< Génesis 44 >
1 José le ordenó al mayordomo de la casa: “Llena los sacos de los hombres con todo el grano que puedan contener y pon el dinero de cada hombre en la parte superior de su saco.
When his brothers were ready to return home, Joseph said to the man who was in charge of things in his house, “Fill the sacks of those men with as much grain as they can carry [on their donkeys]. And put in the top of each man’s sack the silver that he paid for the grain.
2 Luego pon mi taza de plata especial en la parte superior del saco del más joven, junto con el dinero para su grano”. El mayordomo hizo lo que le dijo José.
Then put my silver cup in the top of the youngest brother’s sack, along with the silver that he paid for the grain.” So the servant did what Joseph told him to do.
3 Al amanecer, fueron enviados de camino con sus asnos.
The next morning at dawn the men started on the way home with their donkeys.
4 Apenas habían salido de la ciudad cuando José le dijo al mayordomo de su casa: “Ve tras esos hombres, y cuando los alcances, pregúntales: ‘¿Por qué han devuelto el bien con el mal, robando la copa de plata de mi amo?
When they had not gone far from the city, Joseph said to the servant in charge of things in his house, “Pursue those men immediately. When you catch up to them, say to them, ‘We did good things for you! Why have you paid us back by doing something bad to us?
5 Esta es la copa de la que él personalmente bebe, y que usa para adivinar. Lo que han hecho es realmente malo!’”
[You have stolen the cup] that my master drinks from [RHQ]! It is the cup that he uses to find out things that nobody knows! What you did was very wicked!’”
6 Cuando los alcanzó, les dijo lo que José había dicho.
The servant [left immediately and] when he caught up with them, he told them what Joseph had told him to say.
7 “Señor mío, ¿qué estás diciendo?” le contestaron. “¡Nosotros, tus siervos, no haríamos algo así!
But one of them replied to him, “Sir, why do you say such things? We are your servants, and we would never do anything like that!
8 Recuerda que trajimos el dinero que encontramos en la parte superior de nuestros sacos cuando volvimos de Canaán. ¿Por qué robaríamos plata u oro de la casa de tu señor?
We even brought back to you from Canaan land the silver that we found inside the tops of our sacks! So (we certainly would not steal silver or gold from your master’s house!/Why would we steal silver or gold from your master’s house?) [RHQ]
9 Si alguno de nosotros es encontrado con él, morirá, y todos nosotros nos convertiremos en tus esclavos”.
If you discover that any of us has that cup, you can execute him, and the rest of us will become your slaves.”
10 “Lo que ustedes digan”, respondió el hombre, “pero sólo el que sea encontrado con él se convertirá en mi esclavo, ya que el resto de ustedes estarán libres de toda culpa”.
The man replied, “Okay, I will do what you say. But the one who has the cup will not be executed. Instead, he will become my slave, and the rest of you may return home.”
11 Todos descargaron sus sacos y los pusieron en el suelo. Cada uno abrió su propio saco.
Each of the men quickly lowered his sack down from the donkey to the ground and opened it.
12 El supervisor de la casa registró los sacos, empezando por el más viejo y bajando hasta el más joven. La taza fue encontrada en el saco de Benjamín.
Then the servant started to search for the cup in each sack. He started with the oldest brother’s sack and ended with the youngest one’s sack. And he found the cup in Benjamin’s sack and showed it to them.
13 Los hermanos rasgaron sus ropas en señal de lamento. Luego cargaron los sacos en sus burros y se dirigieron a la ciudad.
The brothers tore their clothes [because they were so dismayed]. They loaded the sacks on the donkeys again and returned to the city.
14 José todavía estaba en casa cuando Judá y sus hermanos llegaron, y cayeron al suelo delante de él.
When Judah and his [older and younger] brothers entered Joseph’s house, Joseph was still there. The servant told Joseph what had happened. Then the brothers threw themselves down on the ground in front of Joseph.
15 “¿Por qué hicieron esto?” preguntó José. “¿No saben que un hombre como yo puede darse cuenta de estas cosas por medio de la adivinación?”
He said to them, “Why did you do this? Do you not know that a man like me can find out things that nobody knows?” [RHQ]
16 “Mi señor, ¿qué podemos decir?” respondió Judá. “¿Cómo podemos explicarte esto? ¿De qué manera podemos probar nuestra inocencia? Dios ha expuesto la culpa de tus siervos. Mi señor, somos tus esclavos, todos nosotros, incluyendo el que fue encontrado con la copa”
Judah replied, “Sir, what can we say? How can we prove that we (are innocent/did not steal the cup)? God has (paid us back/punished us) for the sins [we committed many years ago]. So now we will become your slaves—both we and the one in whose sack the cup was found.”
