< Levítico 14 >

1 Yahvé habló a Moisés, diciendo,
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
2 “Esta será la ley del leproso el día de su purificación: Será llevado al sacerdote,
“These are the regulations for anyone who has been healed of a contagious skin disease.
3 y el sacerdote saldrá del campamento. El sacerdote lo examinará. Si la plaga de la lepra se ha curado en el leproso,
The person must be brought to a priest. The priest will take him outside the camp [to where that person has been staying], and examine him. If the skin disease has been healed,
4 entonces el sacerdote mandará que tomen para el que va a ser purificado dos aves vivas y limpias, madera de cedro, grana e hisopo.
the priest will say that someone must bring two living birds that are acceptable to Yahweh, along with some cedar wood, some scarlet/red yarn, and some sprigs of (hyssop/a very leafy plant).
5 El sacerdote les ordenará que maten una de las aves en una vasija de barro sobre agua corriente.
Then the priest will command that one of the birds be killed while [it is being held] over a clay pot containing water from a spring.
6 En cuanto a la ave viva, la tomará, así como la madera de cedro, la grana y el hisopo, y los mojará, junto con la ave viva, en la sangre de la ave matada sobre el agua corriente.
Then the priest will dip the other bird, along with the cedar wood, the scarlet/red yarn and the hyssop, into the blood of the bird that was killed.
7 Rociará siete veces sobre el que ha de quedar limpio de la lepra, y lo declarará limpio, y dejará que el ave viva salga al campo.
Then he must sprinkle some of the blood on the person who was healed; he must sprinkle it on him seven times. Then he will declare that the person is permitted to be with other people again. And the priest will release the other bird and allow it to fly away.
8 “El que vaya a ser purificado lavará su ropa, se afeitará todo el pelo y se bañará en agua, y quedará limpio. Después entrará en el campamento, pero permanecerá siete días fuera de su tienda.
“Then the person who was healed must wash his clothes, shave off all his hair, and bathe. Then he is allowed to return to the camp, but he must stay outside his tent for seven days.
9 Al séptimo día se afeitará todo el cabello de la cabeza, la barba y las cejas. Se afeitará todo el cabello. Lavará sus ropas y bañará su cuerpo con agua. Entonces quedará limpio.
On the seventh day, he must again shave off all his hair, including his beard and his eyebrows. Then he must again wash his clothes and bathe, and then he will be allowed to be with other people again.
10 “Al octavo día tomará dos corderos machos sin defecto, una oveja de un año sin defecto, tres décimas de efa de harina fina para la ofrenda de harina, mezclada con aceite, y un tronco de aceite.
“The next day that person must bring two male lambs and one female lamb that is one year old, all of them with no defects. He must also bring six quarts/liters of fine flour, mixed with olive oil, to be an offering, and (0.6 pint/0.3 liter) of olive oil.
11 El sacerdote que lo purifique pondrá al hombre que va a ser purificado, y esas cosas, delante de Yahvé, a la puerta de la Tienda del Encuentro.
The priest who declares that the person’s skin disease is ended must bring that person, and his offerings, to me, Yahweh, at the entrance of the Sacred Tent.
12 “El sacerdote tomará uno de los corderos machos y lo ofrecerá como ofrenda por el pecado, con el tronco de aceite, y los agitará como ofrenda mecida ante Yahvé.
“Then the priest must take one of the male lambs and lift it up, along with the olive oil, in front of me, to be a guilt offering—[an offering for his being guilty for not giving to me the things that he was required to give me].
13 Matará el cordero macho en el lugar donde se mata el sacrificio por el pecado y el holocausto, en el lugar del santuario; porque así como el sacrificio por el pecado es del sacerdote, también lo es el sacrificio por la culpa. Es algo muy sagrado.
Then the priest must slaughter the lamb in the sacred place where the other sacrifices are offered. Like the offering to enable people to be forgiven, this guilt offering is holy, and belongs to the priest.
14 El sacerdote tomará un poco de la sangre de la ofrenda por el pecado y la pondrá en la punta de la oreja derecha del que va a ser purificado, en el pulgar de su mano derecha y en el dedo gordo de su pie derecho.
The priest must take some of the blood of that animal and pour it on the lobe/tip of the right ear and on the thumb of the right hand and on the big toe of the right foot of the one who has been healed of the skin disease.
15 El sacerdote tomará un poco del tronco de aceite y lo echará en la palma de su mano izquierda.
Then the priest must take some of the olive oil and pour it in the palm of his own left hand.
16 El sacerdote mojará su dedo derecho en el aceite que tiene en su mano izquierda, y rociará un poco del aceite con su dedo siete veces delante de Yahvé.
Then he must dip the forefinger of his right hand into the oil in his palm, and sprinkle it in front of me seven times.
17 El sacerdote pondrá un poco del resto del aceite que tiene en su mano sobre la punta de la oreja derecha del que va a ser purificado, y sobre el pulgar de su mano derecha, y sobre el dedo gordo de su pie derecho, sobre la sangre de la ofrenda por la culpa.
