< 1 Samuel 18 >

1 Después de que David terminó de hablar con Saúl, Jonatán se hizo gran amigo de David. Amaba a David como a sí mismo.
After David finished talking with Saul, [he met Saul’s son, Jonathan.] Jonathan [immediately] liked David; in fact, he began to love/like him as much as he loved/liked himself.
2 Desde entonces, Jonatán hizo que David trabajara para él y no lo dejó volver a su casa.
From that day, Saul kept David with him, and did not let him return home.
3 Jonatán hizo un acuerdo solemne con David porque lo amaba como a sí mismo.
Because Jonathan loved David so much, he made a solemn agreement with David. [They promised each other that they would always be loyal friends].
4 Jonatán se quitó la túnica que llevaba puesta y se la dio a David, junto con su túnica, su espada, su arco y su cinturón.
Jonathan took off his own outer robe and gave it to David. He also gave David his soldier’s tunic, his sword, his bow [and arrows], and his belt.
5 David tenían éxito al hacer todo lo que Saúl le pedía, así que Saúl lo nombró oficial del ejército. Esto complació a todos, incluso a los demás oficiales de Saúl.
[David went wherever Saul sent him. And] whatever Saul told him to do, David did it very successfully. As a result, Saul appointed David to be a commander in the army. All the officers and other men in the army (approved of/were very pleased with) that.
6 Cuando los soldados regresaron a casa después de que David había matado al filisteo, las mujeres de todos los pueblos de Israel salieron cantando y bailando al encuentro del rey Saúl, celebrando alegremente con panderetas e instrumentos musicales.
But, when the men in the army were returning home after David had killed Goliath, the women came out from many [HYP] towns in Israel to meet/greet King Saul. They were singing and dancing very joyfully, playing tambourines and lyres.
7 Mientras bailaban, las mujeres cantaban: “Saúl ha matado a sus miles, y David a sus decenas de miles”.
As they danced, they sang this song to each other: “Saul has killed 1,000 [enemy soldiers], But David has killed 10,000 [of them].”
8 Lo que cantaban enojó mucho a Saúl, pues no le pareció bien. Se dijo a sí mismo: “A David le han dado el crédito de haber matado a decenas de miles, pero a mí sólo a miles. Lo único que falta es darle el reino”.
[When] Saul [heard them singing that, he] did not like it. He became very angry. He said [to himself], “They are saying that David [killed] 10,000 men, but that I [have killed] only 1,000. Soon they will want to make him their king!” [RHQ]
9 Desde entonces Saúl miró a David con recelo.
From that time, Saul watched David very closely because he was suspicious [that David would try to become king].
10 Al día siguiente, un espíritu maligno de Dios se apoderó de Saúl con fuerza, y despotricó dentro de la casa mientras David tocaba el arpa como lo hacía habitualmente. Resulta que Saúl tenía una lanza en la mano,
The next day, an evil spirit sent by God suddenly took control of Saul. He began to act like a madman, inside his house. David was playing the lyre for him, as he did every day. Saul was holding a spear in his hand,
11 y se la lanzó a David, mientras pensaba: “Clavaré a David en la pared”. Pero David logró escapar de él dos veces.
and he hurled it [at David], saying to himself, “I will fasten David to the wall with the spear!” He did that two times, but David jumped aside [both times].
12 Saúl tenía miedo de David, porque el Señor estaba con él, pero se había rendido ante Saúl.
Because [it became evident that] Yahweh had abandoned Saul but [that] he was helping David, Saul was afraid of David.
13 Así que Saúl despidió a David y lo nombró comandante de mil soldados, dirigiéndolos de ida y vuelta como parte del ejército.
So he appointed David as a commander of 1,000 soldiers and sent David away from him, [hoping that David would be killed in a battle]. But when David led his soldiers [in their battles],
14 David siguió teniendo mucho éxito en todo lo que hacía, porque el Señor estaba con él.
he always had great success, because Yahweh was helping him.
15 Cuando Saúl vio el éxito de David, le tuvo aún más miedo.
When Saul heard that David [and his soldiers were] very successful, he became more afraid of David.
16 Pero todos en Israel y en Judá amaban a David, por su liderazgo en el ejército.
But all the people of Israel and of Judah loved David, because he led the soldiers very successfully [in the battles].
17 Un día Saúl le dijo a David: “Aquí está mi hija mayor, Merab. Te la daré en matrimonio, pero sólo si me demuestras que eres un guerrero valiente y luchas en las batallas del Señor”. Porque Saúl pensaba: “No hace falta que sea yo quien lo mate; que lo hagan los filisteos”.
