< Isaías 3 >

1 Porque ciertamente ʼAdonay Yavé de las huestes aparta de Jerusalén y de Judá toda provisión y apoyo, toda provisión de pan y toda provisión de agua,
The Commander of the armies of angels is about to take away from Jerusalem and [other places in] Judea everything that you depend on— all your food and water.
2 al poderoso y al guerrero, al juez y al profeta, al adivino y al anciano,
He will take away your heroes and your [other] soldiers, your judges and your prophets, people who do rituals to find out what will happen in the future and the elders,
3 al capitán de 50, al honorable, al consejero, al excelente artesano y al práctico encantador.
army officers and [other] officials, advisors and skilled craftsmen and those who perform rituals to predict the future.
4 Les designaré muchachos como gobernantes, y la arbitrariedad los dominará.
He will appoint boys to be your leaders; your children will rule you.
5 Brotará entre el pueblo la violencia de unos contra otros, cada uno contra su compañero. El joven se levantará contra el anciano y el inferior contra el honorable.
People will treat each other cruelly: people will fight against their neighbors. Young people will insult older people, and vulgar/dishonorable people will sneer at people who should be honored.
6 Cuando alguno tome de la mano a su hermano en la casa de su padre y le diga: Tú tienes ropa, sé nuestro gobernante y toma esta ruina en tus manos.
At that time, someone will grab one of his brothers in his father’s house and say to him, “You have a coat, [which shows that you are respected]. [So] you be our leader! You rule this [city, which is now] a pile of ruins!”
7 Él alzará su voz en aquel día: No seré su médico, porque en mi casa no hay pan ni ropa. No deben designarme como gobernador del pueblo.
[But] his brother will reply, “[No], I cannot help you, [because] I do not have [any extra] food or clothes in this house. [So] do not appoint me to be your leader!”
8 Porque Jerusalén se derrumbó y Judá cayó, pues sus palabras y hechos son contra Yavé para provocar los ojos de su majestad.
Jerusalem and [the other towns in] Judah will be destroyed, because [everything] that the people do and say there opposes Yahweh, who is powerful and glorious, and they refuse to obey him. They rebel against him.
9 La expresión de sus semblantes atestigua contra ellos, porque como Sodoma despliegan su pecado y no lo disimulan. ¡Ay de ellos, porque trajeron la desgracia sobre ellos mismos!
They even show on their faces that [they oppose Yahweh]. They are proud of their sins, like [the people of] Sodom were [long ago]; they do not try to hide their sins. [Because of their sins], terrible things will happen to them, [but] they will bring those disasters on themselves.
10 Digan a los justos que les irá bien, porque comerán del fruto de sus obras.
[Yahweh told me to] tell the righteous people that good things will happen to them; they will enjoy the blessings that they will receive for their good deeds.
11 ¡Ay de los impíos! Les irá mal, porque las obras de sus manos serán su recompensa.
[But] terrible things will happen to wicked people; they will be (paid back/punished) for [the evil things that] [MTY] they have done.
12 Los opresores de mi pueblo son muchachos, y mujeres se enseñorean de él. Pueblo mío, los que te guían te engañan y tuercen el rumbo de tus caminos.
[Now], youths [who have become leaders] treat my people cruelly, and women rule over my people. My people, your leaders are misleading you; they are causing you to go down the wrong road [MET].
13 Yavé está en pie para litigar, y para juzgar a los pueblos.
[It is as though] Yahweh has sat in his place in a courtroom and is ready to judge his people.
14 Yavé vendrá a juicio contra los ancianos y gobernantes de su pueblo. Porque ustedes devoraron la viña, y el despojo para el pobre está en sus casas.
He will stand up to declare why the elders and rulers of his people should be punished: [he says], “The people of Israel are [like] [MET] a vineyard that I planted, but you have ruined it! Your houses are full of things that you have stolen from poor people.
15 ¿Cuáles motivos tienen para aplastar a mi pueblo y moler los semblantes de los pobres? Palabra de ʼAdonay Yavé de las huestes.
You should stop [RHQ] crushing my people! [It is as though] you are pushing the faces of poor people into the dirt!” [That is what] the Commander of the armies of angels says.
16 Además Yavé dice: Porque las hijas de Sion son orgullosas y caminan con cabezas altas y ojos seductores, andan con pasitos amanerados y hacen sonar las argollas que llevan sobre sus pies.
Yahweh says this: “The women of Jerusalem are haughty/proud; they walk around sticking their chins out, and flirting [with men] with their eyes. They walk with tiny steps with bracelets on their ankles that jingle.
17 Cubrirá con costras las coronillas de las hijas de Sion. Yavé hará que estén desnudas.
So I, Yahweh, will cause sores to be on their heads, and I will cause those beautiful women in Jerusalem to become bald.”
18 Aquel día ʼAdonay quitará las argollas y las lunetas de sus tobillos,
At the time [that Yahweh does that], he will strip away everything that the women of Jerusalem wear to make themselves beautiful—the ornaments on their ankles and their headbands, their crescent necklaces,
19 los aretes, los brazaletes, las pulseras, los velos,
their earrings and bracelets and veils,
20 las tocas, las cadenillas tobilleras, las fajas, los pomos de perfume, los amuletos,
their scarves and ankle bracelets and sashes, their perfumes and (charms/little things that they wear thinking that those things will protect them from evil),
21 los anillos, las narigueras,
their signet rings and nose rings,
22 las ropas festivas, los mantos, los chales, los bolsos,
their nice robes and capes and cloaks and purses,
23 los espejos, las capas internas de lino, las tiaras y las mantillas.
their mirrors and nice linen clothes and shawls.
24 Sucederá que en lugar de perfume habrá hediondez; en lugar de cinturón, cuerda; en lugar de trenza, calvicie; en lugar de amplio manto, tela áspera, y en lugar de hermosura, cicatriz.
Instead of their having a nice smell from perfume, they will stink; instead of nice sashes, they will have ropes [around their waists because they will be captives]. Instead of having fancy hairdos, they will be bald. Instead of fancy/beautiful robes, they will wear rough sackcloth, and instead of being beautiful, they will be branded.
25 Tus varones y tus poderosos en la batalla caerán a espada.
Their husbands will be killed by [their enemies’] swords, and their soldiers [will also die] in battles.
26 Sus puertas se entristecerán y se enlutarán. Desolada se sentará en la tierra.
People [PRS] will mourn and cry at the gates [of the city]. The city will [be like] [MET] a woman who sits on the ground because everything that she owned is gone.

< Isaías 3 >