< Hebreos 4 >
1 Por lo tanto seamos cuidadosos y asegurémonos de no perdernos la oportunidad de entrar a su reposo, aunque Dios ya nos dio la promesa.
[The Israelites did not enter the place where they would rest]. But [God] has still promised us that we can enter the place of resting [in heaven eternally]. So we must beware [of the possibility] that [God] may consider that some of you have failed to enter the [place of] resting [eternally as the Israelites did not enter the place where they would rest].
2 Porque hemos oído buenas noticias tal como ellos lo hicieron, pero eso no fue suficiente porque ellos no aceptaron ni creyeron lo que oyeron.
We have heard the message [about Christ], just like [the Israelites] heard [what God promised]. But [just like] the message did not benefit [most of] those who heard it because they did not believe it as [Joshua and Caleb did, it] will not [benefit us eternally if we do not keep believing it].
3 Sin embargo, los que creen en Dios ya han entrado al reposo mencionado por Dios cuando dijo: “En mi frustración hice un juramento: ‘No entrarán a mi reposo’”. (Esto es así aunque los planes de Dios ya estaban completos cuando creó el mundo).
We who have believed [in Christ] are able to enter the place of resting [eternally. We know there is a place where we will rest eternally] because God said, Because I was angry with them, I solemnly declared, “They will not enter [the land where] I would let them rest.” [God said that] even though he ceased his work [of creating things] after he created the world.
4 En cuanto al séptimo día, hay un lugar en la Escritura que dice: “Dios reposó el séptimo día de toda su obra”.
What someone wrote somewhere [in the Scriptures] about the seventh day [after he had spent six days creating the world], supports that: Then, on the seventh day, God rested from his work [of creating everything].
5 Y como lo afirmaba el pasaje anterior: “Ellos no entrarán a mi reposo”.
But note again what God said about the Israelites [in the] passage that I quoted previously: They will not enter [the land where] I would let them rest.
6 El reposo de Dios aún está disponible para que entremos en él, aunque aquellos que habían oído antes la buena noticia no lograron entrar por su desobediencia.
Some people experience entering that [place of resting eternally. But] those [Israelites] who first had the good message preached to them {first heard the good message} [about what God promised them] did not enter [that place of resting], because they refused to believe [God].
7 Así que Dios una vez más coloca un día—hoy—diciéndonos mucho tiempo después por medio de David, como lo hizo antes: “Si oyen lo que Dios les dice hoy, no endurezcan sus corazones”.
[But God] appointed another time [when we may enter that place of resting]. That time is now! [We know that is true because] much later than when [the Israelites rebelled against God in the desert], he caused [King] David to write what I have already quoted, Now, when you understand what God is saying [to you], do not stubbornly disobey him.
8 Porque si Josué hubiera podido darles reposo, Dios no habría dicho nada después sobre otro día.
If Joshua had led the Israelites to enter the place of resting, God would not have spoken later about another [time when we could rest] [MET]. [So we know God was speaking about another time when some people would enter that place of resting eternally].
9 De modo que el reposo del Sábado todavía permanece para el pueblo de Dios.
So, just like [God rested on] the seventh day [after he finished making everything], there remains a time when God’s people will rest eternally.
10 Porque todo el que entra al reposo de Dios también descansa de su labor, así como Dios lo hizo.
Specifically, whoever enters God’s place of resting has ceased doing things [to gain God’s favor], just like God ceased doing his work [of creating everything].
11 En consecuencia, debemos esforzarnos por entrar al reposo de Dios para que nadie caiga al seguir el mismo ejemplo de desobediencia.
God severely punished the [Israelites because they disbelieved his message]. So we must strive to experience entering that [place of] resting [eternally], in order that he will not severely punish any of us for not believing [his message].
12 Pues la palabra de Dios es viva y eficaz, y más afilada que espada de dos filos, que penetra hasta separar la vida y el aliento, así como los tendones y los tuétanos, juzgando los pensamientos y las intenciones de la mente.
[Beware of being insincere about doing this], because the message God [has given us] very powerfully penetrates our thinking more than a two-edged sword [penetrates flesh] [MET]. It penetrates [deeply] into our souls and spirits, as [a sharp sword can penetrate] into our joints and marrow. That [is, by his message God] [PRS] discerns all that we think about, and he discerns all that we desire [to do] [MTY] (OR, [His message] exposes [to us] all our thoughts and all our desires).
13 No hay ser vivo que esté oculto de su vista; todo está expuesto y es visible ante aquél a quien hemos de rendirle cuentas.
God knows everything about everyone. Everything is completely exposed [DOU] to him, [and he is] the one [SYN] who will say whether he approves of what we have done.
14 Y como tenemos tal sumo sacerdote que ha ascendido al cielo, Jesús, el Hijo de Dios, asegurémonos de mantenernos en lo que decimos creer.
We have a great Supreme Priest who ascended through the heavens [when he returned to God’s presence]. He is Jesus, (God’s Son/the man who is also God). So let us firmly profess [what we believe about him].
15 Pues el sumo sacerdote que tenemos no es uno que no pueda entender nuestras debilidades, sino uno que fue tentado de la misma forma que nosotros, pero no pecó.
Our Supreme Priest can indeed [LIT] compassionately deal with us who tend to sin easily, because he also was tempted [to sin] in every way that we are [tempted to sin], and yet he did not sin.
16 Así que deberíamos acercarnos confiados a Dios, en su trono de gracia, para recibir misericordia, y descubrir la gracia que nos ayuda cuando realmente la necesitamos.
So, let us come boldly to [Christ] [MTY], who rules [MET] [from heaven] and does for us what we do not deserve, in order that we might experience [his acting] mercifully [toward us], and in order that we might experience his helping us in a kind way whenever we need [help].