< Joel 3 >
1 Ciertamente en aquellos días y en aquel tiempo, cuando Yo restaure de la cautividad a Judá y a Jerusalén,
[Yahweh says this]: “At that time [DOU], I will enable [the people of] Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah to prosper again.
2 reuniré a todas las naciones y las conduciré al valle de Josafat. Allí contenderé con ellas a favor de mi pueblo, mi heredad, porque dispersaron a Israel entre las naciones y se repartieron mi tierra.
[Then] in the Valley of Judgment I will gather together [the people of] all the [other] nations; I will judge [and punish] them because they scattered my Israeli people and forced them to go to other countries. They divided up my land
3 Sobre mi pueblo echaron suertes, cambiaron un muchacho por una prostituta y vendieron una niña por vino para poder beber.
and they (threw marked stones/cast lots) to determine who would get [each of] my people. Then they sold [some of] the Israeli boys and girls [to get money to pay] for prostitutes and wine to drink.
4 ¿Qué tienen Tiro, Sidón y toda Filistea contra Mí? ¿Quieren vengarse de Mí? Pues si de Mí tratan de vengarse, bien pronto haré que su venganza se vuelva sobre su cabeza,
You [people of] [APO] Tyre and Sidon [cities] and [you people of] the Philistia [region], I certainly have not [RHQ] done anything to harm you! [So] if you are trying to get revenge on me, I will very quickly get revenge on you.
5 porque tomaron mi plata y mi oro, mis cosas preciosas y hermosas, y las metieron en sus templos.
You have taken the silver and gold and [other] things from my temple and put them in your temples.
6 Vendieron los hijos de Judá y de Jerusalén a los hijos de los griegos para alejarlos de su territorio.
[You dragged away] the people of Jerusalem and [other places in] Judah, and you took them far away and sold them to people in Greece.
7 Pero Yo los sacaré del lugar donde los vendieron y haré recaer la paga sobre su cabeza.
But I will cause my people to want to return from the places to which you sold them, and I will do to you what you did to them.
8 Venderé sus hijos e hijas a los hijos de Judá, y ellos los venderán a los sabeos, una nación distante, pues Yavé habló.
Then I will cause [some of] your sons and your daughters to be sold to the people of Judah! And [some of] them will be sold to the Sabea people-group, who live far away. [That will certainly happen because I], Yahweh, have said it.”
9 ¡Pregónenlo a las naciones! ¡Prepárense para una guerra! ¡Levántense los hombres valientes! Todos los guerreros: ¡Acérquense y suban!
Proclaim to the [people of all] nations, “Prepare for a war! Summon your soldiers, and tell them to stand in their battle positions.
10 Con los arados forjen espadas y con sus hoces hagan lanzas. Diga el débil: ¡Soy fuerte!
[Take] your plows and make swords from them, and [take] your pruning knives and make spears from them. [Even] the weak people must [also] be like [MET] [strong] soldiers.
11 ¡Apresúrense y vengan, todas las naciones de alrededor, y reúnanse allí! ¡Oh Yavé, que bajen tus valientes!
All you [people from the] nations that are near [Judah] must come quickly and gather [in the Valley of Judgment].” But Yahweh, [when that happens], send your army [of angels to attack them]!
12 ¡Despiértense las naciones y acudan al valle de Josafat, porque allí me sentaré para juzgar a todas las naciones de alrededor!
The [people in] the nations near [Judah] must get ready and come to the Valley of Judgment. There Yahweh will sit and judge [and punish] them.
13 Metan la hoz, porque la cosecha está madura. Vengan y pisen, porque el lagar está lleno, y rebosan las tinajas, porque su maldad es mucha.
[They are like] [MET] crops that are ready to be harvested; so [strike them like] [MET] [a farmer] swings his sickle to cut the grain. They are like [MET] grapes that are piled high in the pits where they will be pressed; because they are very wicked, [punish them severely] [MET] now, like [MET] [a farmer] tramples on the grapes until the pits are full of juice.
14 ¡Multitudes y multitudes hay en el valle de la Decisión! ¡Cercano está el día de Yavé en el valle de la Decisión!
[There will be] huge crowds of people in that Valley of Judgment. It will soon be the time that Yahweh [will punish them].
15 El sol y la luna se oscurecen, y las estrellas no dan su resplandor.
[At that time] there will be no light from the sun or moon, and the stars will not shine.
16 Yavé ruge desde Sion. Da su voz desde Jerusalén y tiemblan los cielos y la tierra. Pero Yavé es la esperanza de su pueblo, la fortaleza de los hijos de Israel.
From Zion [Hill] in Jerusalem Yahweh will shout, and his voice will be like thunder, and his voice will cause the sky and the earth to shake. But Yahweh will protect [MET] his people; he will be like [MET] a strong wall behind which the people of Israel will be protected.
17 Entonces conocerán que Yo soy Yavé su ʼElohim, quien mora en Sion, mi Montaña Santa. Jerusalén será santa, y los extraños no pasarán más por ella.
[Yahweh says], “At that time, you Israeli people will know that I am Yahweh, your God. I live on Zion, my sacred hill. Jerusalem will be a sacred [city], and [soldiers from] other countries will never conquer it again.
18 En aquel día sucederá que las montañas destilarán vino dulce, las colinas manarán leche, las cañadas de Judá desbordarán de agua, y de la Casa de Yavé brotará un manantial que regará el valle de Sitim.
At that time, there will be vineyards covering [MTY] the hills, and [your cattle and goats on] those hills will produce plenty of milk. The streams in Judah will never dry up. And a stream will flow from my temple into the Acacia Valley [northeast of the Dead Sea].
19 Egipto será convertido en desolación, y Edom en un desierto asolado por la violencia hecha a los hijos de Judá, porque derramaron sangre inocente en su tierra.
[The armies of] Egypt and Edom attacked the people of Judah and killed [MTY] many people who had not done anything that was wrong. So [now] those countries will become deserts,
20 Pero Judá será ocupada para siempre, y Jerusalén, por todas las generaciones.
but there will always be people living in Jerusalem and [in other places] in Judea.
21 Limpiaré la sangre de los que no limpié. Y Yavé morará en Sion.
[I], Yahweh, live on Zion [Hill in Jerusalem], and I will get revenge on the people [of Egypt and Edom] who killed [MTY] [many of my people].”