Then he must put some of the oil that is still in the palm of his hand on the lobe/tip of the right ear and the thumb of the right hand and on the big toe of the right foot of the person who has been healed of the skin disease. He must put it on top of the blood that he has already put on those places.
18 El resto del aceite que tiene el sacerdote en su mano lo pondrá sobre la cabeza del que va a ser purificado, y el sacerdote hará expiación por él ante Yahvé.
The remaining oil in his palm must be put on the person’s head, [to indicate that I declare that] the person has been forgiven for having sinned.
19 “El sacerdote ofrecerá la ofrenda por el pecado y hará la expiación por el que ha de ser purificado a causa de su impureza. Después matará el holocausto;
“Then the priest must slaughter one of the other two animals, to show that the one who has been healed of the skin disease has been forgiven for having sinned, and that he has become acceptable to Yahweh. Then the priest will slaughter the animal that will be completely burned [on the altar].
20 entonces el sacerdote ofrecerá el holocausto y la ofrenda sobre el altar. El sacerdote hará expiación por él, y quedará limpio.
He will also put on the altar the offering of grain, to indicate that the person has been forgiven for having sinned. Then that person will be allowed to be with other people again.
21 “Si es pobre y no puede pagar tanto, tomará un cordero macho como ofrenda por la culpa, para hacer expiación por él, y la décima parte de un efa de harina fina mezclada con aceite para una ofrenda de harina, y un tronco de aceite;
“But if the person who has been healed of a skin disease is poor and cannot afford to bring all those animals, he must take to the priest one male lamb to be lifted up to be an offering for his not giving to me the things that he was required to give me. He must also take two quarts/liters of fine flour mixed with olive oil to be an offering made from grain, (0.6 pint/0.3 liter) of olive oil,
22 y dos tórtolas, o dos pichones de paloma, como pueda pagar; y una será una ofrenda por el pecado, y la otra un holocausto.
and two doves or two young pigeons, one for him to be forgiven for the sins he has committed, and one to be completely burned [on the altar].
23 “Al octavo día los traerá para su purificación al sacerdote, a la puerta de la Tienda del Encuentro, ante Yahvé.
“On that same day, that person must take those things to the priest at the entrance of the Sacred Tent, to offer them to Yahweh.
24 El sacerdote tomará el cordero de la ofrenda por la culpa y el tronco de aceite, y el sacerdote los agitará como ofrenda mecida ante Yahvé.
The priest will take the lamb for the offering for that person not giving to me the things that he was required to give me, along with the olive oil, and lift them up in front of me.
25 Matará el cordero de la ofrenda por la culpa. El sacerdote tomará un poco de la sangre de la ofrenda por la culpa y la pondrá en la punta de la oreja derecha del que va a ser purificado, en el pulgar de su mano derecha y en el dedo gordo de su pie derecho.
Then the priest will slaughter that lamb [and drain some of the blood in a bowl], and take some of that blood and put it on the lobe/tip of the person’s right ear and on the thumb of his right hand and on the big toe of his right foot.
26 El sacerdote verterá un poco del aceite en la palma de su mano izquierda;
Then the priest will pour some of the oil into the palm of his left hand,
27 y el sacerdote rociará con su dedo derecho un poco del aceite que tiene en su mano izquierda siete veces ante Yahvé.
and with his right forefinger he must sprinkle some of the oil from his palm there in my presence.
28 Luego el sacerdote pondrá un poco del aceite que tiene en su mano sobre la punta de la oreja derecha del que va a ser purificado, y sobre el pulgar de su mano derecha, y sobre el dedo gordo de su pie derecho, en el lugar de la sangre de la ofrenda por la culpa.
He must put some of the oil in his palm on the same places where he put the blood.
29 El resto del aceite que está en la mano del sacerdote lo pondrá sobre la cabeza del que va a ser purificado, para hacer expiación por él ante Yahvé.
He must put the rest of the oil that is in his hand on the head of the person who has been healed of a skin disease, to indicate that I have forgiven him for having sinned.
30 Ofrecerá una de las tórtolas o de los pichones de paloma, lo que pueda pagar,
Then the priest must sacrifice the doves or the pigeons, whichever that person has brought.
31 de la clase que pueda pagar, la una para la ofrenda por el pecado y la otra para el holocausto, con la ofrenda. El sacerdote hará la expiación por el que ha de ser purificado ante Yahvé”.
One will be an offering for sin and the other will be completely burned on the altar, along with the offering of grain. By doing that, the priest will declare that the person is no longer guilty for having sinned.
32 Esta es la ley para el que tiene la plaga de la lepra y no puede pagar el sacrificio para su purificación.
“Those are the regulations for anyone who has a contagious skin disease and who is poor and cannot afford the usual offerings, in order that he can be with people again.”
33 Yahvé habló a Moisés y a Aarón, diciendo:
Yahweh also said to Aaron and Moses/me,
34 “Cuando hayáis entrado en la tierra de Canaán, que yo os doy en posesión, y pongo un moho que se extiende en una casa de la tierra de vuestra posesión,
“I am about to give you Canaan land to belong to your people permanently. When you enter that land, there will be times when I cause/allow mildew to appear inside one of your houses.
