< Zacarías 4 >

1 Entonces el ángel con el que yo hablaba volvió y llamó mi atención, como cuando despiertan a alguien de su sueño.
And he returned the angel who was speaking with me and he roused me like a person who he is roused from sleep his.
2 “¿Qué ves?” me preguntó. “Veo un candelabro hecho de oro sólido con un tazón que sostiene siete lámparas sobre él, cada una con siete labios.
And he said to me what? [are] you seeing (and I said *Q(K)*) I see - and there! a lampstand of gold all of it and a bowl [is] on top its and seven lamps its [are] on it seven and seven pipes [belong] to the lamps which [are] on top its.
3 También veo árboles de olivos, uno a la derecha y uno a la izquierda del tazón”.
And two olive trees [were] at it one from [the] right [side] of the bowl and one at left [side] its.
4 Entonces le pregunté al ángel con el que hablaba: “¿Qué son estos, mi señor?”
And I answered and I said to the angel who was speaking with me saying what? [are] these O lord my.
5 “¿No sabes lo que son?” respondió el ángel. “No, mi señor”, respondí.
And he answered the angel who was speaking with me and he said to me ¿ not do you know what? they [are] these and I said no O lord my.
6 Entonces me dijo: “Este es el mensaje del Señor a Zorobabel: No es con poder, ni con fuerza sino con mi espíritu, dice el Señor.
And he answered and he said to me saying this [is] [the] word of Yahweh to Zerubbabel saying not by strength and not by power that except by spirit my he says Yahweh of hosts.
7 Aún los obstáculos grandes como montañas serán aplastados ante Zorobabel. Finalmente traerá la piedra angular con gritos de ‘¡Bendiciones sobre ella!’”
Who? [are] you O mountain great before Zerubbabel level ground and he will bring forth the stone top shouting grace grace to it.
8 Entonces el Señor me dio otro mensaje.
And it came [the] word of Yahweh to me saying.
9 Zorobabel con sus propias manos estableció los cimientos de este Templo, y será completado de la misma forma. Entonces sabrás que el Señor Todopoderoso me ha enviado.
[the] hands of Zerubbabel they have founded the house this and hands his they will finish [it] and you will know that Yahweh of hosts he has sent me to you.
10 ¿Acaso quién se atreve a menospreciar estos tiempos de comienzos pequeños? Serán felices cuando vean la plomada en la mano de Zorobabel. “Las siete lámparas representan los ojos del Señor que ve a todo el mundo”.
For who? has he despised a day of small [things] and they will rejoice and they will see the stone tin in [the] hand of Zerubbabel seven these [the] eyes of Yahweh they [are] roving about in all the earth.
11 Entonces le pregunté al ángel: “¿Que significan los dos árboles de olivo que están a los lados del candelabro?”
And I answered and I said to him what? [are] [the] two the olive trees these at [the] right [side] of the lampstand and at left [side] its.
12 Y también le pregunté: “¿Que significan las dos ramas de olvido de las cuales sale el aceite dorado a través de las boquillas doradas?”
And I answered a second [time] and I said to him what? [are] [the] two [the] clusters of the olive trees which [are] at [the] hand of [the] two [the] pipes of gold which are pouring out from on them the gold.
13 “¿No lo sabes?” respondió el ángel. “No, mi señor”, le respondí.
And he said to me saying ¿ not do you know what? [are] these and I said no O lord my.
14 “Estos son los dos que han sido ungidos y que están junto al Señor de toda la tierra”, respondió.
And he said these [are] [the] two [the] sons of the fresh oil who stand at [the] lord of all the earth.

< Zacarías 4 >