< 2 Samuel 19 >

1 Informaron a Joab: ¡Mira, el rey llora y endecha a causa de Absalón!
Someone told Joab that the king was crying and mourning because Absalom had died.
2 Aquel día la victoria se convirtió en duelo para todo el pueblo, porque el pueblo oyó decir: ¡Cuán acongojado está el rey por su hijo!
All of David’s soldiers became sad. Instead of rejoicing about defeating [the soldiers who had fought with Absalom], they were sad because they heard that the king was mourning because Absalom [was dead].
3 Aquel día el pueblo entró calladamente en la ciudad, como entra calladamente la tropa avergonzada cuando huye de la batalla.
The soldiers returned to the city quietly, like [SIM] soldiers do when they are ashamed because they ran away from battle.
4 El rey cubrió su rostro y clamaba a gran voz: ¡Oh, hijo mío, Absalón! ¡Oh Absalón, hijo mío, hijo mío!
The king covered his face [with his hands] and kept crying loudly, “O, my son Absalom! O, Absalom, my son! My son!”
5 Entonces Joab entró en la casa donde estaba el rey y le dijo: Hoy cubriste de vergüenza los semblantes de todos tus esclavos que salvaron tu vida, la de tus hijos y tus hijas, tus esposas y tus concubinas,
Then Joab entered the room where the king was, and said to the king, “Today you have caused your soldiers to be ashamed! You have humiliated the men who saved your life and the lives of your sons and daughters and your ordinary wives and your slave wives!
6 al amar a los que te aborrecen y aborrecer a los que te aman. Porque hoy demostraste que nada te importan tus príncipes y esclavos, pues hoy me demuestras claramente que si Absalón estuviera vivo y todos nosotros muertos, estarías contento.
[It seems that] you love those who hate you and [that] you hate those who love you. You have caused it to be clear today that your commanders and your officers are not at all important to you. I think that if Absalom were still alive and we were all dead today, you would be happy.
7 Ahora pues, levántate, sal y habla bondadosamente a tus esclavos, porque juro por Yavé que si no sales, no quedará ni un hombre contigo esta noche. Esto te será peor que todos los males que llegaron sobre ti desde tu juventud hasta ahora.
So, now go and thank your soldiers [for what they did]. Because I solemnly declare that if you do not do that, none of them will still be with you by tomorrow morning and that would be worse [for you] than all the disasters/troubles that you have experienced since you were a boy.”
8 Entonces el rey se levantó y se sentó junto a la puerta. E informaron a todo el pueblo: Miren, el rey está sentado junto a la puerta, y todo el pueblo compareció ante el rey. Pero Israel había huido, cada uno a su tienda.
So the king got up and went and sat near the city gate. And all the people were told, “Hey, the king is sitting at the gate!” So they all came and gathered around him. Meanwhile, all the Israeli troops [who had been with Absalom] had returned to their homes.
9 En todas las tribus de Israel, todo el pueblo discutía: El rey nos libró de la mano de nuestros enemigos y nos salvó de la mano de los filisteos, pero ahora huyó del país por causa de Absalón.
Then all the people throughout the tribes of Israel started to quarrel among themselves. They said to each other, “King David rescued us from the people of Philistia and from our other enemies. But now he has fled from Absalom and left Israel!
10 Absalón, a quien ungimos como rey de nosotros, murió en la batalla. ¿Por qué están callados con respecto a que vuelva el rey?
We appointed [MTY] Absalom to be our king, but he died in the battle [against David’s soldiers]. So (why does someone not try to bring King David back?/surely someone should try to bring King David back.)” [RHQ]
11 El rey David envió a los sacerdotes Sadoc y Abiatar: Hablen a los ancianos de Judá: ¿Por qué serán ustedes los últimos en devolver el rey a su casa? Porque la palabra de todo Israel llega al rey para devolverlo a su casa.
