< Génesis 25 >

1 Abraham tomó otra esposa, cuyo nombre era Cetura,
[Some time after Sarah died], Abraham married another woman, whose name was Keturah.
2 la cual le dio a luz a Zimram, Jocsán, Medán, Madián, Isbac y Súa.
She later gave birth to six sons: Zimran, Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah.
3 Jocsán engendró a Seba y a Dedán. Los hijos de Dedán fueron los asuritas, letusitas y leumitas,
Jokshan became the father of two sons, Sheba and Dedan. The descendants of Dedan were the Asshur people-group, the Letush people-group, and the Leum people-group.
4 y los hijos de Madián fueron Efa, Efer, Hanoc, Abida y Elda. Todos estos fueron descendientes de Cetura.
The sons of Midian were Ephah, Epher, Hanoch, Abida, and Eldaah. They were all descendants of Keturah.
5 Abraham dio todo cuanto tenía a Isaac,
Abraham declared that after he died, Isaac would inherit everything he owned.
6 pero les dio regalos a los hijos de las concubinas que tuvo. Y mientras vivía, los envió al oriente, lejos de su hijo Isaac, a la tierra oriental.
But while Abraham was still living, he gave gifts to the sons of his (concubines/slaves that he had taken to be his secondary wives), and then he sent them away to live in a land to the east, to keep them far from his son Isaac.
7 Los días de los años que vivió Abraham fueron 175 años.
Abraham lived until he was 175 years old.
8 Abraham expiró y murió en buena vejez, anciano y satisfecho. Y fue reunido a su pueblo.
He died at a very old age, joining his ancestors who had died previously [DOU].
9 Sus hijos Isaac e Ismael lo sepultaron en la cueva de la Macpela, en el campo de Efrón, hijo de Zoar el heteo, que estaba enfrente de Mamre,
His sons Isaac and Ishmael buried his body in the cave at Machpelah area, near Mamre, in the field that Abraham had previously bought from Ephron, one of the descendants of Heth.
10 el campo que Abraham compró a los hijos de Het. Allí fue sepultado Abraham junto a su esposa Sara.
Isaac and Ishmael buried his body there, where Abraham previously buried his wife Sarah.
11 Sucedió después de la muerte de Abraham, que ʼElohim bendijo a Isaac su hijo. E Isaac vivió junto al pozo del Viviente-que-me-ve.
After Abraham died, God blessed his son Isaac. And Isaac moved to live near Beer-Lahai-Roi.
12 Estos son los descendientes de Ismael, hijo de Abraham, que Agar la egipcia, esclava de Sara, le dio a luz.
(These are/I will now give a list of) the descendants of Abraham’s son, Ishmael, to whom Sarah’s female slave, Hagar from Egypt, had given birth.
13 Estos son los nombres de los hijos de Ismael según su nacimiento: el primogénito de Ismael, Nebaiot, después, Cedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,
These are their names, in the order in which they were born: Ishmael’s oldest son was named Nebaioth. After him were born Kedar, Adbeel, Mibsam,
14 Misma, Duma, Massa,
Mishma, Dumah, Massa,
15 Hadar, Tema, Jetur, Nafis y Cedema.
Hadar, Tema, Jetur, Naphish, and Kedemah.
16 Estos son los nombres de los hijos de Ismael según sus poblados y sus campamentos: 12 príncipes según sus naciones.
The twelve sons of Ishmael became the leaders/chiefs of people-groups that had those names. They each had their own settlement and campsite.
17 Los años de la vida de Ismael fueron 137 años. Ismael murió y fue reunido a su pueblo.
Ishmael lived until he was 137 years old. Then he died, [EUP] joining his ancestors who had previously died.
18 Se estableció desde Havila hasta Shur, que está enfrente de Egipto en dirección a Asiria. Y habitó enfrentado a todos sus hermanos.
His descendants (settled/went to live) in the area between Shur and Havilah, near the border of Egypt as a person travels toward Asshur. All of their camps were close to each other (OR, they all frequently attacked each other).
