< Isaías 18 >

1 Ay de la tierra del zumbido de las alas que está más allá de los ríos de Etiopía,
Terrible things will happen to [you people] of Ethiopia! In your land there are many sailboats at the upper part of the Nile River.
2 que envía embajadores por el mar, los cuales van en naves de papiro sobre la superficie del agua y dicen: Vayan, veloces mensajeros, a la nación de elevada estatura y piel brillante, a un pueblo terrible desde el principio, a una nación poderosa y humilladora, cuya tierra los ríos dividen.
Your rulers send ambassadors that sail [quickly] down the river in papyrus boats. You messengers to Ethiopia, go quickly! Go [up the river] to people who are tall and who have smooth skin. People everywhere are afraid of those people, because they conquer and destroy [other nations]; they live in a land that is divided by branches of one large river.
3 Ustedes, todos los habitantes del mundo y habitantes de la tierra: Cuando se levante la bandera en las montañas, miren. Cuando se toque la corneta, escuchen.
[You messengers] must tell people everywhere, to people everywhere, “Look when I lift up my battle flag on top of the mountain, and listen when I blow the ram’s horn [to signal that the battle is about to begin].”
4 Porque Yavé me dijo: Yo estaré quieto y observaré desde mi morada, como el calor vibrante de la luz del sol, como una nube de rocío en el calor de la cosecha.
[Listen] because Yahweh has told me this: “I will watch quietly from where I live. I will watch as quietly as [SIM] the heat waves shimmer as they rises on a hot summer day, as quietly as the dew forms [on the ground] during harvest time.”
5 Pues antes de la cosecha, [lo cual] sucede tan pronto como brota el botón y la flor se convierte en una fruta madura, [el viñador] aplica la podadera a las ramas. Las poda con cuchillos, remueve y corta las ramas que se extienden.
But [even] before the army of Ethiopia starts to attack, while their plans are [slowly forming] like [SIM] grapes that are ripening, Yahweh will [get rid of them like a farmer who] [MET] cuts off the new shoots of the grapevines with his shears, and prunes the branches that have become very long.
6 Todos serán dejados a los buitres de la montaña y a las fieras de la tierra. Las aves de rapiña pasarán el verano sobre ellos, y todas las fieras de la tierra invernarán sobre ellos.
All [the soldiers in the army of Ethiopia] will be killed, and their corpses will lie in the fields for vultures to eat their flesh in the (summer/hot season). Then wild animals will [chew on their bones] all during the (winter/cold season).
7 En aquel tiempo será traído un presente a Yavé de las huestes de parte de la nación de elevada estatura y piel brillante, un pueblo terrible desde el principio, una nación poderosa y humilladora, cuya tierra dividen los ríos. El presente será traído al lugar dedicado al Nombre de Yavé de las huestes, a la Montaña Sion.
At that time, the people of that land that is divided by the branches of that one big river will take gifts to Yahweh in Jerusalem. Those tall people who have smooth/dark skin, whom people everywhere are afraid of, because they conquer and destroy many countries, will take gifts to Jerusalem, the city where the Commander of the armies of angels lives.

< Isaías 18 >