< Jeremías 28 >

1 Esto es lo que sucedió al principio del reinado del rey Sedequías de Judá, en el quinto mes de ese mismo año, el cuarto año. El profeta Ananías, hijo de Azzur, que era de Gabaón, me dijo en el Templo del Señor, delante de los sacerdotes y de todo el pueblo:
When Zedekiah had been the King of Judah for more than three years, late in the (summer/hot season), Azzur’s son Hananiah, a prophet from Gibeon [city], spoke to me in the [courtyard of the] temple, while [all] the priests and other people were listening. He said,
2 “Esto es lo que dice el Señor Todopoderoso, el Dios de Israel: He roto el yugo del rey de Babilonia.
“This is what the Commander of the armies of angels, the God whom [we] Israelis [worship], says: ‘I will cause the king of Babylon to stop ruling/controlling [MET] [all of you].
3 Antes de que pasen dos años voy a traer de vuelta a Jerusalén todos los objetos del Templo que Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia, quitó y se llevó a Babilonia.
(Within two years/Before two years have ended), I will cause to be brought bring back to this temple all the valuable things that King Nebuchadnezzar’s [soldiers] took from this temple and took to Babylon.
4 También haré volver a Jerusalén a Joaquín, hijo de Joaquín, rey de Judá, junto con todos los exiliados de Judá que fueron llevados a Babilonia, declara el Señor, porque voy a romper el yugo del rey de Babilonia”.
And I will also cause King Jehoiachin to be brought back here, and all the [other] people who were captured and taken to Babylon. The king of Babylon has [forced you to do what he wants, like someone] puts a yoke [on the neck of an ox to force it to do what he] wants [MET] it to do. But I will cause that to end. [That will happen because] I, Yahweh, have said it.’”
5 Entonces el profeta Jeremías respondió al profeta Ananías delante de los sacerdotes y de todo el pueblo que estaba de pie en el Templo del Señor.
I replied to Hananiah in front of [all] the priests and other people who were standing outside the temple.
6 “¡Amén!”, dijo Jeremías. “¡Deseo que el Señor haga precisamente eso! Ojalá el Señor cumpliera tus palabras proféticas y trajera de vuelta a Jerusalén los objetos del Templo y a todos los exiliados de Babilonia.
I said, “(Amen/May that happen)! I desire/hope that what you have predicted will happen. I hope/desire that Yahweh will do everything that you have said! I hope/desire that he will cause [men from Babylon] to bring back from Babylon [all] the valuable things that were in this temple, and all the people who were taken [to Babylon].
7 “Pero aun así, presten atención a este mensaje que les voy a decir a ustedes y a todos los presentes.
But now listen to what I say to you while all these people are listening.
8 Los profetas de antaño que vinieron antes que tú y yo profetizaron guerra, desastre y enfermedad contra muchos países y grandes reinos.
Many years ago, those who were prophets before you and I [became prophets] spoke messages about many nations and great kingdoms. They predicted/prophesied that wars and disasters and plagues/diseases would occur in those nations.
9 Cuando se trata de un profeta que profetiza la paz, vean si sus profecías se hacen realidad. Sólo eso probará que son realmente enviados del Señor”.
[So now you or] any other prophet who predicts that things will go well [for us must show that your message is correct. Only] if what you predict actually happens will we know that you were truly appointed by Yahweh.”
10 Entonces el profeta Hananías quitó el yugo del cuello del profeta Jeremías y lo rompió.
Then Hananiah took the yoke off my neck and broke it.
11 Hananías anunció delante de todos: “Esto es lo que dice el Señor: Así, antes de que pasen dos años, romperé el yugo de Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia, del cuello de todas las naciones”. El profeta Jeremías se fue.
Then he said this to all the people who were there: “This is what Yahweh says: ‘Just like Hananiah has broken this yoke, within two years I will cause King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon to [stop forcing the people to do what he wants, which has been like] a heavy yoke on all their necks [MET].’” After Hananiah said that, I left the temple area.
12 Sin embargo, justo después de que el profeta Hananías rompiera el yugo de su cuello, llegó a Jeremías un mensaje del Señor:
[Soon] after Hananiah had broken the yoke that was around my neck, Yahweh gave this message to me:
13 “Ve y dile a Hananías que esto es lo que dice el Señor: Has roto un yugo de madera, pero lo has sustituido por un yugo de hierro.
“Go and say this to Hananiah: ‘Yahweh says that you have broken a wooden yoke, but that he will replace it with an iron yoke.
14 Esto es lo que dice el Señor Todopoderoso, el Dios de Israel: He atado yugos de hierro al cuello de todas estas naciones para obligarlas a servir a Nabucodonosor, rey de Babilonia, y le servirán. Incluso le he dado el control sobre los animales salvajes”.
I have forced the people of all these nations to [become slaves of] King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. That is [like] [MET] an iron yoke around their necks. I have put everything, even wild animals, under his control.’”
15 Entonces el profeta Jeremías le dijo al profeta Hananías: “¡Escucha esto, Hananías! El Señor no te envió a ti, pero tú has convencido a este pueblo de creer en una mentira.
Then I [went to] Hananiah and said to him, “Hananiah, listen [to this]: Yahweh has not appointed you; instead, [you have told] lies to the people, and they have believed your lies.
16 Así que esto es lo que dice el Señor: Voy a deshacerme de ti de la tierra. Morirás este año porque has promovido la rebelión contra el Señor”.
Therefore, this is what Yahweh says: ‘You will [soon] die. Before the end of this year, you will die, because you have rebelled against Yahweh.’”
17 El profeta Ananías murió en el séptimo mes de ese mismo año.
Hananiah died two months later.

< Jeremías 28 >