19 Estos son los descendientes de Isaac, hijo de Abraham. Abraham engendró a Isaac.
(This is an account of/I will now tell you about) Abraham’s son, Isaac. Abraham became the father of Isaac,
20 Isaac tenía 40 años cuando tomó como esposa a Rebeca, hija de Betuel, el arameo de Padan-aram, hermana de Labán el arameo.
and when Isaac was 40 years old, he married Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel. Bethuel was one of the descendants of Aram from Paddan-Aram. Rebekah was the sister of Laban, who belonged to the Aram people-group.
21 Isaac suplicó a Yavé por su esposa, que era estéril. Y Yavé atendió la súplica, y Rebeca su esposa concibió.
Almost 20 years after they were married, Rebekah still had no children. So Isaac prayed to Yahweh concerning his wife, and Yahweh answered his prayer. His wife Rebekah became pregnant.
22 Pero como los hijos luchaban dentro de ella, dijo: Si es así, ¿para qué vivo? Y fue a consultar a Yavé.
She was carrying twins in her womb, and they kept jostling each other. So she said, “Why is it [that this is happening to me]?” So she asked Yahweh about it.
23 Y Yavé le dijo: Dos naciones hay en tu seno, Y dos pueblos se dividen aun desde tu vientre. Un pueblo será más fuerte que el otro, Y el mayor servirá al menor.
Yahweh said to her, “The older one of your twins will serve the younger one. The twins will be ancestors of two nations. And those two people-groups will separate from each other.” [CHI]
24 Cuando se cumplieron sus días para dar a luz, sí, había gemelos en su vientre.
When Rebekah gave birth, it was true! Twin boys were born!
25 El primero salió pelirrojo, todo el velludo como una pelliza, y llamaron su nombre Esaú.
The first one born was red, and his body had hair all over it, like a garment made of hair. So they named him Esau, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘hairy'].
26 Después salió su hermano con su mano asida al talón de Esaú, y lo llamó Jacob. Isaac tenía 60 años cuando ella los dio a luz.
Then his brother was born, grasping Esau’s heel. So they named him Jacob, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘heel’]. Isaac was 60 years old when the twins were born.
27 Los muchachos crecieron. Esaú fue hombre diestro en la caza, hombre del campo, mientras Jacob era hombre tranquilo, que vivía en tiendas.
When the boys grew up, Esau became a skilled hunter. He spent a lot of time out in the fields. Jacob was a quiet man who stayed close to the campsite.
28 Isaac prefería a Esaú porque la caza de éste era deleitosa a su boca, pero Rebeca amaba a Jacob.
Isaac liked Esau more, because he enjoyed the taste of the meat of the animals that Esau killed. But Rebekah liked Jacob more.
29 Un día Jacob hizo un guiso, y cuando Esaú llegó del campo y estaba cansado,
One day while Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came home from the field, very hungry.
30 dijo Esaú a Jacob: Te ruego que me dejes comer de eso rojo, porque estoy desfallecido. Por eso lo llamaron Edom.
He said to Jacob, “Give me some of that red stew to eat right now, because I am very hungry!” [That is why Esau’s other name was Edom, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘red]’.]
31 Jacob respondió: Véndeme hoy tu primogenitura.
Jacob said, “I will give you some if you sell me (your birthright/the privileges you have because you are the firstborn son).”
32 Entonces Esaú dijo: Igual me voy a morir. ¿De qué me sirve la primogenitura?
Esau replied, “Well, I am about to die [from being so hungry]. [If I die now], (my birthright will not benefit me./What good will my birthright be to me?)” [RHQ]
33 Y Jacob contestó: ¡Júramelo hoy! Le juró y vendió su primogenitura a Jacob.
Jacob said, “(Swear to/Solemnly promise) me that you are giving me the privileges that you will have from being the firstborn son!” So that is what Esau did. He sold his birthright to Jacob.
34 Entonces Jacob dio pan con guiso de lentejas a Esaú. Él comió y bebió, se levantó y salió. Así despreció Esaú la primogenitura.
Then Jacob gave to Esau some bread and some stew made of lentils/beans. Esau ate and drank, and then he got up and left. By doing that, Esau showed that he (was not interested in/did not value) the privileges that would be his because of being the firstborn son.

< Génesis 25 >