< Proverbios 10 >

1 Proverbios de Salomón. El hijo sabio alegra al padre, Pero el hijo necio es tristeza de su madre.
These [are more] proverbs/wise sayings from Solomon: If children are wise, they cause their parents to be happy; but if children are foolish, they cause their parents to be very sad.
2 Los tesoros de perversidad no son de provecho, Pero la justicia libra de la muerte.
Money that you get by doing dishonest/wicked things will really not benefit you; but by living righteously you will live for (a long time/many years).
3 Yavé no deja padecer hambre al justo, Pero impide que se sacie el apetito de los perversos.
Yahweh does not allow righteous [people] to starve, but he will prevent wicked [people] from getting what they want.
4 La mano negligente empobrece, Pero la mano de los diligentes enriquece.
Lazy people [soon] become poor; it is those who work hard who become rich.
5 El que recoge en verano es hijo sensato, Pero el que duerme en la cosecha es un hijo que avergüenza.
Those who are wise, harvest the crops when they are ripe; it is shameful/disgraceful to sleep [and not work] during harvest time.
6 Hay bendiciones sobre la cabeza del justo, Pero la boca de los perversos oculta violencia.
Righteous [people will] be blessed [by God]; [the nice things] that wicked [people] say [MTY] [sometimes] conceal the fact that they [are planning to] act violently.
7 La memoria del justo será bendita, Pero el nombre del perverso se pudrirá.
After righteous [people die], other people are blessed as they remember [what those people did before they died]; but we will soon forget wicked people [MTY] after they die.
8 El sabio de corazón acepta los mandamientos, Pero el insensato charlatán se hunde.
Wise people heed good instruction/advice, but people who talk foolishly will ruin themselves.
9 El que camina en integridad anda confiado, Pero el que pervierte sus caminos será puesto en descubierto.
Honest people will be safe, but [others] (OR, God) will find out those who are dishonest.
10 El que guiña el ojo causa tristeza, Pero el que reprende francamente hace la paz.
Those who signal with their eyes [that they are about to do something that is wrong] cause trouble, but those who rebuke others truthfully cause them to be peaceful.
11 La boca del justo es manantial de vida, Pero la boca del necio oculta violencia.
What righteous [people] say [MTY] is [like] a fountain that (gives life/enables people to live many years) [MET], but what wicked [people] say [MTY] hides [the fact] that they intend to act violently.
12 El odio provoca rencillas, Pero el amor cubre todas las faltas.
When we hate others, it causes quarrels, but if we love others, we forgive them [for the wrong things that they do].
13 La sabiduría está en los labios del entendido, Pero la vara es para la espalda del que carece de entendimiento.
Those who have good sense say [MTY] what is wise, but people who do not have good sense must be punished.
14 Los sabios atesoran conocimiento, Pero la boca del necio es ruina cercana.
Wise people continue to learn all that they can, but when foolish people speak, they soon cause trouble.
15 La fortuna del rico es su fortaleza, La ruina de los necesitados es su pobreza.
The wealth that rich people have [protects them like a city is protected by a] strong wall around it [MET], but people who are poor suffer much [because they have no one to help them].
16 El salario del justo es para vida, El lucro del perverso, para pecado.
If you are righteous, your reward will be a good life, [but] all that sinful people gain is to sin more.
17 El que acepta la instrucción está en senda de vida, Pero el que desecha la reprensión se extravía.
Those who pay attention when others try to (correct them/teach them what they are doing that is wrong) will live (happily/for many years); but those who reject being rebuked will not find the road to life (OR, cause others to go astray).
18 Los labios rectos aplacan el odio, Pero el que esparce calumnia es un necio.
Those who will not admit that they hate [others] are liars, and those who slander [others] are foolish.
19 En las muchas palabras no falta pecado, Pero el que refrena sus labios es prudente.
When people talk a lot, that will lead them to sin a lot [by what they say]; if you are wise, you will refuse to say very much.
20 La boca del justo es plata pura, Pero el corazón del perverso es nada.
What righteous/good [people] say [MTY] is [as valuable as] pure silver [MET]; what wicked [people] think is worthless.
21 Los labios del justo nutren a muchos, Pero los necios mueren por falta de entendimiento.
What righteous [people] say [MTY] benefits many [people], but foolish people die because of the stupid [things that they do].
22 La bendición de Yavé es la que enriquece, Y Él no le añade tristeza.
Yahweh blesses [some people] by enabling them to become rich, and working hard will not make them to become richer (OR, and he will not also cause them to become sad).
23 La perversidad es como deporte para el necio. Así es la sabiduría para el hombre de entendimiento.
Foolish people (have fun/enjoy) doing what is wrong, but wise/sensible people enjoy doing what is wise.
24 Lo que teme el perverso, eso le vendrá, Pero el deseo de los justos les será concedido.
Righteous [people] will get the good things that they want/desire, but what wicked [people] are afraid of is what will happen to them.
25 Cuando pasa el remolino de viento, desaparece el perverso, Pero el justo tiene fundamento eterno.
When storms come, the wicked will (be blown away/never be safe), but righteous [people will] be safe forever.
26 Como vinagre a los dientes y humo a los ojos, Así es el perezoso para quienes lo comisionan.
We do not like a lazy person who refuses to do the job that he is given to do, [just] like we do not like vinegar in our mouths or smoke in our eyes.
27 El temor a Yavé aumenta los días, Pero los años de los perversos serán acortados.
If you revere Yahweh, you will live for a long time; but wicked [people] die before they become old.
28 La esperanza de los justos es alegría, Pero la esperanza de los perversos perecerá.
Righteous [people] confidently expect [that good things will happen to them], and that causes them to be happy/joyful; but when wicked [people] confidently expect something good to happen, it does not happen.
29 El camino de Yavé es fortaleza para el íntegro, Pero ruina para los malhechores.
Yahweh protects [MET] those who live righteously, but he destroys those who do what is evil.
30 El justo no será sacudido jamás, Pero los perversos no habitarán la tierra.
Righteous [people] will always be secure [LIT], but wicked people will be removed from their land (OR, from this earth).
31 La boca del justo destila sabiduría, Pero la lengua perversa será cortada.
Righteous people [MTY] say things that are wise, but [God] will shut the mouths of people [MTY] who say what is not true.
32 Los labios del justo destilan lo aceptable, Pero la boca de los perversos lo que es pervertido.
Righteous people [MTY] know what to say that is acceptable, but wicked [people] [MTY] are [constantly] saying things that are not true.

< Proverbios 10 >