King David [found out what the people were saying. So he] sent the two priests, Zadok and Abiathar, to say to the leaders of Judah, “The king says that he has heard that all the Israeli people [want him to be king again]. And he says, ‘(Why should you be the last ones to bring me back to my palace?/It is not right that you be the last ones to bring me back to my palace.) [RHQ]
12 Ustedes son mis hermanos, mi hueso y mi carne. Entonces ¿por qué son ustedes los últimos en devolver al rey?
You are my relatives; we have the same ancestor [IDM]. So (why should you be the last ones to bring me back?/you should certainly not be the last ones to bring me back.) [RHQ]’”
13 También digan a Amasa: ¿No eres tú hueso mío y carne mía? ¡Así ʼElohim me haga y aun me añada si no eres comandante del ejército delante de mí continuamente todos los días, en lugar de Joab!
And say to Amasa, “You are one of my relatives. I hope/desire that God strike me dead [IDM] if I do not appoint you to be, from now on, the commander of my army instead of Joab.”
14 Así inclinó el corazón de todos los varones de Judá como el de un solo hombre. Entonces enviaron a decir al rey: Vuelve tú con todos tus esclavos.
[By sending that message to them, ] David convinced all the people of Judah [IDM] [that they should (be loyal to him/accept him as their king]). So they sent a message to the king, saying “We want you and all your officials to return here.”
15 El rey volvió y fue hasta el Jordán. Y Judá fue a Gilgal a recibir al rey, a fin de permitir que el rey cruzara el Jordán.
So the king [and his officials started back toward Jerusalem]. When they reached the Jordan [River], the people of Judah came there to Gilgal to meet the king, and to bring him across the river.
16 Entonces Simei, hijo de Gera, benjamita, que era de Bahurim, se dio prisa y bajó con los hombres de Judá a encontrarse con el rey David.
Shimei, the man from the tribe of Benjamin, also came down quickly [to the river] with the people of Judah to meet King David.
17 Con él iban 1.000 hombres de Benjamín. También Siba, esclavo de la casa de Saúl, llegó con sus 15 hijos y sus 20 esclavos y se apresuraron a cruzar el Jordán delante del rey.
There were 1,000 men from the tribe of Benjamin who came with him. And Ziba, who had been the servant of Saul, also hurried down to the Jordan [River], bringing 20 of his servants with him. They all came to the king,
18 Cruzaron el vado para ayudar a pasar a la familia del rey y para hacer lo bueno delante de él. Entonces Simei, hijo de Gera, se postró ante el rey cuando éste iba a pasar el Jordán
and then they all [prepared to] take the king and all his family across the river, at the place where they could walk across it. They wanted to do whatever the king wanted them to do. As the king was about to cross the river, Shimei came to him and prostrated himself in front of the king.
19 y dijo al rey: No me impute iniquidad, mi ʼadón, ni recuerde el mal que hizo tu esclavo el día cuando mi ʼadón el rey salió de Jerusalén. Que el rey no guarde esto en su corazón,
He said to the king, “Your Majesty, please forgive me. Please do not keep thinking about the terrible thing that I did on the day that you left Jerusalem. Do not think about it any more.
20 porque tu esclavo sabe que pecó. Por eso aquí vengo hoy, el primero de toda la casa de José que baja al encuentro de mi ʼadón el rey.
Because I know that I have sinned. Look, I have come today, the first one from the northern tribes to come here to greet you today, Your Majesty.”
21 Abisai, hijo de Sarvia, intervino: ¿No debe Simei morir, porque maldijo al ungido de Yavé?
But Abishai, the son of Zeruiah, said, “He cursed the one that Yahweh appointed [MTY] to be the king! So (should he not be executed for doing that?/he certainly should be executed for doing that.)” [RHQ]
22 Entonces David respondió: ¿Qué tengo yo con ustedes, hijos de Sarvia, para que hoy sean mis adversarios? ¿Debe morir hoy algún hombre en Israel? ¿Acaso no sé que hoy soy rey en Israel?
