< Hechos 17 >

1 Pasaron por Anfípolis y Apolonia y llegaron a Tesalónica, donde había una congregación de los judíos.
Paul and Silas traveled through Amphipolis and Apollonia [towns] and arrived at Thessalonica [city]. There was a Jewish meeting place there.
2 Pablo los visitó según su costumbre, y durante tres sábados debatió con ellos basado en las Escrituras.
(On the Sabbath/On the Jewish rest day) Paul went into the meeting house, as he usually did. For three weeks [he went there] on each Jewish day of rest. Referring to the Scriptures [about the Messiah], he spoke to the people who were there.
3 Explicaba y demostraba que el Cristo debía padecer y ser resucitado de entre [los] muertos: ¡Este Jesús, a Quien yo les anuncio, es el Cristo!
He explained and showed that [the prophets wrote that] the Messiah needed to die and (to become alive again/to be raised from the dead [afterwards]). He told them: “This man Jesus, whom I am telling you about, is our Messiah. [He died and became alive again, just like the prophets predicted].”
4 Algunos de ellos fueron persuadidos y se unieron a Pablo y a Silas, no solo un gran número de griegos temerosos de Dios, sino también muchas mujeres prominentes.
Some of the Jews [there] were persuaded by {believed} [what Paul had said] and began to associate with Paul and Silas. There were also many non-Jewish people there who worshipped God and many important women [who also believed the message about Jesus], and they began to associate with Paul and Silas.
5 Pero los judíos, llenos de envidia, tomaron algunos varones malvados de los que frecuentaban la plaza, formaron una turba y alborotaron la ciudad. Atacaron la casa de Jasón y los buscaban para sacarlos ante la multitud.
But [some leaders of] the Jews there in Thessalonica became jealous [because many people believed what Paul taught]. So they went to the public square and persuaded some lazy men [who were loitering there] to follow them. [In this way, the leaders of] the Jews gathered a crowd and incited them to become noisy and start a riot [against Paul and Silas]. Those [Jews and others] ran to the house of [a man named] Jason. [He was the man who had invited Paul and Silas to stay at his house]. They wanted to bring Paul and Silas outside to where the crowd [of people was waiting].
6 Pero como no [los] hallaron, arrastraron a Jasón y a algunos hermanos ante las autoridades de la ciudad y gritaban: ¡Éstos que trastornaron el mundo también están acá!
They discovered that Paul and Silas were not there, but they found Jason [and grabbed him]. They dragged him and some of the [other] believers to where the city officials/authorities and [many other people were gathered]. The men [who had brought Jason] shouted, “Those [two] men have caused trouble [IDM] everywhere [HYP] [they have gone]. Now they have come to our city,
7 Jasón los recibió. Todos estos actúan contra los decretos del César y dicen que hay otro rey: Jesús.
and [this fellow] Jason invited them to stay at his house. All the people [of this sect] oppose what our Emperor has decreed. They say that another person, whose name is Jesus, is [the real] king!”
8 Alborotaron a la multitud y a las autoridades de la ciudad que escuchaban estas cosas.
When the crowd of people [that had gathered] and the city authorities heard that, they became very angry and excited.
9 Después de obtener la fianza de Jasón y de los demás, los soltaron.
[They wanted to put the believers in jail. But instead], the officials made Jason and the other [believers] pay a fine and told them that they [would give the money back to them if Paul and Silas did not cause any more trouble]. Then the authorities let Jason and those other believers go.
10 Enseguida los hermanos enviaron de noche a Pablo y a Silas hacia Berea. Llegaron y fueron a la congregación de los judíos.
[So] that same night, the believers sent Paul and Silas [out of Thessalonica] to Berea [town]. When Paul and Silas arrived there, they went to the Jewish meeting place, [on a day when people had gathered there].
11 Éstos eran más receptivos que los de Tesalónica. Tomaron la Palabra con toda disposición y examinaban cada día las Escrituras [para comprobar] estas cosas.
