< Deuteronomio 12 >

1 Estos son los estatutos y las ordenanzas que observaréis para hacer en la tierra que Yahvé, el Dios de tus padres, te ha dado para que la poseas todos los días que viviréis sobre la tierra.
“(I will now tell you again/These, [again], are) the rules and regulations that you must faithfully obey in the land that Yahweh, the God whom our ancestors [worshiped], is giving to you to occupy. You must obey these laws all the time that you are alive.
2 Destruiréis todos los lugares en los que las naciones que desposeeréis sirvieron a sus dioses: en los montes altos, en las colinas y debajo de todo árbol verde.
You must destroy all the places where the people-groups that you will expel worship their gods, on the tops of mountains and hills and under big green trees.
3 Derribarreis sus altares, harás pedazos sus columnas y quemaréis con fuego sus postes de Asera. Cortarás las imágenes grabadas de sus dioses. Borrareis su nombre de ese lugar.
You must tear down their altars and smash their sacred pillars. Completely burn the statues of their goddess Asherah in fires, and chop down their wooden idols, in order that no one will ever worship them [MTY] in those places again.
4 No lo harás con el Señor, vuestro Dios.
“Do not worship Yahweh like [the people in Canaan worship their gods].
5 Pero al lugar que Yahvé vuestro Dios elija de entre todas tus tribus, para poner allí su nombre, buscaréis su morada, e iréis allí.
Instead, you must go to the place that Yahweh will choose. It will be in the area where one of your tribes will live. That is where you must go to worship Yahweh.
6 Llevaréis allí vuestros holocaustos, vuestros sacrificios, vuestros diezmos, la ofrenda mecida de vuestra mano, vuestros votos, vuestras ofrendas voluntarias y los primogénitos de vuestro ganado y de vuestras ovejas.
That is the place where you must bring your sacrifices that will be completely burned on the altar, and your other sacrifices, (your tithes/ten percent of all of your crops), other offerings that you decide to give, and the firstborn animals from your cattle and sheep.
7 Allí comeréis delante de Yahvé vuestro Dios, y os alegraréis de todo lo que hagáis, vosotros y vuestras familias, en lo que Yahvé tu Dios te ha bendecido.
There, in the presence of Yahweh our God, who has [greatly] blessed you, you and your families will eat the good things that you have worked to produce, and you will be happy.
8 No haréis todo lo que hacemos hoy aquí, cada uno lo que es correcto a sus propios ojos;
“[When you are in that land], you must not do some of the things that we have been doing. Until now, you have all been worshiping [Yahweh] the way you wanted to,
9 porque todavía no habéis llegado al descanso y a la herencia que Yahvé vuestro Dios os da.
because you have not yet arrived in the land which Yahweh is giving to you, where you will be able to live peacefully.
10 Pero pasaréis el Jordán y habitaréis en la tierra que Yahvé tu Dios os hace heredar, y él os hará descansar de todos vuestros enemigos que te rodean, para que habitéis con seguridad,
But when you cross the Jordan [River], you will start to live in the land that Yahweh our God is giving to you. He will protect you from all your enemies that will surround you, and you will live peacefully/safely.
11 entonces sucederá que al lugar que Yahvé vuestro Dios elija, para hacer que su nombre habite allí, llevaréis todo lo que yo os mando: vuestros holocaustos, vuestros sacrificios, vuestros diezmos, la ofrenda mecida de vuestra mano, y todos tus votos selectos que hagas a Yahvé.
“Yahweh will choose one place where he wants you to worship him. That is the place to which you must bring all the offerings that I command you to bring: The sacrifices that must be completely burned [on the altar], your other sacrifices, other offerings that you yourselves decide to give, (your tithes/ten percent of all your crops), and all the special offerings that you will solemnly promise to give to Yahweh.
12 Os alegraréis ante Yahvé vuestro Dios: vuestros hijos, vuestras hijas, vuestros siervos, vuestras siervas y el levita que está dentro de vuestras puertas, porque él no tiene parte ni herencia contigo.
Rejoice there in the presence of Yahweh, along with your children, your male and female servants, and the descendants of Levi who live in your towns. Do not forget that the descendants of Levi will not have their own land, like you will have.
13 Ten cuidado de no ofrecer tus holocaustos en todos los lugares que veas;
Be sure that you do not offer sacrifices anywhere you want to.
14 sino en el lugar que Yahvé elija en una de tus tribus, allí ofrecerás tus holocaustos, y allí harás todo lo que yo te mando.
You must offer them only in the place that Yahweh will choose for you, in an area that belongs to one of your tribes. That is the only place where he wants you to offer sacrifices that will be completely burned [on the altar], and to do the other things that I am commanding you to do [when you worship him].
15 Sin embargo, podrás matar y comer carne dentro de todas tus puertas, según todo el deseo de tu alma, según la bendición de Yahvé vuestro Dios que te ha dado. Los impuros y los limpios podrán comer de ella, como de la gacela y del ciervo.
“However, you will be permitted to kill and eat the meat of your animals in the places where you live. As often as you want to, you may eat the meat of the animals that Yahweh our God will bless you by giving them to you. Those who have done things that cause them to become unacceptable to God and those who have not done things like that may all eat that meat, just like you would eat the meat of a deer or an antelope.
16 Sólo que tú no comeréis la sangre. La derramaréis sobre la tierra como si fuera agua.
But you must not eat the blood [of any animals]; you must let the blood drain onto the ground [before you cook the meat].
