< Isaías 57 >

1 Los justos perecen, y nadie se lo toma a pecho. Los hombres misericordiosos son llevados, y nadie considera que el justo se aleja del malo.
The just man perishes, and there is no one who acknowledges it in his heart; and men of mercy are taken away, for there is no one who understands. For the just man has been taken away before the face of malice.
2 Entra en la paz. Descansan en sus camas, cada uno que camina en su rectitud.
Let peace arrive. Let he who has walked in his righteousness find rest on his bed.
3 “Pero acercaos aquí, hijos de una hechicera, hijos de adúlteros y prostitutas.
But come here, you sons of the prophetess, you offspring of an adulterous man and a fornicating woman.
4 ¿De quién te burlas? Contra quién haces una boca ancha y sacar la lengua? ¿No son ustedes hijos de la desobediencia y la descendencia de la falsedad,
Whom are you mocking? Against whom have you opened your mouth wide and wagged your tongue? Are you not sons of wickedness, a lying offspring,
5 vosotros que os inflamáis entre las encinas, bajo cada árbol verde; que matan a los niños en los valles, bajo las hendiduras de las rocas?
who are being consoled by idols under every leafy tree, immolating little children at the torrents, under the high rocks?
6 Entre las piedras lisas del valle está tu parte. Ellos, ellos son su lote. Incluso les has hecho una ofrenda de bebida. Has ofrecido una ofrenda. ¿Debo ser apaciguado por estas cosas?
Your portion is in the currents of the torrent; this is your lot! And you yourselves have poured out libations to them; you have offered sacrifice. Should I not be angry over these things?
7 En un monte alto y elevado has puesto tu cama. También subiste a ofrecer sacrificios.
Upon a high and lofty mountain, you have placed your bed, and you have ascended to that place to immolate victims.
8 Has colocado tu monumento detrás de las puertas y los postes, porque te has expuesto a alguien más que a mí, y han subido. Has ampliado tu cama y te hizo un pacto con ellos. Te encantó lo que viste en su cama.
And behind the door, and beyond the post, you have set up your memorial. For you uncovered yourself next to me, and you received an adulterer. You widened your bed, and you formed a pact with them. You loved their bed with an open hand.
9 Fuiste al rey con aceite, aumentó sus perfumes, envió a sus embajadores lejos, y te has degradado hasta el Seol. (Sheol h7585)
And you have adorned yourself for the king with ointments, and you have increased your cosmetics. You have sent your representatives to distant places, and you have debased yourself all the way to Hell. (Sheol h7585)
10 Te cansaste de la longitud de tus caminos; sin embargo, no dijiste: “Es en vano”. Has encontrado un reavivamiento de tus fuerzas; por lo tanto, no te has desmayado.
You have been wearied by the multitude of your own ways. Yet you did not say, “I will cease.” You have found life by your own hand; because of this, you have not prayed.
11 “A quién habéis temido y teméis, para que mientas, y no te has acordado de mí, ni lo has puesto en tu corazón? No he callado durante mucho tiempo, ¿y no me temes?
For whose sake have you been anxiously afraid, so that you would lie and not be mindful of me, nor consider me in your heart? For I am silent, and I am like someone who does not see, and so you have forgotten me.
12 Yo declararé tu justicia; y en cuanto a tus obras, no te beneficiarán.
I will announce your justice, and your works will not benefit you.
13 Cuando llores, deja que te entreguen los que has reunido, pero el viento se los llevará. Un soplo se los llevará a todos, pero el que se refugie en mí poseerá la tierra, y heredarán mi santo monte”.
When you cry out, let your followers free you. But the wind will carry them all away; a breeze will take them up. But he who has faith in me will inherit the earth and will possess my holy mountain.
14 Él dirá: “¡Construyan, construyan, preparen el camino! Quita el escollo del camino de mi pueblo”.
And I will say: “Make way! Grant passage! Move to the side of the path! Take the obstacles out of the way of my people!”
15 Para el alto y excelso que habita la eternidad, cuyo nombre es Santo, dice: “Yo habito en el lugar alto y santo, también con el que tiene un espíritu contrito y humilde, para reanimar el espíritu de los humildes, y para reanimar el corazón de los contritos.
For this is said by the Most High, the Sublime One, who dwells in eternity. And his name is Holy, for he dwells in the exalted and holy place, and he acts with a restrained and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, and to revive the heart of the contrite.
16 Porque no contenderé eternamente, ni me enfadaré siempre; pues el espíritu desfallecería ante mí, y las almas que he hecho.
For I will not contend unceasingly, and I will not be angry to the end. For I will exhale my breath, and the Spirit will go forth from my face.
17 Me enojé por la iniquidad de su codicia y lo golpeé. Me escondí y me enfadé; y siguió reincidiendo en el camino de su corazón.
Because of the iniquity of his avarice, I was angry, and I struck him down. I concealed my face from you, and I was angry. And he went astray by wandering in his heart.
18 He visto sus caminos y lo sanaré. Yo también lo guiaré, y devuelve el consuelo a él y a sus dolientes.
I saw his ways, and I healed him, and I led him back again, and I restored consolations to him and to those who mourn for him.
19 Yo creo el fruto de los labios: Paz, paz, al que está lejos y al que está cerca”. dice Yahvé; “y los sanaré”.
I created the fruit of the lips: peace, peace to him who is far away, and peace to him who is near, said the Lord, and I healed him.
20 Pero los malvados son como el mar agitado; porque no puede descansar y sus aguas arrojan fango y lodo.
But the impious are like the raging sea, which is not able to be quieted, and its waves stir up dirt and mud.
21 “No hay paz”, dice mi Dios, “para los malvados”.
There is no peace for the impious, says the Lord God.

< Isaías 57 >