The [Jews] in Thessalonica had not been very willing to listen to God’s message, but the [Jews] who lived in Berea were very willing to listen, so they listened very eagerly to the message [about Jesus]. Every day they read the Scriptures [for themselves] to find out if what Paul said [about the Messiah] was true.
12 Por tanto muchos de ellos creyeron y también un buen número de prominentes griegos, hombres y mujeres.
As a result, many of the Jewish people believed [in Jesus], and also some of the important non-Jewish women and many non-Jewish men [believed in him].
13 Cuando los judíos de Tesalónica supieron que también en Berea Pablo proclamaba la Palabra de Dios, fueron allá para alborotar y perturbar a la multitud.
But then the Jews in Thessalonica heard [people tell them] that Paul [was] in Berea and that he was preaching the message from God [about Jesus]. So they went to Berea and [told people there that what Paul was teaching was not true. Thus], they caused many of those people to get angry [at Paul].
14 Entonces los hermanos enviaron enseguida a Pablo para que fuera hasta el mar, pero Silas y Timoteo permanecieron allí.
So [several of] the believers [in Berea] took Paul to the coast [to go to another province]. But Silas and Timothy stayed in Berea.
15 Los que conducían a Pablo lo llevaron hasta Atenas. Cuando Silas y Timoteo recibieron instrucciones de Pablo para que se encontraran con él sin demora, salieron.
When Paul and the other men from Berea [arrived at the coast, they got on a ship and] went to Athens [city]. Then Paul said [to the men who had come with him], “Tell Silas and Timothy to come to me [here in Athens] as soon as they can.” Then those men left [Athens and returned to Berea].
16 Mientras Pablo los esperaba en Atenas, su espíritu se enardecía al observar que la ciudad estaba llena de ídolos.
In Athens, Paul waited for Silas and Timothy [to arrive. In the meantime, he walked around in the city. He] became very distressed/disturbed because he saw that throughout [HYP] the city there were many idols.
17 Así que todo el día discutía en la congregación con los judíos, con los adoradores de Dios y en la plaza con los concurrentes.
So he went to the Jewish meeting place and talked [about Jesus] with the Jews, and also with the Greeks who had accepted what the Jews believe. He also went to the public square/center every day and talked to the people [whom he met] there.
18 También algunos de los filósofos epicúreos y estoicos debatían con él. Algunos decían: ¿Qué quiere decir este charlatán? Y otros: Parece ser predicador de dioses extraños, porque les predicaba a Jesús y la resurrección.
Paul met some teachers who liked to talk about what people should believe. [People called] some of them Epicureans and [they called] others Stoics. They told Paul [what they believed], and they asked him [what he believed. Then] some of them said [to one another], “This ignorant person is just talking nonsense [RHQ]!” Others said, “[We(exc) think] that he is teaching people about (foreign gods/[new] gods that we [(exc)] have not heard about).” They said that because Paul was telling them that Jesus [had died and] had become alive again [afterwards. They had not heard that message before].
19 Lo llevaron al Areópago y le preguntaron: ¿En qué consiste esta nueva doctrina que proclamas?
So they took Paul to the place where the city council met. [When they arrived] there, they said to Paul, “[Please] tell us, what is this new message that you [(sg)] are teaching people?
20 Porque te oímos cosas que nos sorprenden. Nos gustaría saber qué significa esto.
You are teaching some things that startle us [(exc)], so we want to know what they mean.”
21 Pues todos [los] atenienses y los extranjeros que estaban de visita, no se ocupaban de otra cosa sino en decir o en oír algo nuevo.
[They said that, because] the people of Athens and also the people from other regions who lived there continually talked about what was new [to them], or they listened to [others tell] what was new.
22 Entonces Pablo se puso en pie en medio del Areópago y dijo: Varones atenienses, los observo como muy religiosos en todas las cosas.
Then Paul stood up before the men of the city council and said, “Citizens of Athens, I see that you (are very religious/think that it is very important to worship many gods).
