< Hebreos 13 >
1 ¡Que siempre permanezca el amor que tienen unos por otros como hermanos y hermanas!
Continue to love your fellow believers.
2 No olviden mostrar amor por los extranjeros también, porque al hacerlo muchos han recibido ángeles sin saberlo.
Do not forget to be hospitable to needy travelers [LIT]. You need to know that by being hospitable, some people have entertained angels without knowing it.
3 Acuérdense de los que están en la cárcel, como si ustedes estuvieran presos con ellos. Acuérdense de aquellos que son maltratados, como si ustedes sufrieran físicamente con ellos.
Remember [to help] those who are in prison [because they are Christians], as though you were in prison with them. Remember those who are being mistreated {whom people are mistreating} [because they are believers. As you do that], consider that you you could suffer as they do.
4 Todos deben honrar el matrimonio. Los esposos y esposas deben ser fieles unos a otros. Pues Dios juzgará a los adúlteros.
You must (respect/keep sacred) the marriage relationship in every way, and you must keep sexual relations [EUP] pure, because God will surely condemn those who act immorally and those who act adulterously.
5 No amen el dinero. Estén contentos con lo que tienen. Dios mismo dijo: “Nunca te defraudaré; nunca te abandonaré”.
Live without constantly coveting money, and be content with the things you possess, remembering what [Moses] wrote [that God] has said [about supplying what you need], I will never leave you, I will never stop providing for you [DOU].
6 Por eso podemos decir con toda confianza: “Es Señor es mi ayudador, por lo tanto no temeré. ¿Qué puede hacerme cualquier persona?”
So we can say confidently [as the Psalmist said], Since the Lord is the one who helps me, I will not be afraid! People can do nothing to me [that will deprive me of God’s blessings] [RHQ].
7 Recuerden a los líderes que les enseñaron la palabra de Dios. Miren nuevamente los frutos de sus vidas, e imiten su fe en Dios.
Your spiritual leaders used to tell you the message from God [before they died]. Remember how they conducted their lives. By considering (how they died/what resulted from how they lived), imitate how they believed [in Christ/God].
8 Jesucristo es el mismo ayer, hoy y para siempre. (aiōn )
Jesus Christ [is] the same now as he was previously, and he will be the same forever. (aiōn )
9 No se distraigan con distintas clases de enseñanzas extrañas. Es mejor que la mente esté convencida por gracia y no por leyes en lo que concierne a los alimentos. Los que seguían tales leyes no lograron nada.
[So], do not let yourselves be diverted {let anything divert you} so that you believe various teachings [that are contrary to God’s truth]. It is good that God acts kindly toward us so that we may be strengthened spiritually. [Obeying rules about] various foods, rules that have not benefited those who obeyed them, will not benefit us.
10 Tenemos un altar del cual no pueden comer los sacerdotes del tabernáculo.
We have [Jesus] [MTY]. All those who continue to observe the Jewish rituals [MTY] of sacrifice have no right to obtain the benefits of his sacrifice [MET].
11 Los cuerpos muertos de animales, cuya sangre es llevada por el sumo sacerdote al lugar santísimo como ofrenda para el pecado, son quemados a las afueras del campamento.
After the high priest brings into the most holy place the blood of animals [that they have sacrificed to atone] for sins, the bodies of those animals are burned {they burn the bodies of those animals} outside the camp.
12 Del mismo modo, Jesús, murió también fuera de las puertas de la ciudad para santificar al pueblo de Dios por medio de su propia sangre.
Similarly, Jesus suffered [and died] outside the gate [of Jerusalem] in order that he might make [us], his people, holy by [offering] his own blood [as a sacrifice to atone for our sins].
13 Así que vayamos a él, fuera del campamento, y experimentemos su vergüenza.
So, we must abandon [performing Jewish] sacrifices and rituals [MET] [in order to be saved], and let us go to Jesus [to be saved]. As we do that, we must [be willing to] let others reproach us just like people reproached Jesus.
