< Josué 20 >

1 Entonces el Señor le dijo a Josué:
Then Yahweh said to Joshua,
2 “Dile a los israelitas: ‘Asigna ciudades santuario, como te lo ordené por medio de Moisés.
“Speak to the people of Israel, saying, 'Appoint the cities of refuge of which I spoke to you by the hand of Moses.
3 Así, cualquier hombre que mate a alguien por accidente, sin intención, podrá correr hacia allí y será protegido de los que quieran vengarse.
Do this so that one who unintentionally kills a person can go there. These cities will be a place of refuge from anyone who seeks to avenge the blood of a person who was killed.
4 Cuando llegue a una de estas ciudades, expondrá su caso a los ancianos a las puertas de la ciudad. Ellos deberán permitirle la entrada, y también le prepararán un lugar para alojarse.
He will run to one of those cities and will stand at the entrance of the city gate, and explain his case to the elders of that city. Then they will take him into the city and give him a place for him to live among them.
5 Si el que busca venganza viene a buscar al hombre, no deben entregarle al que cometió el homicidio, porque mató a alguien sin intención y sin odio deliberado.
If one of them comes to try to avenge the blood of the person who was killed, then the people of the city must not hand the one who killed him over to the authorities. They must not do this because he killed his neighbor unintentionally, and he had no hatred toward him in the past.
6 Permanecerá en esa ciudad hasta que se le celebre un juicio público y se emita un veredicto, y hasta la muerte del sumo sacerdote de turno. Entonces será libre de volver a su casa, a la ciudad de la que huyó’”.
He must stay in that city until he has stood before the assembly for judgment, until the death of the one who was serving as high priest in those days. Then the one who had accidentally killed the person may return to his own town and his own home, to the town from which he fled.'”
7 Así que asignaron las siguientes ciudades santuario Cedes de Galilea, en la región montañosa de Neftalí; Siquem, en la región montañosa de Efraín; y Quiriat-arba (o Hebrón), en la región montañosa de Judá.
So the Israelites selected Kedesh in Galilee in the hill country of Naphtali, Shechem in the hill country of Ephraim, and Kiriath Arba (the same as Hebron) in the hill country of Judah.
8 Al otro lado del Jordán, al este de Jericó, asignaron: Bezer, en el desierto de la meseta, de la tribu de Rubén; Ramot en Galaad, de la tribu de Gad; y Golán en Basán, de la tribu de Manasés.
Beyond the Jordan east of Jericho, they selected Bezer in the wilderness on the plateau from the tribe of Reuben; Ramoth Gilead, from the tribe of Gad; and Golan in Bashan, from the tribe of Manasseh.
9 Estasfueron las ciudades asignadas para todos los israelitas, así como para los extranjeros que vivían entre ellos. Cualquiera que matara a alguien involuntariamente podía ir allí para no ser asesinado por quienes quisieran vengarse antes de que se le hiciera un juicio público y se le diera un veredicto de culpabilidad.
These were the cities selected for all the people of Israel and for the foreigners residing among them, so that anyone who killed a person unintentionally could run to them for safety. This person would not die by the hand of the one who wanted to avenge the blood that was shed, until the accused person would first stand before the assembly.

< Josué 20 >