< Jeremías 21 >

1 La Palabra de Yavé que vino a Jeremías, cuando el rey Sedequías le envió a Pasur, hijo de Malquías y al sacerdote Sofonías, hijo de Maasías, para que le dijeran:
Yahweh gave me another message when King Zedekiah [of Judah] sent [a man who was also named] Pashhur, the son of Malkijah, and a priest named Zephaniah, the son of Maaseiah, [to talk to me. They pleaded with me], saying,
2 Te ruego que consultes a Yavé por nosotros, porque Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia, guerrea contra nosotros. Tal vez Yavé nos trate según todas sus maravillosas obras, a fin de que aquél se retire de nosotros.
“[The army of] King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon is attacking Judah. Please speak to Yahweh for us. [Ask him if he will help us]. Perhaps he will force Nebuchadnezzar’s [army] to leave by performing a miracle for us, like the miracles he performed [previously].”
3 Y Jeremías les respondió: Digan así a Sedequías:
I replied to them, “[Go back to King] Zedekiah. Tell him,
4 Yavé ʼElohim de Israel dice: Miren, Yo devuelvo las armas de guerra que están en manos de ustedes, con las cuales combaten contra el rey de Babilonia a los caldeos, quienes los tienen sitiados por fuera del muro. A ellos los reuniré en medio de esta ciudad.
‘This is what Yahweh, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], says: “I will cause your weapons to be useless in fighting against the king of Babylon and his army that is outside the walls of Jerusalem, attacking. I will enable them to enter into the center of this city.
5 Yo mismo pelearé contra ustedes con mano extendida y brazo fuerte, con furor, ira y ardiente indignación.
I myself will fight against your [army] with my very great power, [MTY, DOU] because I am very angry with you.
6 Heriré a los que viven en la ciudad, tanto al hombre como a la bestia, los cuales morirán de gran pestilencia.
I will send a very (terrible plague/big sickness) on the people of this city, and on their domestic animals, and [many of] them will die.”
7 Después de esto, dice Yavé, entregaré a Sedequías, rey de Judá, a sus esclavos y al pueblo, a los que escapen en esta ciudad de la pestilencia, la espada y el hambre, en mano de Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia, de los demás enemigos y de los que buscan sus vidas. Él los matará a filo de espada. No tendrá compasión de ellos, ni perdonará, ni tendrá misericordia.
And Yahweh says there are many people in this city who want to kill you. So, he will enable [the army of] King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and other people in this city to capture [you], King Zedekiah, and your officials, and [all the other] people who do not die from the plague. His army will slaughter your soldiers; they will not act mercifully toward you(pl) or pity you at all. [DOU]’
8 Y a este pueblo le dirás: Yavé dice: Ciertamente Yo pongo delante de ustedes el camino de la vida y el de la muerte.
And tell this to [all] the people: ‘Yahweh says that you must decide whether you want to die or to remain alive.
9 El que permanezca en esta ciudad morirá a espada, de hambre y de pestilencia. Pero el que salga y se entregue a los caldeos que los asedian, vivirá. Su vida le será como despojo.
Everyone who remains in Jerusalem will die. They will be killed in battles or die from being hungry or from diseases. But those who surrender to the army of Babylon that is surrounding your city will remain alive. They will escape dying.
10 Porque levanté mi rostro contra esta ciudad para mal y no para bien, dice Yavé. Será entregada en mano del rey de Babilonia, quien la destruirá con fuego.
[That will happen] because I, Yahweh, have decided to cause this city to experience disasters, not to experience something good. The army of the king of Babylon will capture this city and will destroy it [completely] by fire.’”
11 Y a la casa del rey de Judá dirás: Oigan la Palabra de Yavé:
[Yahweh also told me to] say this to the family of the king of Judah: “Listen to this message from Yahweh!
12 Oh casa de David, Yavé dice: Vayan pronto a administrar justicia. Libren al oprimido de la mano del opresor. Para que mi ira no salga como fuego, se encienda, y no haya quien la extinga a causa de la maldad de sus obras.
This is what he says to you descendants of King David: ‘Every day, make fair decisions for the people whom you judge. Help those who have been robbed. Rescue/Save them from those [SYN] who (oppress them/treat them cruelly). If you do not do that, I will be angry and punish [MTY] you with a fire that will be impossible to extinguish, because of [all] the sins that you have committed.
13 Aquí estoy contra ti, oh habitante del valle y de la roca de la llanura, dice Yavé. Ustedes que dicen: ¿Quién bajará contra nosotros? ¿Quién entrará en nuestras habitaciones?
I will fight against you people [of Jerusalem], you who live on top of a rocky hill above the valley. [I will fight against] you people who boast, saying, “No one can attack us and break through [our defenses].”
14 Los castigaré según el fruto de sus obras, dice Yavé. Encenderé un fuego en su bosque que devorará todo alrededor de él.
I will punish you for your wicked deeds like you deserve to be punished; [It will be as though] I will light a fire in your forests that will burn up everything around you!’”

< Jeremías 21 >