14 Pues no tenemos una ciudad permanente en la cual vivir aquí, sino que esperamos un hogar que está por venir.
Here on earth, we believers do not have a city [such as Jerusalem where we must] continually [offer sacrifices] [MET]. Instead, we are waiting for a future [heavenly] city [that will last forever].
15 Ofrezcamos, pues, por medio de Jesús, un sacrificio continuo de alabanza a Dios, es decir, hablando bien de Dios, y declarando su carácter.
With [the help of] Jesus, we must continually praise God. That will be something we can sacrifice [to him] [MET] [instead of our sacrificing animals only at specific times]. Specifically, we must say openly [MTY] [that we have trusted] in Christ [MTY].
16 Y no olviden hacer lo bueno, y compartir lo que tienen con otros, porque Dios se agrada cuando hacen tales sacrificios.
Be continually [LIT] doing good deeds [for others], and be continually sharing [with others the things you have], because doing things like that will [also] be [as though you are offering] sacrifices that will please God.
17 Sigan a sus líderes, y hagan lo que ellos les piden, porque ellos cuidan de ustedes y darán cuenta. Actúen de tal manera que ellos puedan hacerlo con alegría, y no con tristeza, pues eso no sería bueno para ustedes.
Obey your [spiritual] leaders; do what they tell you, since they are the ones who are looking out for your spiritual welfare [SYN]. [Some day] they will have to stand before God so that he can say if he approves of what they have done. Obey them in order that they can do the work of guarding you joyfully, and not have to do it sadly, because if you cause them to do it sadly, that will certainly not help you at all (OR, they will not be able to help you at all).
18 Por favor, oren por nosotros. Pues estamos seguros de que hemos actuado bien y con buena conciencia, procurando siempre hacer lo correcto en cada situación.
Pray for me. I am certain that I have not done anything that displeases God. I have tried to act honorably [toward you] in every way.
19 De verdad quiero que oren mucho para que pueda ir pronto a verlos.
I urge you earnestly to pray that [God] will quickly remove the things that hinder my coming to you.
20 Ahora pues, que el Dios de paz que resucitó de los muertos a nuestro Señor Jesús, el gran pastor de las ovejas, y lo hizo con la sangre de un pacto eterno, (aiōnios )
Jesus [provides for us], [protects us, and guides us as] a great shepherd does for his sheep [MET]. And God, who gives us [inner] peace, brought our Lord Jesus back to life. By doing that, God ratified his eternal covenant with us by the blood [that flowed from Jesus when he died on the] cross. (aiōnios )
21 provea todo lo bueno para ustedes a fin de que puedan cumplir su voluntad. Que obre en nosotros, haciendo su voluntad, por medio de Jesucristo, a él sea la gloria por siempre y para siempre. Amén. (aiōn )
So I pray that God will equip you with everything good [that you need in order] that you may do the things that he desires. May he accomplish in our lives whatever he considers pleasing as a result of Jesus Christ [equipping us]. May Jesus Christ be praised forever. (Amen!/May it be so!) (aiōn )
22 Quiero animarlos, hermanos y hermanas, a que pongan cuidado a lo que les he dicho en esta pequeña carta.
My fellow believers, I appeal to you that you patiently consider [what] I have written in this short letter, to exhort you.
23 Sepan que Timoteo ha sido liberado. Si llega pronto aquí, iré con él a verlos.
I want you to know that our fellow believer Timothy has been released {[the authorities] have released our fellow believer Timothy} [from prison]. If he comes here soon, he will accompany me when I go to see you.
24 Envíen mi saludo a todos sus líderes, y a todos los creyentes que hay allá. Los creyentes que están aquí en Italia envían sus saludos.
Tell all your [spiritual] leaders and all the [other] fellow believers [in your city] that (I am thinking fondly about them/I am sending them my greetings). The believers [in this area who have come] from Italy [want you to know they] are (thinking about you/sending you their greetings).
25 Que el Dios de gracia esté con todos ustedes. Amén.
[I pray that] you will continue to experience God’s acting kindly toward you all.