< 2 Crónicas 6 >

1 Entonces Salomón dijo: Yavé dijo que Él moraría en densa oscuridad.
Then Solomon said, “Yahweh, you said that you would live in a dark cloud.
2 Yo te edifiqué una Casa sublime, un lugar donde mores para siempre.
But now I have built a glorious temple for you to live in forever!”
3 Toda la congregación de Israel se mantenía en pie. El rey volvió su rostro y bendijo a toda la congregación de Israel:
Then while all the people stood there, Solomon turned toward the people and he [asked God to] bless them.
4 Bendito sea Yavé ʼElohim de Israel, Quien cumplió con su mano lo que habló con su boca a mi padre David, al decir:
He said to them, “Praise Yahweh, the God to whom we Israelis belong, who has caused to happen what he promised to my father David. What he said to David was this:
5 Desde el día cuando saqué a mi pueblo de la tierra de Egipto, no escogí ninguna ciudad de entre las tribus de Israel para edificar una Casa donde esté mi Nombre, ni escogí a algún hombre para que sea caudillo de mi pueblo Israel.
‘From the time that I brought my people out of Egypt, I have never chosen a city in Israel in which a temple should be built for people to [worship] me there. Nor did I choose anyone to be the leader of my Israeli people.
6 Pero escogí a Jerusalén para que mi Nombre more allí, y escogí a David para que fuera rey de mi pueblo Israel.
But now I have chosen Jerusalem to be the place for people to worship me, and I have chosen you to rule my Israeli people.’”
7 El anhelo de edificar una Casa al Nombre de Yavé ʼElohim de Israel estuvo en el corazón de mi padre David.
[Then Solomon said], “My father David wanted to build a temple for Yahweh, the God to whom we Israelis belong.
8 Pero Yavé dijo a mi padre David: Bien hiciste al tener en tu corazón edificar Casa a mi Nombre, porque tuviste esto en tu corazón,
But Yahweh said to him, ‘You have wanted to build a temple for me, and what you wanted to do was good.
9 pero tú no edificarás la Casa, sino tu hijo edificará la Casa a mi Nombre.
However, you are not the one who I want to build the temple; it is one of your own sons who [I want to] build a temple for me.’
10 Yavé cumplió su Palabra, pues yo me levanté en lugar de mi padre David y me senté en el trono de Israel, tal como Yavé habló, y edifiqué la Casa al Nombre de Yavé ʼElohim de Israel.
“And Yahweh has done what he promised to do. I have become the king of Israel to succeed my father, and I am ruling the people, like Yahweh promised, and I have arranged for this temple to be built for us to worship Yahweh, the God to whom we Israelis belong.
11 Puse allí el Arca en la cual está el Pacto que Yavé hizo con los hijos de Israel.
I have put the Sacred Chest in the temple, in which are the stone tablets [on which are engraved the Ten Commandments of] the agreement that Yahweh made with us Israeli people.”
12 Entonces Salomón se levantó en pie delante del altar de Yavé frente a la congregación de Israel y extendió sus manos.
Then Solomon stood in front of the altar which was in front of the people of Israel who had gathered there.
13 Salomón había hecho una plataforma de bronce y la puso en medio del patio. Tanto su longitud como su anchura eran de 2,25 metros y su altura 1,35 metros. Se levantó sobre ella, se arrodilló delante de toda la congregación de Israel, extendió sus manos al cielo y dijo:
His workers had built a bronze platform there [for him to stand on], which was 7-1/2 feet long and 7-1/2 feet wide and 4-1/2 feet high. They put it in the outer courtyard. Solomon stood on that platform and then knelt down in front of all the people of Israel who had gathered there, and he spread out his arms toward heaven,
14 Oh Yavé ʼElohim de Israel, no hay ʼElohim como Tú en el cielo ni en la tierra. Tú guardas el Pacto y la misericordia a tus esclavos que andan delante de Ti con todo su corazón.
and he prayed, “Yahweh, the God to whom we Israeli people belong, there is no God like you in heaven or on the earth. You solemnly promised that you would faithfully love us, and that is what you have done for us who earnestly do what you want us to do.
15 Tú cumpliste lo que prometiste a tu esclavo David, mi padre. Cumpliste con tu mano lo que prometiste con tu boca como se ve hoy.
“You have done the things that you promised my father David, who served you [very well], that you would do. Truly, you promised to do those things for him, and today we see that by your power you have caused it all to happen.
16 Ahora pues, oh Yavé ʼElohim de Israel, cumple lo que le prometiste a tu esclavo David, mi padre: No te faltará varón que se siente en el trono de Israel delante de Mí, con tal que tus hijos guarden su camino para andar en mi Ley, como tú anduviste delante de Mí.
