< Deuteronomio 8 >

1 Cuidarán de practicar todos los Mandamientos que yo les ordeno hoy para que vivan, se multipliquen y entren a poseer la tierra que Yavé prometió con juramento a sus antepasados.
“You must faithfully obey all the commandments that I am giving you today. If you do that, you will live [a long time], you will become very numerous, and you will occupy the land that Yahweh solemnly promised your ancestors that he would give [to you].
2 Acuérdate de todo el camino en el desierto por donde te condujo Yavé tu ʼElohim estos 40 años para afligirte, probarte y saber lo que había en tu corazón, si guardarías o no sus Mandamientos.
And do not forget how Yahweh our God led us as we traveled through the desert during these past 40 years. He [caused you to have many problems/difficulties], because he wanted to cause you to realize that you needed to trust him and not yourselves. And he wanted to test you, to find out what you intended to do [IDM], whether you would obey his commandments or not.
3 Él te humilló y te dejó padecer hambre, pero te sustentó con el maná, comida que no conocías, ni tus antepasados conocieron a fin de hacerte entender que no solo de pan vive el hombre, sino de todo lo que sale de la boca de Yavé.
So he caused you to have/experience difficulties. He allowed you to become hungry. Then he gave you manna [food from heaven], food that you and your ancestors had never eaten before. He did that to teach you that people need food [for their bodies]; but [they also need food for their spirits, which comes from paying attention to] everything that Yahweh says [MTY].
4 Tu ropa nunca se envejeció sobre ti, ni tu pie se hinchó en estos 40 años.
During those 40 years [of walking through the desert], our clothes did not wear out and our feet did not swell [from walking a very long way through the desert].
5 Reconoce, pues, en tu corazón, que como un hombre corrige a su hijo, así te corrige Yavé tu ʼElohim.
Do not forget that Yahweh our God disciplines us, like parents discipline their children.
6 Por tanto, guardarás los Mandamientos de Yavé tu ʼElohim, andarás en sus caminos y temerás a Él.
“Do obey the commandments of Yahweh our God, and conduct your lives as he wants you to do, and revere him.
7 Porque Yavé tu ʼElohim te introduce a una tierra buena, tierra de arroyos de agua, de fuentes y manantiales que brotan en los valles y en las montañas,
He is about to bring you into a good/fertile land, which has streams which flow down from the hills and pour/flow out of springs in the valleys.
8 tierra de trigo, cebada, vides, higueras y granados, tierra de aceite de olivas y miel,
It is a land on which wheat and barley grow, a land where there are fig trees and pomegranates, and a land where there are olive trees and honey.
9 tierra en la cual comerás el pan sin escasez y nada te faltará en ella, tierra cuyas piedras son hierro, y de sus montañas extraerás el cobre.
It is a land where there will be plenty of food for you, where you will (not lack anything/have everything that you need) [LIT], a land which has iron [ore] in its rocks and from which you can dig copper [ore] from its hills.
10 Comerás y te saciarás. Bendecirás a Yavé tu ʼElohim por la buena tierra que te dio.
[Every day] you will eat until your stomachs are full, and you will thank Yahweh our God for the fertile/good land that he has given you.
11 Cuídate de no olvidar a Yavé tu ʼElohim al no guardar sus Mandamientos, Ordenanzas y Estatutos que yo te ordeno hoy,
But, [when that happens], be sure not to forget Yahweh our God by disobeying his commandments and rules and regulations that I am giving to you today.
12 no sea que cuando comas y te sacies, edifiques hermosas casas y las ocupes,
When your stomachs are full [every day], and when you have built good houses and are living in them,
13 tus manadas de ganado vacuno y tus rebaños incrementen, la plata y el oro se te multipliquen y todo lo que tengas aumente,
and when the number of your cattle and sheep has greatly increased, and when you have accumulated a large amount of silver and gold, and the amount of all your other possessions has greatly increased,
14 tu corazón se enaltezca y te olvides de Yavé tu ʼElohim. Él te sacó de la tierra de Egipto, de la casa de esclavitud,
be sure that you do not become proud [IDM] and forget Yahweh our God, who rescued your ancestors from being slaves in Egypt and brought them out from there.
15 te condujo por un desierto vasto y terrible con serpientes ardientes y escorpiones, y en una tierra sedienta, carente de agua. Él te sacó agua del duro pedernal,
Do not forget that he led them [while they traveled] through that huge and terrible desert, where there were poisonous snakes and scorpions. And do not forget that where the ground was very dry and there was no water, he caused water to flow for them out of (solid/very hard) rock.
16 te sustentó con maná en el desierto, comida que tus antepasados no conocieron, para afligirte, probarte y al final hacerte bien.
Do not forget that in that desert he gave your ancestors manna to eat, food that they had never eaten before. He [caused them to have/experience many problems/difficulties], because he wanted them to realize that they needed to trust him and not themselves. And he wanted to test them, to find out whether they intended to obey him, in order that when [those difficulties] ended, he would do many good things for them.
17 No sea que digas en tu corazón: Mi poder y la fuerza de mi mano me trajeron esta riqueza.
Be sure that you do not think to yourselves, ‘I have acquired all these things by my own power [MTY] and ability.’
18 Más bien te acordarás de Yavé tu ʼElohim, pues Él es Quien te da fuerza para producir riqueza, a fin de confirmar el Pacto que juró a tus antepasados, como se ve hoy.
Do not forget that it is Yahweh our God who has enabled you to become rich. He does this because he faithfully does what he solemnly promised our ancestors that he would do.
19 Pero sucederá que si te olvidas de Yavé tu ʼElohim, sigues a otros ʼelohim, les sirves y te postras ante ellos, afirmo hoy contra ustedes que ciertamente perecerán.
“solemnly warn you that if you forget Yahweh our God and turn to other gods and start to serve them and worship them, you will certainly be destroyed.
20 Como las naciones que Yavé destruye delante de ustedes, así perecerán, porque no obedecieron la voz de Yavé su ʼElohim.
If you do not obey Yahweh our God, he will certainly destroy you just like he will destroy the people-groups that you will fight against.”

< Deuteronomio 8 >