< Éxodo 27 >

1 Haz un altar de madera de acacia. Debe ser cuadrado y debe medir cinco codos de largo por cinco codos de ancho por tres codos de alto.
And you shall make an altar of incorruptible wood, of five cubits in the length, and five cubits in the breadth; the altar shall be square, and the height of it shall be of three cubits.
2 Haráscuernos para cada una de sus esquinas, todos de una sola pieza con el altar, y cubrirás todo el altar con bronce.
And you shall make the horns on the four corners; the horns shall be of the same piece, and you shall overlay them with brass.
3 Harás todos sus utensilios de bronce: cubos para quitar las cenizas, palas, tazones para rociar, tenedores para la carne y cacerolas.
And you shall make a rim for the altar; and its covering and its cups, and its flesh hooks, and its fire-pan, and all its vessels shall you make of brass.
4 Hagan una rejilla de malla de bronce para él con un anillo de bronce en cada una de sus esquinas.
And you shall make for it a brazen grate with network; and you shall make for the grate four brazen rings under the four sides.
5 Coloquen la rejilla bajo el saliente del altar, de modo que la malla llegue hasta la mitad del altar.
And you shall put them below under the grate of the altar, and the grate shall extend to the middle of the altar.
6 Haz postes de madera de acacia para el altar y cúbrelos con bronce.
And you shall make for the altar staves of incorruptible wood, and you shall overlay them with brass.
7 Las varas deben ser colocadas en los anillos para que las varas estén a cada lado del altar cuando sea llevado.
And you shall put the staves into the rings; and let the staves be on the sides of the altar to carry it.
8 Hagan el altar hueco, usando tablas, tal como te lo mostré en la montaña.
You shall make it hollow with boards: according to what was showed you in the mount, so you shall make it.
9 Haz un patio para el Tabernáculo. Para el lado sur del patio haz cortinas de lino finamente hilado, de cien codos de largo por un lado,
And you shall make a court for the tabernacle, curtains of the court of fine linen spun on the south side, the length of a hundred cubits for one side.
10 con veinte postes y veinte soportes de bronce, con ganchos y bandas de plata en los postes.
And their pillars twenty, and twenty brazen sockets for them, and their rings and their clasps of silver.
11 Del mismo modo, en el lado norte se colocarán cortinas en una disposición idéntica.
Thus [shall there be] to the side toward the north curtains of a hundred cubits in length; and their pillars twenty, and their sockets twenty of brass, and the rings and the clasps of the pillars, and their sockets overlaid with silver.
12 Las cortinas del lado oeste del patio tendrán cincuenta codos de ancho, con diez postes y diez soportes.
And in the breadth of the tabernacle toward the west curtains of fifty cubits, their pillars ten and their sockets ten.
13 El lado este del patio que da al amanecer tendrá 50 codos de ancho.
And in the breadth of the tabernacle toward the south, curtains of fifty cubits; their pillars ten, and their sockets ten.
14 Las cortinas de un lado deben tener quince codos de largo, con tres postes y tres soportes,
And the height of the curtains [shall be] of fifty cubits for the one side [of the gate]; their pillars three, and their sockets three.
15 y las cortinas del otro lado deben ser iguales.
And [for] the second side the height of the curtains [shall be] of fifteen cubits; their pillars three, and their sockets three.
16 La entrada al patio debe tener veinte codos de ancho, con una cortina bordada con hilos azules, púrpura y carmesí, y lino finamente hilado, sostenida por cuatro postes y cuatro soportes.
And a veil for the door of the court, the height [of it] of twenty cubits of blue linen, and of purple, and spun scarlet, and of fine linen spun with the are of the embroiderer; their pillars four, and their sockets four.
17 Todos los postes alrededor del patio tendrán bandas de plata, ganchos de plata y soportes de bronce.
All the pillars of the court round about overlaid with silver, and their chapiters silver and their brass sockets.
18 Todo el patio tendrá cien codos de largo y cincuenta de ancho, con cortinas de lino finamente hilado de cinco codos de alto, y con soportes de bronce.
And the length of the court [shall be] a hundred [cubits] on each side, and the breadth fifty on each side, and the height five cubits of fine linen spun, and their sockets of brass.
19 Todo el resto del equipo usado en el Tabernáculo, incluyendo las estacas de la tienda y las del patio, serán de bronce.
And all the furniture and all the instruments and the pins of the court [shall be] of brass.
20 Debes ordenar a los israelitas que te traigan aceite de oliva puro, prensado a mano, para las lámparas, para que puedan seguir encendidas, dando luz.
And do you charge the children of Israel, and let them take for you refined pure olive-oil beaten to burn for light, that a lamp may burn continually
21 Enel Tabernáculo de Reunión, fuera del velo delante del Testimonio, Aarón y sus hijos mantendrán las lámparas encendidas en presencia del Señor desde la tarde hasta la mañana. Este requisito debe ser observado por los israelitas durante todas las generaciones.
in the tabernacle of the testimony, without the veil that is before the [ark of the] covenant, shall Aaron and his sons burn it from evening until morning, before the Lord: it is a perpetual ordinance throughout your generations of the children of Israel.

< Éxodo 27 >