“So now, Yahweh, the God we Israelis belong to, please do the things that you promised to my father David that you would do. You said that there would always be some of his descendants to rule Israel, if they faithfully conduct their lives as he did.
17 Ahora pues, oh Yavé ʼElohim de Israel, te ruego que sea confirmada tu Palabra que hablaste a tu esclavo David.
So now, God of us Israeli people, cause what you promised David, who served you [well], to happen.
18 Pero, ¿en verdad ʼElohim morará con el hombre en la tierra? Ciertamente el cielo y el más alto cielo no te pueden contener, ¡cuánto menos esta Casa que edifiqué!
“But, my God, will you really live on earth among people? There is surely not enough space for you in the sky, or even in the heaven! So there is surely not enough space for you to live in this temple that my workers have built.
19 Sin embargo, oh Yavé ʼElohim mío, Tú prestarás atención a la oración de tu esclavo y su súplica, para oír el clamor y la oración que tu esclavo presenta ante Ti,
But Yahweh, my God, please listen to my prayer, while I am pleading with you this day and do what I am requesting.
20 a fin de que tus ojos estén abiertos hacia esta Casa día y noche, hacia el lugar del cual dijiste que pondrías allí tu Nombre para escuchar la oración que tu esclavo haga hacia este lugar.
Please protect this temple day and night. This is the place about which you have said, ‘I will always be there.’ Please listen to my prayer about this place.
21 Tú escucharás las súplicas de tu esclavo y de tu pueblo Israel cuando oren hacia este lugar. Escucha Tú desde el lugar de tu morada en el cielo, y cuando escuches, perdona.
Listen to me when I pray, and listen to your Israeli people when they pray. Listen from heaven, where you live; and when you hear us pray, forgive us.
22 Cuando un hombre peque contra otro, y se le exija juramento, y entre en esta Casa para jurar ante tu altar,
“If someone is accused of doing something wrong to another person, and they bring him to testify in front of your altar outside this holy temple, and if he says, ‘I did not do that; may God punish me if I am not telling the truth,’
23 escucha Tú desde el cielo, actúa y juzga a tus esclavos, condena al perverso, para que caiga su conducta sobre su propia cabeza y justifica al justo, a fin de retribuirle según su justicia.
then you listen from heaven, and you decide who is telling the truth. Then punish the person who is guilty as he deserves to be punished, and declare that the other person is innocent.
24 Cuando tu pueblo Israel sea derrotado por el enemigo porque pecó contra Ti, si ellos se vuelven a Ti, confiesan tu Nombre, oran y te suplican en esta Casa,
“And when your Israeli people are defeated by their enemies because they sinned against you, [and forced to go to some distant country, ] if they turn away from their sinful behavior and turn toward this temple and admit [that] you [have justly punished them], and plead [that you will forgive them],
25 escucha Tú desde el cielo, perdona el pecado de tu pueblo Israel, y devuélvelos a la tierra que les diste a ellos y a sus antepasados.
listen to them from heaven and forgive your Israeli people for the sins that they [have committed], and bring them back to this land that you gave to our ancestors.
26 Cuando los cielos estén cerrados y no caiga lluvia porque ellos pecaron contra Ti, si oran hacia este lugar, confiesan tu Nombre y se devuelven de su pecado por el cual los afligiste,
“When you do not allow any rain to fall because your people have sinned against you, if they turn toward this temple and admit [that] you [have justly punished them], and turn away from their sinful behavior and humbly pray to you,
27 escucha Tú desde el cielo y perdona el pecado de tus esclavos y de tu pueblo Israel. Ciertamente, enséñales el buen camino por el cual deben andar y dales lluvia sobre tu tierra que diste a tu pueblo como herencia.
hear from heaven and forgive the sins of your Israeli people. Teach them the right way to conduct their lives. Then cause it to rain here on the land that you gave to your people to belong to them [permanently].