23 Porque mientras pasaba y observaba de cerca sus monumentos sagrados, hallé también un altar en el cual había esta inscripción: Al Dios desconocido. Pues lo desconocido que adoran, eso yo les anuncio.
I [say that] because, while I was walking along and observing the objects [that represent different gods that] you worship, I even saw an altar that had these words [that someone had] carved [on it: THIS HONORS] THE GOD [THAT WE(exc)] DO NOT KNOW. So now I will tell you about [that God] whom you worship but you do not know.
24 El Dios que hizo el mundo y todo lo que hay en él, es el Señor del cielo y de [la] tierra. No mora [en] templos hechos por manos humanas,
He is the God who made the world and everything in it. Because he rules over all [beings in] heaven and [on] earth, he does not dwell in shrines that people have made.
25 ni recibe servicio de humanos, como si necesitara algo. Él mismo es Quien da vida, aliento y todas las cosas.
He does not need to have anything made for him by people [MTY] {to have people [MTY] make [MTY] anything for him}, because everything that exists belongs to him. He is the one who causes (us [(inc)]/all people) to live and breathe, and [he gives us] all the things [that we(inc) need].
26 Primero determinó el orden de los tiempos y los límites de su habitación. De un [hombre] hizo todo el linaje humano para que vivan sobre toda la superficie de la tierra,
[In the beginning], God created one couple, and from them God produced all (the ethnic groups/the nations) that now live everywhere on the earth. He also decided where each ethnic group of people should live and how long they should live [there].
27 y busquen a Dios, si tal vez lo palpen y hallen, aunque no está lejos de cada uno de nosotros.
He wanted people to realize that they need him. Then maybe they would seek him and find him. [God wants us to seek him], although he is [really] close [LIT] to each one of us.
28 Porque en Él vivimos, nos movemos y existimos. Así lo dijeron algunos de sus poetas: Nosotros también descendemos de Él.
As someone has said, ‘[It is only] because he enables us that we [(inc)] live and move and do [what we do].’ And, as some of your own poets have said, ‘We [(inc)] are God’s children.’
29 Puesto que somos linaje de Dios, no debemos suponer que la Divinidad sea escultura de arte en oro, plata, piedra ni de imaginación humana.
Therefore, because we are God’s children [and can communicate like God does], we [(inc)] should not think that he is anything like an image [that people have made] of gold or silver or stone [which cannot communicate]. Those images are designed and skillfully made {People design and make those images}, [but they are not alive].
30 Pues bien, Dios pasó por alto los tiempos de la ignorancia y ahora ordena a todos los hombres en todo lugar que cambien de mente.
During the times when people did not know [what God wanted them to do], he did not [immediately] punish [them for what they did]. But now God commands all people everywhere to turn away from their evil behavior.
31 Porque Él estableció un día cuando juzgará a la humanidad con justicia por medio de un Hombre, y lo resucitó como garantía para todos.
[He tells us] that on a certain day that he has chosen he is going to judge [all of us(inc) people in] [MTY] the world. He has appointed a [certain] man to judge [us, and that man will judge each of us] fairly/justly. God has shown to all [people that he has appointed that man to judge everyone], because God (caused him to become alive again after he had died/raised him from the dead).”
32 Pero cuando oyeron: resurrección de [los] muertos, unos se burlaban y otros dijeron: ¡Te volveremos a oír con respecto a esto!
When the men of the council heard [Paul say] that ([a man] had become alive again after he had died/[someone] had been raised from the dead), some of them laughed scornfully. But others said, “We [(exc)] would like you [(sg)] to tell us more about this, some other time.”
33 Por tanto Pablo se retiró.
After they said that, Paul left the council [meeting].
34 Sin embargo, algunos creyeron y se unieron a él, entre ellos Dionisio el areopagita y una mujer llamada Dámaris.
However, some of the people there went along with Paul and became believers. Among those [who believed in Jesus] was a member of the council whose [name was] Dionysius. Also, an [important] woman whose name was Damaris and some other people [who had heard Paul’s message also believed in Jesus].

< Hechos 17 >