17 “¡Yo no haría nada de eso!” respondió José. “Sólo el hombre que fue encontrado con la copa se convertirá en mi esclavo. El resto de ustedes puede regresar con su padre”.
But Joseph replied, “No, I could never do anything like that. Only the man in whose sack the cup was found will become my slave. The rest of you can return to your father peacefully.”
18 Judá se acercó y le dijo: “Si te complace, mi señor, deja que tu siervo diga una palabra. Por favor, no te enfades con tu siervo, aunque seas tan poderoso como el propio Faraón.
Then Judah came near to Joseph and said, “Sir, please let me say something to you. You are equal to the king himself, so you could command that I be executed; but do not be angry with me for speaking to you.
19 Mi señor, antes nos preguntaste: ‘¿Tienen un padre o un hermano?’
You asked us, ‘Is your father still living, and do you have another brother?’
20 Y respondimos, mi señor: ‘Tenemos un padre anciano y un hermano menor, que nació cuando nuestro padre ya era anciano. El hermano del muchacho está muerto. Es el único de los hijos de su madre que queda, y su padre lo quiere mucho’.
We answered, ‘Our father is alive, but he is an old man. He has a young son who was born after our father became an old man. That son had an [older] brother, who is now dead. So the youngest son is the only one of his mother’s sons who is still alive, and his father loves him very much.’
21 “Entonces tú nos ordenaste: ‘Tráiganlo aquí para que pueda verlo’.
Then you said to us, ‘The next time you come here, bring your younger brother down to me, so that I can see him.’
22 Y te dijimos: ‘El muchacho no puede dejar a su padre; porque si lo hiciera, su padre moriría’.
We said to you, ‘No, we cannot do that, because the boy cannot leave his father. If he leaves his father, his father will die from sorrow.’
23 Pero tú nos dijiste: ‘Si su hermano menor no viene con ustedes, no me volverán a ver’.
But you told us, ‘If your youngest brother does not come back with you, I will not let you see me again!’
24 “Así que cuando volvimos con tu siervo, nuestro padre, le explicamos todo lo que nos habías dicho.
When we returned to our father, we told him what you said.
25 Sin embargo, más tarde, nuestro padre nos dijo: ‘Vuelvan y compren más comida’.
[Months later] our father said, ‘Go back to Egypt and buy some more grain!’
26 Pero nosotros le dijimos: ‘No podemos volver a menos que Benjamín, nuestro hermano menor, vaya con nosotros, porque no podremos ver a este hombre si Benjamín no va con nosotros’.
But we said, ‘We cannot go back by ourselves. We will go only if our youngest brother is with us. We will not be able to see the man who sells grain if our youngest brother is not with us.’
27 “Entonces mi padre nos dijo: ‘Se dan cuenta de que mi mujer tuvo dos hijos para mí.
Our father replied, ‘You know that my wife [Rachel] gave birth to two sons for me.
28 Uno ya no está, sin duda quedó hecho pedazos, porque no lo he visto desde entonces.
One of them disappeared, and I said, “A wild animal has surely torn him to pieces.” And I have not seen him since then.
29 Si me quitan a éste también, y le pasa algo malo, la tristeza llevará a este viejo a la tumba’. (Sheol )
I am an old gray-haired man. If you take this other one from me, too, and something harms him, you would cause me to die because of my sorrow.’ (Sheol )
30 “Así que si el muchacho no está con nosotros cuando regrese a mi padre, cuya vida depende de la vida del muchacho,
“So please listen. My father will remain alive only if his youngest son remains alive.
31 tan pronto como vea que el muchacho no está allí morirá, y realmente enviaremos a este anciano, nuestro padre, a su tumba con tristeza. (Sheol )
If he sees that the boy is not with us when we return to him, he will die. We will cause our gray-haired father to die because of his sorrow. (Sheol )
32 De hecho me di a mí mismo como garantía del muchacho a mi padre. Le dije: ‘¡Si no lo traigo de vuelta a ti, siempre cargaré con la culpa!’
I guaranteed/promised to my father that the boy would return safely. I told him, ‘You can require me to do what I am promising. If I do not bring him back to you, you can say forever that (I am to blame/it is my fault) [for not bringing him back to you].’
33 “Así que, por favor, déjame quedarme aquí como esclavo de mi señor en lugar del niño. Deja que vuelva a casa con sus hermanos.
“So, please let me remain here as your slave instead of my youngest brother, and let the boy return home with his other older brothers.
34 Porque, ¿cómo podría volver a mi padre si el niño no estuviera conmigo? No podría soportar ver la angustia que causaría a mi padre”.
(I cannot return to my father if the boy is not with me!/How can I return to my father if the boy is not with me?) [RHQ] I do not want to see how miserable/sad my father would become!”