35 entonces el dueño de la casa vendrá y avisará al sacerdote, diciendo: “Me parece que hay una especie de plaga en la casa.
If that happens, the owner of that house must go to the priest and tell him, ‘There is something in my house that looks like mildew.’
36 El sacerdote ordenará que se vacíe la casa, antes de que el sacerdote entre a examinar la plaga, para que todo lo que haya en la casa no quede impuro. Después el sacerdote entrará a inspeccionar la casa.
“Then the priest will say to him, ‘Take everything out of the house before I enter the house to examine the mildew. If you do not do that, I will declare that everything in the house is contaminated.’
37 Examinará la plaga; y si la plaga está en las paredes de la casa con vetas huecas, verdosas o rojizas, y parece ser más profunda que la pared,
[After the owner takes everything outside of his house], the priest will go in and inspect the house. If the mildew has caused greenish or reddish spots/depressions on the walls that seem to be deeper than only on the surface of the walls,
38 entonces el sacerdote saldrá de la casa a la puerta de la misma, y cerrará la casa por siete días.
the priest will go outside the house and lock it up for seven days.
39 El sacerdote volverá al séptimo día y mirará. Si la peste se ha extendido por las paredes de la casa,
On the seventh day, he must go into the house and inspect it again. If the mildew on the walls has spread,
40 entonces el sacerdote mandará que saquen las piedras en las que está la peste, y las arrojen a un lugar inmundo fuera de la ciudad.
the priest will tell someone to tear out and throw in the dump outside the town all the stones in the walls that have mildew on them.
41 Hará que se raspe todo el interior de la casa. Echarán la argamasa que rasparon fuera de la ciudad en un lugar inmundo.
Then the owner must scrape all the walls inside the house, and everything that is scraped off must be thrown into a dump outside the town.
42 Tomarán otras piedras y las pondrán en el lugar de esas piedras; y tomará otra argamasa y enlucirá la casa.
Then the owner must get new/other stones to replace the ones that had mildew on them, and take new clay and plaster [to cover the stones in the walls of] the house.
43 “Si la peste vuelve a brotar en la casa después de haber sacado las piedras, y después de haber raspado la casa, y después de haberla enlucido,
“If the mildew appears again in the house after that is done,
44 entonces el sacerdote entrará y mirará; y he aquí que si la peste se ha extendido en la casa, es un moho destructor en la casa. Es impura.
the priest must go and examine the house again. If the mildew has spread inside the house, it will be clear that the mildew is the kind that destroys [houses], and no one will be allowed to live in it.
45 Derribará la casa, sus piedras y su madera, y toda la argamasa de la casa. Los sacará de la ciudad a un lugar inmundo.
It must be completely torn down—the stones, the timber and the plaster—and all those things must be thrown into a dump outside the town.
46 “Además, el que entre en la casa mientras está cerrada será impuro hasta la noche.
“Anyone who goes into that house while it is locked up will not be allowed to be with other people until sunset of that day.
47 El que se acueste en la casa lavará su ropa, y el que coma en la casa lavará su ropa.
Anyone who sleeps in that house or eats in that house [during that time] must wash his clothes.
48 “Si el sacerdote entra y la examina, y he aquí que la peste no se ha propagado en la casa, después de haberla enlucido, entonces el sacerdote declarará limpia la casa, porque la peste está curada.
“But when the priest comes to examine the house after it has been plastered, if the mildew has not spread, he shall declare that people may live in it, because the mildew is gone.
49 Para limpiar la casa tomará dos aves, madera de cedro, grana e hisopo.
But before people are allowed to live in it, the priest must take two small birds and some cedar wood and some red/scarlet yarn and some hyssop.
50 Matará una de las aves en una vasija de barro sobre agua corriente.
He must kill one of the birds while [holding it] over a clay pot containing water from a spring.
51 Tomará la madera de cedro, el hisopo, la grana y el ave viva, y los mojará en la sangre del ave sacrificada y en el agua corriente, y rociará la casa siete veces.
Then he must take the cedar wood, the hyssop, the red/scarlet yarn, and the other/living bird, and dip them into the blood of the dead bird, and sprinkle some of that blood on the house seven times.
52 Limpiará la casa con la sangre del ave y con el agua corriente, con el ave viva, con la madera de cedro, con el hisopo y con la grana;
By doing all those things he will cause the house to be acceptable to be lived in again.
53 pero dejará que el ave viva salga de la ciudad al campo abierto. Así expiará la casa, y quedará limpia”.
Then he must release the other bird and allow it to fly away. By doing that, he will [finish the ritual for] causing the house to be acceptable for people to live in it again.
54 Esta es la ley para cualquier plaga de lepra, y para una picazón,
“Those are the regulations for contagious diseases, for itching sores,
55 y para el moho destructor de un vestido, y para una casa,
for mildew [DOU] on clothes or in a house,
56 y para una hinchazón, y para una costra, y para una mancha brillante;
and for swellings, rashes, or bright spots [on sores],
57 para enseñar cuándo es impuro, y cuándo es limpio. Esta es la ley de la lepra.
to find out whether a person has a contagious disease or not, and whether people will still be permitted to touch their clothing or their house, or not.”

< Levítico 14 >