< Isaías 52 >

1 ¡Despierta! ¡Despierta! Cúbrete con tu poder, oh Sion. Cúbrete con tu ropa de gala, oh Jerusalén, Ciudad Santa. Porque nunca jamás volverá a entrar en ti algún incircunciso o impuro.
[You people who live in the] holy city of Jerusalem [APO], wake up! Be strong again! Show that [MTY] your city is beautiful and glorious; foreigners who do not believe in God will not enter your city again [to attack you].
2 Sacúdete el polvo, ponte en pie. Siéntate, oh Jerusalén. Desata las ataduras de tu cuello, oh cautiva hija de Sion.
People of Jerusalem, get up from [humbly] sitting in the dust and sit in places where people are honored! You people who have returned from being exiled, take off from your neck the chains which were fastened around you [as slaves in Babylonia],
3 Porque Yavé dice: Ustedes fueron vendidos por nada y serán rescatados sin dinero.
because this is what Yahweh says: “[When you were taken to Babylonia], no one paid me for doing that. So now I will bring you back without [being required to] pay for you!”
4 Pues Yavé dice: En el pasado mi pueblo bajó a Egipto para vivir allá. Luego el asirio los oprimió sin causa.
Yahweh [our] Lord [also] says this: “Long ago, my people went to Egypt to live there. [Later] they were being (oppressed/treated cruelly) by [the soldiers of] Assyria.
5 Y ahora, ¿qué hago Yo aquí, dice Yavé, cuando mi pueblo es llevado sin causa? Sus dominadores se mofan, dice Yavé, y todo el día, sin cesar, blasfeman mi Nombre.
But now think about what is happening: My people are being forced to be slaves again, this time by the [people of Babylonia]. And [those who have conquered them this time have also] paid me nothing, and they despise me [MTY] continually [DOU].
6 Por esta causa mi pueblo reconocerá mi Nombre en aquel día, porque Yo soy el que dice: ¡Estoy aquí!
But my people will then have a close relationship with [MTY] me, and when that happens, they will know that I am the one who predicted/promised [that it would happen]. It is I, [Yahweh, who will do it].”
7 ¡Cuán hermosos son sobre las montañas los pies del que trae buenas noticias, del que anuncia la paz, del que llega con las buenas noticias, del que anuncia la salvación, del que dice a Sion: Tu ʼElohim reina!
It is a wonderful thing when messengers [MTY] arrive on the mountains/hills, bringing good news, the news about [God giving us] peace and saving us, the news that the God to whom we [Israeli people] belong is now ruling/king!
8 Voz de tus vigilantes. Juntamente alzan la voz y dan gritos de júbilo, porque ven cara a cara a Yavé Quien vuelve a Sion.
The watchmen [who are guarding the city] will shout and sing joyfully, because while they are watching they will see Yahweh returning to Jerusalem.
9 Prorrumpan en júbilo, canten juntas, oh ruinas de Jerusalén. Porque Yavé consuela a su pueblo. Redimió a Jerusalén.
Jerusalem has been ruined, but the people who are there now should start to sing joyfully, because Yahweh will encourage his people; he will set his people free and bring them back to Jerusalem.
10 Yavé descubrió su santo brazo a la vista de todas las naciones. Todos los confines de la tierra verán la salvación de nuestro ʼElohim.
Yahweh will show all the nations that he is holy and powerful. People in the most remote/distant places on earth will know that he has rescued his people.
11 Apártense, apártense, salgan de allí. No toquen cosa impura. Salgan de en medio de ella. Purifíquense los que llevan los utensilios de Yavé.
So, leave [the places where you were taken to when you were captured], where [everything is] unacceptable to God. You men who carry the items used for the worship of Yahweh, leave there [and return to Jerusalem], and purify yourselves [in order to be acceptable to worship God].
12 No saldrán apresurados ni se irán huyendo, porque delante de ustedes irá Yavé, y en la retaguardia el ʼElohim de Israel.
But it will not [be necessary] for you to leave suddenly, to flee in panic, because Yahweh will (go in front of/lead) you; and he will [also] protect you [from being attacked] at the rear [while you travel].
13 Miren, mi Esclavo será prosperado y engrandecido. Será exaltado y levantado muy en alto.
[Yahweh says], “Listen carefully! My servant will act wisely (OR, do the right things to accomplish what he wants to), and I will highly exalt him.”
14 De la manera como muchos se asombraron de ti, [pueblo mío], así su apariencia fue desfigurada, más que la de cualquier hombre, y su aspecto, más que el de los hijos de hombres.
But many people will be appalled when they see what has happened to him. [Because of his being beaten very badly], his appearance will be changed; people will hardly recognize that he is a human.
15 Asombrará a muchas naciones. Los reyes cerrarán la boca ante Él, porque verán lo que nunca fue relatado y comprenderán lo que nunca oyeron.
But he will cause [people of] many nations to be surprised; [even] kings will be silent when they stand in front of him, because they will see someone that no one had told them about [previously], and they will understand things that they had not heard about [before].

< Isaías 52 >