< Job 18 >
1 Entonces Bildad suhita respondió:
And he answered Bildad the Shuhite and he said.
2 ¿Hasta cuándo tenderás trampa con palabras? Recapacita, y después hablemos.
Until when? - will you make! ends of words you will consider and after we will speak.
3 ¿Por qué somos considerados como animales y como torpes ante ti?
Why? are we regarded like cattle are we considered stupid? in view your.
4 Tú, que te desgarras en tu furor, ¿será abandonada la tierra por tu causa, o serán removidas las peñas de su sitio?
O [one who] tears self his in anger his ¿ for sake your may it be abandoned [the] earth so it may move? a rock from place its.
5 Ciertamente la luz de los impíos es apagada, y la luz de su fuego no resplandece.
Also [the] light of wicked [people] it is extinguished and not it shines [the] flame of fire his.
6 La luz de su vivienda está oscura, porque su lámpara es apagada.
[the] light It grows dark in tent his and lamp his above him it is extinguished.
7 Los pasos de su vigor son acortados, y su propio designio lo derribará.
They are restricted [the] steps of vigor his and it throws down him own plan[s] his.
8 Porque sus propios pies lo echarán en la red y deambula en la maraña.
For he is caught in a net by feet his and on a network he walks about.
9 Una trampa lo atrapa por el talón, y se aferra la trampa contra él.
It takes hold on a heel a trap it takes hold on him a snare.
10 Una trampa está oculta en la tierra para él, y una trampa lo espera en el sendero.
[is] hidden On the ground rope his and trap his on [the] path.
11 De todas partes lo asaltan los terrores y lo hostigan a cada paso.
All around they terrify him sudden terror and they scatter him to feet his.
12 Su vigor se desgasta por el hambre, y la calamidad está lista a su lado.
It is hungry trouble his and disaster [is] prepared for stumbling his.
13 La enfermedad carcome su piel, y el primogénito de la muerte devora sus miembros.
It consumes [the] parts of skin his it consumes parts his [the] firstborn of death.
14 Su confianza será removida de su vivienda, y él será arrastrado ante el rey de los espantos.
He is torn away from tent his trust his and it makes march him to [the] king of sudden terror.
15 El fuego estará en su casa, y azufre será esparcido sobre su vivienda.
It dwells in tent his because not [belonging] to him it is scattered over estate his sulfur.
16 Desde abajo se secan sus raíces, y desde arriba se marchita su ramaje.
Beneath roots his they are dried up and above it withers branch[es] his.
17 Su recuerdo desaparece de la tierra, y ya no tendrá nombre en las calles.
Memory his it perishes from [the] earth and not a name [belongs] to him on [the] face of [the] street.
18 De la luz es empujado a la oscuridad, y es echado fuera del mundo.
People drive him from light into darkness and from [the] world they chase away him.
19 No tiene futuras generaciones ni descendiente en su pueblo, ni sobreviviente en sus viviendas.
Not posterity [belongs] to him and not progeny [is] among people his and there not [is] a survivor in sojourning-places his.
20 Los que vienen del oeste se asombran de su destino, y los que viven en el este se aterrorizan de espanto.
On day his they are appalled [those] behind and [those] before they take hold of a shudder.
21 Ciertamente así son las moradas del perverso, y tal el lugar del que no conoce a ʼElohim.
Surely these [are] [the] dwelling places of an evil-doer and this [is the] place of [one who] not he knows God.