But David said, “You sons of Zeruiah, what am I going to do with you? (OR, you are not the ones who should decide [what to do to him]). [It is as though] you have become my enemies today. I know that I am the one who has now become the king of Israel, [so I say that] certainly no one [RHQ] in Israel should be executed today.”
23 Y el rey dijo a Simei: ¡No morirás! Y el rey se lo juró.
Then the king said to Shimei, “I solemnly promise that I will not execute you.”
24 También Mefi-boset, hijo de Saúl, bajó a recibir al rey. No se había lavado los pies, ni había arreglado su barba, ni había lavado sus ropas, desde el día cuando el rey salió hasta el día cuando llegó en paz.
Then Miphibosheth, Saul’s grandson, came down [to the river] to greet the king. He had not washed his feet or trimmed his beard or washed his clothes, from the time that the king left Jerusalem until the day that he returned.
25 Sucedió que cuando llegó con los de Jerusalén para recibir al rey, éste le dijo: ¿Por qué no fuiste conmigo, Mefi-boset?
When he arrived from Jerusalem to greet the king, the king said to him, “Mephibosheth, why did you not go with me?”
26 Y él respondió: ¡Oh rey, ʼadón mío! Mi esclavo me engañó, pues tu esclavo se dijo: Aparejaré un asno y montaré en él para ir con el rey, porque tu esclavo es cojo.
He replied, “Your Majesty, [you know that] I am crippled. [When I heard that you were leaving Jerusalem, ] I said to my servant [Ziba], ‘Put a saddle on my donkey in order that I can ride on it and go with the king.’ But he deceived me [and left without me].
27 Además, calumnió a tu esclavo ante mi ʼadón el rey. Pero mi ʼadón el rey es como el Ángel de ʼElohim. Por tanto, haz lo que te parezca bien,
And he lied to you about me. But, Your Majesty, you are [as wise] as God’s angel. So do whatever seems right to you.
28 porque aunque toda la casa de mi padre era digna de muerte ante mi ʼadón el rey, pusiste a tu esclavo entre los que comen a tu mesa, ¿y qué derecho aún tengo yo para quejarme más ante el rey?
All of my grandfather’s family expected/deserved that we would be executed. But [you did not execute me; ] you allowed me to eat food with you at your table! So I certainly do not have [RHQ] the right to request you for anything more.”
29 Y el rey le dijo: ¿Por qué hablas más de tus asuntos? Ya determiné que tú y Siba se dividirán las tierras.
The king replied, “You certainly do not need to say any more. I have decided that you and Ziba will divide [equally] the land [that belonged to your grandfather Saul].”
30 Mefi-boset dijo al rey: Que él las tome todas, porque mi ʼadón el rey regresa en paz a su propia casa.
Mephibosheth replied to the king, “Your Majesty, [I am content that] you have returned safely. So allow him to take all the land.”
31 Y Barzilai galaadita bajo de Rogelim y cruzó el Jordán con el rey para despedirlo.
Barzillai, the man from [the] Gilead [region], had come down to the Jordan [River] from [his town of] Rogelim, to escort the king across the river.
32 Barzilai era muy anciano, de 80 años. Él dio provisiones al rey cuando estaba en Mahanaim, porque era hombre muy rico.
Barzillai was a very old man, 80 years old. He was a very wealthy man, and he had provided food for the king [and his soldiers] while they were at Mahanaim.
33 El rey dijo a Barzilai: Pasa conmigo y te sustentaré junto a mí en Jerusalén.
The king said to Barzillai, “Come with me to Jerusalem, and I will take care of you.”
34 Pero Barzilai dijo al rey: ¿Cuántos años me quedan de vida para que yo suba con el rey a Jerusalén?
But Barzillai replied, “I certainly do not have [RHQ] many more years to live. So (why should I go with you to Jerusalem?/there is certainly no reason for me to go with you to Jerusalem.) [RHQ]
35 Ya tengo 80 años. ¿Discerniré entre lo bueno y lo malo? ¿Puede tu esclavo saborear lo que coma o lo que beba? ¿Escuchará aún la voz de cantores y cantoras? Entonces, ¿por qué debe ser tu esclavo otra carga para mi ʼadón el rey?
