< Gálatas 5 >
1 Para la libertad Cristo nos libertó. Por tanto estén firmes y no sean sometidos otra vez a yugo de esclavitud.
Christ set us free so we could have real freedom. So stand firm and don't get burdened down again by a yoke of slavery.
2 Noten que yo, Pablo, les digo que cuando sean circuncidados, de nada los beneficiará Cristo.
Let me, Paul, tell you bluntly: if you rely on the way of circumcision, Christ will be of absolutely no benefit to you.
3 Otra vez a todo circuncidado le digo que está obligado a practicar toda la Ley.
Let me repeat: every man who is circumcised has to keep the whole of the law.
4 Los que por [la ]Ley son declarados justos, fueron desligados de Cristo. ¡Cayeron de la gracia!
Those of you who think you can be made right by the law are cut off from Christ—you have abandoned grace.
5 Porque nosotros por el Espíritu de [la ]fe aguardamos por fe la esperanza de la justicia.
For through the Spirit we trust and wait in hope to be made right.
6 Pues en Cristo Jesús, ni [la] circuncisión vale algo, ni [la] incircuncisión, sino [la] fe que se activa por [el ]amor.
For in Christ Jesus being circumcised or uncircumcised doesn't achieve anything; it's only trust working through love that matters.
7 Corrían bien. ¿Quién les estorbó para no ser persuadidos por [la] verdad?
You were doing so well! Who got in the way and prevented you from being convinced by the truth?
8 Esta persuasión no es del que los llama.
This “persuasion” certainly isn't from the one who calls you.
9 Un poco de levadura leuda toda la masa.
You only need a little bit of yeast to raise the whole batch of dough.
10 Con respecto a ustedes, me convencí en [el] Señor de que ninguna otra cosa pensarán. Pero el que los perturba llevará la sentencia, cualquiera que sea.
I'm confident in the Lord that you won't change the way you think, and that the one who is confusing you will face the consequences, whoever he is.
11 Yo, hermanos, si aún predico [la ]circuncisión, ¿por qué soy todavía perseguido? En tal caso, el tropiezo de la cruz fue abolido.
As for me, brothers and sisters, if I were still advocating circumcision—why am I still persecuted? If that was true, it would remove the issue of the cross that offends people so much.
12 ¡Ojalá se mutilaran los que los perturban!
If only those who are causing you trouble would go even further than circumcision and castrate themselves!
13 Porque ustedes, hermanos, a libertad fueron llamados. Solo que no usen la libertad como base de abastecimiento para la naturaleza pecaminosa, sino sírvanse los unos a los otros como esclavos por medio del amor.
You, my brothers and sisters, were called to freedom! Just don't use your freedom as an excuse to indulge your sinful human nature—instead serve one another in love.
14 Pues toda [la ]Ley se cumple en una palabra: Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo.
For the whole law is summed up in this one command, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
15 Pero si se muerden y se devoran unos a otros, tengan cuidado que no sean consumidos unos por otros.
But if you attack and tear into one other, watch out that you don't completely destroy yourselves!
16 Digo, pues: Vivan en [el ]Espíritu y no satisfagan [los ]deseos apasionados de [la] naturaleza humana.
My advice is to walk by the Spirit. Don't satisfy the desires of your sinful human nature.
17 Porque [la ]naturaleza humana desea contra el Espíritu, y el Espíritu contra la naturaleza humana, porque éstos se oponen entre sí para que no hagan las cosas que quieran.
For the desires of the sinful nature are opposed to the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are opposed to the sinful nature. They fight one another, so you don't do what you want to do.
18 Pero si son guiados por [el] Espíritu, no están bajo [la ]Ley.
But if the Spirit leads you, you're not under the law.
19 Evidentes son las obras humanas, las cuales son: inmoralidad sexual, impureza, lascivia,
It's clear what the sinful human nature produces: sexual immorality, indecency, sensuality,
20 idolatría, hechicería, hostilidades, contienda, celo, enemistades, rivalidades, disensiones, herejías,
idolatry, sorcery, hatred, rivalry, jealousy, anger, selfish ambition, dissension, heresy,
21 envidias, borracheras, orgías y las cosas semejantes a éstas. Les digo con anticipación, como ya dije, que los que las practican no heredarán [el ]reino de Dios.
envy, drunkenness, feasting, and similar things. As I warned you before so I warn you again: nobody who behaves like this will inherit the kingdom of God.
22 Pero el fruto del espíritu es amor, gozo, paz, longanimidad, benignidad, bondad, fidelidad,
But the Spirit produces fruit such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trust,
23 mansedumbre, dominio propio, contra los cuales no hay Ley.
gentleness, self-control—and there's no law against these kinds of things!
24 Pues los que son de Cristo crucificaron la naturaleza humana con las pasiones y deseos ardientes.
Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed to the cross their sinful human nature, together with all their sinful passions and desires.
25 Si vivimos en [el] Espíritu, concordemos también con [el] Espíritu.
If we live in the Spirit we should also walk in the Spirit.
26 No nos hagamos vanagloriosos, ni nos provoquemos, ni nos envidiemos unos a otros.
Let's not become boastful, or irritate and envy one another.