28 Cuando venga hambruna en la tierra, cuando haya pestilencia, honguillo o parásito, saltamontes o pulgón, o cuando sus enemigos lo acosen en sus propias puertas, cualquiera que sea la plaga o la enfermedad,
“And when the people of this land experience famines or if there is a plague, or when their crops are destroyed by very hot winds or by mildew or by locusts or grasshoppers, or when their enemies surround any of their cities [in order to attack them], if any of those bad things happen to them,
29 toda oración o toda súplica que haga cualquier persona de todo tu pueblo Israel, y reconozca cada uno su aflicción y su dolor y extiendan sus manos hacia esta Casa,
when your Israeli people earnestly plead with you, knowing in their inner beings that they are suffering [because they have sinned], if they stretch out their hands toward this temple and pray,
30 escucha Tú desde el cielo, el lugar de tu morada, y perdona. Retribuye conforme a todos sus procedimientos a cada uno cuyo corazón Tú conoces, porque solo Tú conoces el corazón de los hijos de hombres,
hear from your home in heaven, and forgive them. You alone know what each person is thinking, so reward each person according to everything that he does,
31 para que te teman y anden en tus caminos todos los días que vivan en la tierra que Tú diste a nuestros antepasados.
in order that they will revere you and conduct their lives as you want them to, all the time that they live in this land that you gave to our ancestors.
32 También con respecto al extranjero que no es de tu pueblo Israel, cuando venga de una tierra lejana por causa de tu gran Nombre, tu poderosa mano y tu brazo extendido, y venga y ore hacia esta Casa,
“There will be some foreigners who do not belong to your Israeli people who have come here from countries far away because they have heard that you are very great and that you perform great miracles. If they turn toward this temple and pray,
33 escucha Tú desde el cielo, desde tu morada. Haz según todo lo que el extranjero te pida, para que todos los pueblos de la tierra conozcan tu Nombre, te teman como tu pueblo Israel y sepan que a tu Nombre está consagrada esta Casa.
from your home in heaven listen to their prayer, and do for them what they request you to do. Do that in order that all the people-groups in the world will know about you and revere you, like we, your own Israeli people do. And then they will know that this is the temple that I have caused to be built for you.
34 Cuando tu pueblo salga a la batalla contra sus enemigos, cualquiera que sea el camino en el cual lo envíes, y ore a Ti hacia esta ciudad que escogiste, hacia la Casa que construí a tu Nombre,
“When you send your people to go to places to attack their enemies, if they pray to you, wherever they are, if they turn toward this city that you have chosen and toward this temple that I have caused to be built to honor you,
35 escucha Tú desde el cielo su oración y su súplica, y ampara su causa.
listen in heaven to their prayers; listen to what they plead for you [to do], and assist them.
36 Cuando pequen contra Ti, porque no hay hombre que no peque, y Tú, airado contra ellos, los entregues al enemigo, y sus captores los lleven cautivos a una tierra lejana o cercana,
[“It is true that] everyone sins. So, when your people sin against you, and you become angry with them, you may allow their enemies to capture them and take them to their countries, even to countries that are far away.
37 si en la tierra adonde sean llevados cautivos ellos recapacitan, y en su cautiverio se arrepienten y te suplican, y dicen: Pecamos, hicimos iniquidad, actuamos perversamente;
When that happens, while they are in the countries to which they were forced to go, if they are sorry for having sinned, if they say, ‘We have sinned; we have done things that are wrong and have done things that are very wicked,’
38 si en la tierra de su cautiverio adonde fueron llevados cautivos, ellos se devuelven a Ti con todo su corazón y toda su alma, y oran a Ti en dirección a la tierra que diste a sus antepasados, hacia la ciudad que Tú escogiste, hacia la Casa que construí a tu Nombre,
if they repent very sincerely, and if they turn toward this land that you gave to our ancestors, and toward this city that you have chosen [to be the place where we should worship you], and toward this temple that I have caused to be built for you and pray,
39 escucha Tú desde el cielo su oración y sus súplicas, el lugar de tu morada, ampara su causa y perdona a tu pueblo que pecó contra Ti.
then from your home in heaven hear their prayer, and listen to them while they plead [for your help], and do what they ask you to do, and forgive your people who have sinned against you.
40 Ahora pues, oh ʼElohim mío, te ruego que tus ojos estén abiertos y tus oídos atentos a la oración que se eleva en este lugar.
“Now, my God, look at us and listen to us as we pray to you in this place.
41 Entonces, ¡levántate, oh Yavé ʼElohim, a morar en tu reposo, Tú y el Arca de tu poder! ¡Vístanse de salvación tus sacerdotes, oh Yavé ʼElohim, y regocíjense tus santos en tu bondad!
Yahweh our God, come and stay in this place with the Sacred Chest, the chest that shows that you are powerful. Yahweh God, cause your priests to know clearly that you have blessed them. Cause us your people to rejoice because of all the good things [that you do for us].
42 ¡Oh Yavé ʼElohim, no rechaces a tu ungido! Acuérdate de tus misericordias hacia tu esclavo David.
Yahweh God, do not reject me [the king] whom you have appointed [to be the king of Israel]; do not forget that you greatly loved David, who served you [very well].”

< 2 Crónicas 6 >