17 No podrás comer dentro de tus puertas el diezmo de tu grano, ni el de tu vino nuevo, ni el de tu aceite, ni el primogénito de tu rebaño o de tu manada, ni ninguno de tus votos que hayas hecho, ni tus ofrendas voluntarias, ni la ofrenda de tu mano;
In the places where you live, you must not eat the things that you are offering [to Yahweh]: You must not eat the (tithes/ten percent) of your grain or of your wine, or of your [olive] oil, or the firstborn of your cattle and sheep, or the offerings that you yourselves decide to give to Yahweh, or any other offerings.
18 sino que los comerás delante de Yahvé vuestro Dios en el lugar que Yahvé vuestro Dios elija: tú, tu hijo, tu hija, tu siervo, tu sierva y el levita que esté dentro de tus puertas. Te alegrarás ante el Señor tu Dios en todo lo que hagas.
Instead, you and your children and your male and female servants and the descendants of Levi who live in your towns must go to the place that he has chosen and eat those things there in the presence of Yahweh. And you should rejoice in the presence of Yahweh about everything that you do.
19 Ten cuidado de no abandonar al levita mientras vivas en tu tierra.
Be sure that you take care of the descendants of Levi all during the time that you live in your land.
20 Cuando Yahvé vuestro Dios amplíe tu frontera, como te ha prometido, y tú digas: “Quiero comer carne”, porque tu alma desea comer carne, podrás comer carne, según el deseo de tu alma.
“When Yahweh our God gives you much more land [than you will have when you first occupy it], which is what he has promised to do, and you say ‘I would like some meat to eat’ because you are craving/wanting some meat, you will be permitted to eat meat whenever you want to.
21 Si el lugar que Yahvé, tu Dios, elige para poner su nombre está demasiado lejos de ti, entonces matarás de tu rebaño y de tus ovejas, que Yahvé te ha dado, como yo te he mandado; y podrás comer dentro de tus puertas, según todo el deseo de tu alma.
If the place that Yahweh our God chooses to be the place for you to worship him is far [from where you live], you are permitted to kill some of your cattle or sheep that Yahweh has given to you, and you may eat that meat at the places where you live, just like I have told you to do.
22 Así como se come la gacela y el ciervo, así comerás tú. El impuro y el limpio podrán comer de ella por igual.
Those who have done things that cause them to become unacceptable to God, and those who have not done things like that, are all permitted to all eat that meat, just like you would eat the meat of a deer or an antelope.
23 Sólo asegúrate de no comer la sangre, porque la sangre es la vida. No comerás la vida con la carne.
But be sure that you do not eat the blood [of any animal], because it is the blood that sustains life in living beings, and so you must not eat the life along with the meat.
24 No la comerás. La derramarás sobre la tierra como si fuera agua.
Do not eat the blood; instead, let it drain onto the ground.
25 No la comerás, para que te vaya bien a ti y a tus hijos después de ti, cuando hagas lo que es justo a los ojos de Yahvé.
If you obey this command and do what Yahweh says is right [for you to do], things will go well for you and for your descendants.
26 Sólo tomarás tus cosas sagradas que tengas, y tus votos, y te irás al lugar que Yahvé elija.
“But the sacred offerings that Yahweh has told you to give and the other offerings that you yourselves decide to give, you must take to the place that Yahweh will choose.
27 Ofrecerás tus holocaustos, la carne y la sangre, sobre el altar del Señor, tu Dios. La sangre de tus sacrificios se derramará sobre el altar del Señor, tu Dios, y comerás la carne.
You must offer there the sacrifices that will be completely burned [on Yahweh’s altar]. You must also offer there the sacrifices from which you may eat some of meat after you [kill the animals and] drain out the blood and some of it is thrown on the [sides of the] altar.
28 Observa y escucha todas estas palabras que te mando, para que te vaya bien a ti y a tus hijos después de ti para siempre, cuando hagas lo que es bueno y recto a los ojos del Señor tu Dios.
Faithfully obey all these things that I have commanded you. If you do that, things will go well forever for you and your descendants, because you will be doing what Yahweh our God says is right [for you to do] and what pleases him.
29 Cuando Yahvé, tu Dios, elimine a las naciones de delante de ti donde entras para despojarlas, y las despojes y habites en su tierra,
“When you enter the land that you will occupy, as you advance, Yahweh our God will get rid of the people-groups that live there.
30 ten cuidado de no caer en la trampa de seguirlas después de que sean destruidas de delante de ti, y de no indagar en sus dioses, diciendo: “¿Cómo sirven estas naciones a sus dioses? Yo haré lo mismo”.
After he does that, be sure that you do not [worship the gods] that they have been worshiping, because if you do that, you will be caught in the same trap [that they were caught in] [MET]. Do not ask anyone about those gods, saying, ‘Tell me how they worshiped their gods, in order that I can [worship them] also.’
31 No harás así con Yahvé, tu Dios, porque toda abominación a Yahvé, que él odia, la han hecho con sus dioses; pues incluso queman a sus hijos y a sus hijas en el fuego a sus dioses.
Do not try to worship Yahweh our God like they have worshiped their gods, because when they worship them, they do disgusting things, things that Yahweh hates. [The worst thing that they do is] that they sacrifice their own children and burn them [on their altars].
32 Todo lo que yo te mande, eso cuidaréis de hacerlo. No le añadirás ni le quitarás nada.
“Be sure to do everything that I have commanded you to do. Do not add anything to these commands, and do not take anything away from them.”

< Deuteronomio 12 >