I am now 80 years old. I do not [RHQ] know what is enjoyable and what is not enjoyable. I cannot [RHQ] enjoy what I eat and what I drink. I cannot [RHQ] hear the voices of men and women as they sing. So (why should I be another burden to you?/I do not want to be another burden to you.) [RHQ]
36 Tu esclavo solo desea cruzar el Jordán con el rey. ¿Por qué debe el rey darme tal recompensa?
I will cross the Jordan [River] with you and go a little further, and that will be all the reward that I need [for helping you].
37 Te ruego que permitas que tu esclavo regrese para que muera en mi ciudad, al lado del sepulcro de mi padre y mi madre. Sin embargo, aquí está tu esclavo Quimham quien pasará con mi ʼadón el rey. Haz con él lo que lo que te parezca bien.
Then please allow me to return to my home, because that is where I want to die, near my parents’ grave. But here is [my son] Chimham. Your Majesty, allow him to go with you [and serve you], and do for him whatever seems good to you!”
38 Entonces el rey dijo: Que pase Quimhan conmigo y yo haré por él lo que te parezca bien. Todo lo que me pidas te lo haré.
The king replied, “Okay, he will cross [the river] with me, and I will do for him whatever seems good to you. And I will do for you whatever you want me to do.”
39 El rey pasó cruzó el Jordán y toda la gente con él. Luego el rey besó a Barzilai y lo bendijo, y él regresó a su lugar.
Then King David and all the others crossed the Jordan [River]. He kissed Barzillai and [asked God to] bless him. Then Barzillai returned to his home.
40 El rey prosiguió a Gilgal, y Quimham fue con él. Todo el pueblo de Judá y también la mitad del pueblo de Israel acompañaban al rey.
[After they crossed the river, ] Chimham went with the king, and all the army of Judah and half the army of the other Israeli tribes escorted/accompanied the king to Gilgal.
41 Ciertamente todos los hombres de Israel fueron al rey y le dijeron: ¿Por qué nuestros hermanos varones de Judá te raptan e hicieron que el rey y a su familia cruzaran el Jordán, y a todos los hombres de David con él?
Then all the soldiers from the other Israeli tribes came to the king and said, “(Why is it that our relatives, the men from Judah, took you away from us and wanted to be the only ones to escort you and your family across the river, along with all your men?/It is not right that our relatives, the men from Judah, took you away from us and wanted to be the only ones to escort you and your family across the river, along with all your men.) [RHQ] [Why did you not request us to do that]?” [RHQ]
42 Entonces todos los hombres de Judá respondieron a los hombres de Israel: Porque el rey es nuestro pariente cercano. Pero ¿por qué se quejan ustedes por esto? ¿Comimos algo a costa del rey o se nos dieron regalos?
The soldiers from Judah replied, “We did it because the king is from Judah. So (why are you angry about that?/you should not be angry about that.) [RHQ] The king has never paid for our food, and he has never given us any gifts.”
43 Al responder los hombres de Israel, dijeron a los hombres de Judá: ¡Tenemos diez partes en el rey y más derecho sobre David que ustedes! ¿Por qué nos despreciaron? ¿No dimos nuestra palabra primero para devolver a nuestro rey? Sin embargo, la palabra de los hombres de Judá prevaleció sobre la de los hombres de Israel.
The men of the other Israeli tribes replied, “[There are ten tribes in Israel, and only one in Judah. So] it is ten times more right for us to say that David [is our king] than it is for you to say that. So why are you despising us [RHQ]? We were certainly [RHQ] the first ones to talk about bringing David back [to Jerusalem to be our king again].” But the men of Judah spoke more harshly than the men from the other tribes of Israel did.

< 2 Samuel 19 >