< Isaías 60 >

1 ¡Levántate, resplandece, porque llegó tu Luz! ¡La gloria de Yavé resplandeció sobre ti!
Arise shine for it has come light your and [the] glory of Yahweh on you it has dawned.
2 En verdad, la tenebrosidad cubrirá la tierra, densa oscuridad, a los pueblos. Pero Yavé resplandecerá sobre ti, y aparecerá su gloria sobre ti.
For there! darkness it will cover [the] earth and thick darkness peoples and on you he will dawn Yahweh and glory his over you it will appear.
3 Los gentiles acudirán a tu luz, los reyes, al resplandor de tu amanecer.
And they will come nations to light your and kings to [the] brightness of dawn your.
4 Levanta tus ojos alrededor y mira. Todos ellos se reunieron y vinieron a ti. Tus hijos vendrán de lejos y tus hijas serán traídas en brazos.
Lift up all around eyes your and see all of them they have gathered together they have come to you sons your from a distance they will come and daughters your on a hip they will be carried.
5 Entonces verás y resplandecerás. Tu corazón se maravillará y se regocijará porque vuelve a ti la abundancia del mar. La riqueza de las naciones viene a ti.
Then you will see and you will be radiant and it will be in awe and it will be enlarged heart your for it will be turned over on you [the] abundance of [the] sea [the] wealth of nations they will come to you.
6 Una multitud de camellos te cubrirá, dromedarios de Madián y de Efa. Vendrán todos los de Sabá. Traerán oro e incienso, y proclamarán las alabanzas de Yavé.
A multitude of camels it will cover you [the] young camels of Midian and Ephah all of them from Sheba they will come gold and frankincense they will carry and [the] praises of Yahweh they will bear news.
7 Serán reunidos para ti todos los rebaños de Cedar, los carneros de Nebaiot te servirán. Subirán como ofrenda agradable sobre mi altar, y glorificaré el esplendor de mi Casa.
Every flock of Kedar they will gather to you [the] rams of Nebaioth they will serve you they will go up on acceptance altar my and [the] house of splendor my I will beautify.
8 ¿Quiénes son éstos que vuelan como nubes, y como palomas a su palomar?
Who? [are] these like cloud they fly and like doves to openings their.
9 Ciertamente, las costas esperarán en Mí. Las naves de Tarsis vendrán a la cabeza. Traerán a tus hijos de lejos con su plata y su oro por causa del Nombre de Yavé tu ʼElohim y del Santo de Israel, Quien te llenó de esplendor.
For for me - islands they will wait and [the] ships of Tarshish [will be] at the first [place] to bring children your from a distance silver their and gold their [will be] with them to [the] name of Yahweh God your and to [the] holy [one] of Israel for he has glorified you.
10 Extranjeros reedificarán tus muros, y sus reyes te servirán. Aunque te castigué en mi furor, en mi buena voluntad tendré misericordia de ti.
And they will rebuild sons of foreignness walls your and kings their they will serve you for in wrath my I struck you and in favor my I have had compassion on you.
11 Tus puertas estarán continuamente abiertas. No serán cerradas de día ni de noche, para que las riquezas de las naciones sean traídas a ti, y sus reyes conducidos a ti.
And they will be open gates your continually by day and night not they will be shut to bring to you [the] wealth of nations and kings their [will be] led.
12 Porque la nación o el reino que no te sirva perecerá. Esa nación será completamente destruida.
For the nation and the kingdom which not they will serve you they will perish and the nations certainly they will become desolate.
13 Vendrá a ti el esplendor del Líbano con el ciprés, el abeto y el pino, para hermosear el lugar de mi Santuario. Yo haré esplendoroso el estrado de mis pies.
[the] splendor of Lebanon to you it will come cypress elm and box tree together to beautify [the] place of sanctuary my and [the] place of feet my I will glorify.
14 Los hijos de los que te afligieron vendrán encorvados a ti, y los que te escarnecieron se postrarán a las plantas de tus pies. Te llamarán Ciudad de Yavé, Sion del Santo de Israel.
And they will come to you by bowing down [the] children of [those who] afflicted you and they will bow down to [the] soles of feet your all [those who] despised you and they will call you [the] city of Yahweh Zion of [the] holy [one] of Israel.
15 Aunque fuiste abandonada y aborrecida, sin que nadie transitara por ti, Yo te convierto en esplendor perpetuo, el gozo de todas las generaciones.
In place of being you forsaken and hated and there not [was one who] passed through and I will make you an exaltation of perpetuity a joy of a generation and a generation.
16 Mamarás la leche de las naciones y el pecho de los reyes. Entenderás que Yo, Yavé, soy tu Salvador, tu Redentor, el Fuerte de Jacob.
And you will suck [the] milk of nations and [the] breast of kings you will suck and you will know that I Yahweh [am] deliverer your and redeemer your [the] mighty one of Jacob.
17 En lugar de bronce, te traeré oro. En lugar de hierro, te traeré plata. En lugar de madera, bronce. En lugar de piedras, hierro. Te daré la paz como administrador, y la justicia como supervisor.
In place of the bronze I will bring gold and in place of the iron I will bring silver and in place of the wood bronze and in place of the stone iron and I will make overseer[s] your peace and taskmasters your righteousness.
18 No se oirá más en tu tierra: ¡Violencia! Ni dentro de tus fronteras: ¡Ruina! ¡Destrucción! Tus muros se llamarán Salvación, y tus puertas Alabanza.
Not it will be heard again violence in land your devastation and destruction in territories your and you will call salvation walls your and gates your praise.
19 El sol nunca jamás te servirá como luz de día, ni el resplandor de la luna te alumbrará. Yavé será tu Luz perpetua. El ʼElohim tuyo será tu Esplendor.
Not it will be to you again the sun for light by day and for brightness the moon not it will shine for you and he will become to you Yahweh a light of perpetuity and God your splendor your.
20 Tu sol no se ocultará jamás, ni menguará tu luna, porque Yavé será tu Luz perpetua. Los días de tu luto terminarán.
Not it will go again sun your and moon your not it will be removed for Yahweh he will become of you a light of perpetuity and they will be complete [the] days of mourning your.
21 Tu pueblo, todos ellos justos, heredarán para siempre la tierra, retoños de mi plantío, obra de mis manos, para que Yo sea glorificado.
And people your all of them [will be] righteous for ever they will possess [the] land [the] shoot of (planting my *Q(K)*) [the] work of hands my to glorify myself.
22 El más pequeño equivaldrá a 1.000, y el menor a una nación poderosa. Yo, Yavé, apresuraré esto en su tiempo.
The small he will become [the] thousand and the little a nation mighty I [am] Yahweh at appropriate time its I will hasten it.

< Isaías 60 >