] the goats to buy [more] land,
27 Las cabras proveen leche para tu alimento, Para el alimento de tu casa y el sustento de tus esclavas.
and you will get enough milk from the [other] goats for you and your family and your female servants.