< Isaías 48 >

1 Escuchen esto, oh casa de Jacob, ustedes, que llevan el nombre de Israel y brotan de la fuente de Judá, que juran por el Nombre de Yavé e invocan al ʼElohim de Israel, pero no con verdad ni con justicia.
[Yahweh says], “You descendants [MTY] of Jacob, who are [also] descendants of Judah and are now called [the people of] Israel, Listen to me! You make solemn promises using my name, Yahweh, and you request that I, the God to whom you Israeli people belong, [will hear you], but you do not do it sincerely.
2 Porque ellos se identifican con la Ciudad Santa y se apoyan en el ʼElohim de Israel, cuyo Nombre es Yavé de las huestes.
You say that you live in the holy city [of Jerusalem], and [you insincerely say] that you are relying on me, the God to whom you [people of] Israel belong, the one who is the Commander of the armies of angels.
3 Las cosas primeras las anuncié con anticipación. De mi boca salieron. Yo las anuncié. De repente las hice y existieron.
Long ago I [MTY] predicted what would happen [DOU]. And then suddenly, I caused those things to happen.
4 Porque sé que eres obstinado. Tu nuca es un tendón de hierro y tu frente es de bronce.
I knew that you people are very stubborn; I knew that your heads are [MET] [as hard as] iron or brass [DOU].
5 Por eso te lo anuncié con anticipación. Antes de suceder te lo anuncié, para que no digas: Mi ídolo lo hizo. Mi imagen de escultura o de fundición ordenó estas cosas.
That is why I told you those things long ago. Long before they occurred, I announced that they would occur, in order that [when they happened] you could not say ‘Our idols did it; our statue made of wood and our idol made of metal caused them to happen.’
6 Lo oíste y lo viste todo. ¿Y no lo anuncian ustedes? Desde ahora te hago saber cosas nuevas, cosas ocultas, que tú no sabes.
You have heard those things [that I predicted] and now you have seen that they have all occurred, so why do you not admit it [RHQ]? Now I will tell you new things, things that you have not known previously.
7 Ahora fueron creadas y no desde hace tiempo, ni las oíste antes de hoy para que no digas: Ciertamente yo lo sabía.
I am causing them to happen now; they are not things I did long ago. So you cannot say, ‘We already knew about those things.’
8 No habías oído con respecto a ellas, ni las conociste, aún no estaba abierto tu oído, porque Yo sabía que tú eres desleal e ibas a desobedecer. Por tanto, desde el vientre te llamé rebelde.
[I will tell you about] things that you have never heard about or understood before. Even long ago you did not pay attention to me [IDM]. I know that you act very deceitfully/treacherously; you have rebelled against me since you first became a nation [MTY].
9 Por causa de mi Nombre refreno mi ira. Para alabanza mía la reprimo a fin de no destruirte.
But, for my own sake, in order that I will be honored, I will not punish [MTY] you immediately and I will not completely get rid of you.
10 Mira, te purifiqué, pero no como a plata. Te probé en el crisol de la aflicción.
I have purified you, but not the way [people refine] silver. Instead, I have caused you to suffer very much [to get rid of your impure behavior], like [MET] [people put metal in a very hot] furnace [to get rid of the impurities].
11 Por Mí, por amor a Mí mismo lo hago, para que mi Nombre no sea profanado, porque a otro no daré mi gloria.
But for my [MTY] own sake I will delay punishing you more; I will do it for my own sake in order that my reputation will not be damaged [RHQ]. I will not allow any [person or any idol] to be honored as I [deserve to be] honored.”
12 Escúchame, oh Jacob, tú oh Israel, a quien llamé. Yo soy. Soy el Primero, también soy el Último.
“You descendants [MTY] of Jacob, you people of Israel whom I have chosen, listen to me! [Only] I am God; I am the one who begins everything and who causes everything to end.
13 Ciertamente mi mano fundó la tierra y mi mano derecha extendió los cielos. Cuando Yo los llamo, ellos se presentan juntamente.
I [SYN] am the one who laid the foundation of the earth. I stretched out the sky with my hand. And when I tell [the stars] to appear, they all do what I tell them.
14 Reúnanse todos ustedes y escuchen: ¿Quién de ustedes predijo estas cosas? Aquél a quien Yavé ama cumplirá la voluntad de Él en Babilonia, y su brazo actuará sobre los caldeos.
All of you, gather together and listen to me. None of your idols has [RHQ] told this to you: I, Yahweh, have chosen [Cyrus] to assist me, and he will do to Babylon what I want him to do, and his army will get rid of [the army of] Babylonia.
15 Yo, Yo mismo hablé y Yo lo llamé. Lo traje y prosperaré su camino.
I have said it; I have summoned [Cyrus]. I have appointed him, and he will accomplish everything that he attempts to do.
16 Acérquense a Mí y escuchen esto: Yo no hago predicciones en secreto. Cuando suceden, Yo ya estoy allí. Y ahora me envió ʼAdonay Yavé y su Espíritu.
Come close to me and listen to what I say. Long ago [MTY] I told you plainly/clearly [LIT] [what would happen], and when those things occurred, I was [causing them to happen].” And now Yahweh the Lord and his Spirit have sent me [to give you a message].
17 Yavé tu Redentor, el Santo de Israel, dice: Yo soy Yavé tu ʼElohim, Quien te enseña para provecho, y te conduce en el camino por el cual debes andar.
This is what Yahweh, the one who saves you, the Holy God of [us] Israelis, says: “I am Yahweh, your God; I teach you what is important for you [to know]; I direct you and lead you to the roads that you should walk on [MET].
18 Si atiendes mis Mandamientos, entonces tu paz será como un río y tu justicia como las olas del mar.
I wish that you had paid attention to my commands! If you had done that, things would have gone well for you like [SIM] a river that flows gently; you would have been successful again and again, like [SIM] waves that come without ceasing.
19 Tu descendencia será como la arena, las ramas de tus órganos internos como sus granos y tu nombre nunca será cortado ni raído de mi Presencia.
Your descendants would have been [as many as] [MET] the grains of sand [on the seashore] [which no one can count]. I would not have needed to get rid of you; the country of [MTY] [Israel] would not have been destroyed.”
20 ¡Salgan de Babilonia! ¡Huyan de los caldeos! ¡Anuncien con voz de júbilo y proclámenlo! ¡Publíquenlo hasta los confines de la tierra! Digan: ¡Yavé redimió a su esclavo Jacob!
[However, now I tell you], leave Babylon! Flee from [being slaves of the people of] Babylonia! Proclaim this message joyfully; send it to the most remote/distant places on the earth: Yahweh freed the people of Israel [from being slaves in Egypt].
21 No padecieron sed cuando los guió por el desierto. Hizo brotar agua de la roca para ellos. Partió la peña, y corrieron aguas.
They were not thirsty when he led them through the desert, because he split open the rock and caused water to gush/flow out for them [to drink].
22 No hay paz para los perversos, dice Yavé.
“But things will not go well [like that] for wicked people,” says Yahweh.

< Isaías 48 >