One day Saul said to David, “I am ready to give you my oldest daughter, Merab, to be your wife. I will do that if you serve me bravely by fighting battles for Yahweh [against the Philistines]”. He said that because he thought, “I will not try to get rid of David by myself. I will allow the Philistines to do that.”
18 “Pero, ¿quién soy yo, y qué categoría tiene mi familia en Israel, para que me convierta en yerno del rey?” respondió David.
But David said to Saul, “I am not [RHQ] a very important person, and my family is not very important, and my clan is not a very important Israeli clan. So I do not deserve to become your son-in-law.” [RHQ]
19 Sin embargo, cuando llegó el momento de entregar a Merab, la hija de Saúl, a David, ésta fue dada en matrimonio a Adriel de Meholá en su lugar.
So, when it was time for Merab to be given to David to become his wife, instead, Saul gave her to a man named Adriel, from Meholah [town].
20 Mientras tanto, la hija de Saúl, Mical, se había enamorado de David, y cuando se lo dijeron a Saúl, se alegró de ello.
But Saul’s other daughter, Michal, fell in love with David. When they told Saul about that, he was pleased.
21 “Se la daré a David”, pensó Saúl. “Ella puede ser la carnada para que los filisteos lo atrapen”. Entonces Saúl le dijo a David: “Esta es la segunda vez que puedes ser mi yerno”.
He thought, “I will let Michal marry him, in order that she may trap him, and the Philistines will be able to kill him.” So he said to David, [“You can marry Michal],” and by saying that, he indicated for the second time that David would become his son-in-law.
22 Saúl les dio estas instrucciones a sus siervos: “Hablen con David en privado y díganle: ‘Mira, el rey está muy contento contigo y todos te queremos. ¿Por qué no te conviertes en el yerno del rey?’”
Saul told his servants, “Talk to David privately, and say to him, ‘Listen, the king is pleased with you, and all of us his servants love you. So now [we think that] you should [marry Michal and] become the king’s son-in-law.’”
23 Los sirvientes de Saúl hablaron en privado con David, pero él respondió: “¿Creen que no es nada hacerse yerno del rey? Soy un hombre pobre y no soy importante”.
So they told that to David. But David said, “It would be a great honor [RHQ] to become the king’s son-in-law. But [I do not think that I should do that, because] I am only a poor and insignificant man.”
24 Cuando los sirvientes de Saúl le explicaron lo que David había dicho,
When the servants told Saul what David had said,
25 Saúl les dijo: “Díganle a David que la única dote que el rey quiere para la novia son cien prepucios de filisteos muertos, como forma de vengarse de sus enemigos”. El plan de Saúl era hacer que los filisteos mataran a David.
Saul replied, “Go and say to David, ‘[In order for] the king [to allow you to marry Michal, he] wants [you to kill] 100 Philistines [and cut off] their foreskins [and bring the foreskins to him to prove that you have killed them]. In that way he will get revenge on his enemies.’” But what Saul wanted was that the Philistines would kill David [while David was trying to kill them].
26 Cuando los sirvientes le informaron a David de lo que el rey había dicho, éste se alegró de ser el yerno del rey. Mientras había tiempo,
When the servants told that to David, he was very pleased that he could become the king’s son-in-law [by doing that. The king had said how many days he would allow for David to do that]. But before that time ended,
27 David partió con sus hombres y mató a doscientos filisteos, y trajo sus prepucios. Los contaron todos ante el rey para que David se convirtiera en yerno del rey. Entonces Saúl le dio a su hija Mical en matrimonio.
David and his men went and killed, [not 100, but] 200 Philistines! He brought their foreskins to Saul, and counted them [while Saul was watching], in order to prove that he had [done what the king required so that he could become Saul’s son-in-law. So then Saul was obligated] to allow David to marry his daughter Michal.
28 Saúl se dio cuenta de que el Señor estaba con David y de que su hija Mical estaba enamorada de David,
But when Saul realized that Yahweh was helping David, and that his daughter loved David,
29 por lo que se volvió aún más temeroso de David, y fue enemigo de éste por el resto de su vida.
he became more afraid of David. So, as long as Saul lived, he was David’s enemy.
30 Cada vez que los comandantes filisteos atacaban, David tenía más éxito en la batalla que todos los oficiales de Saúl, por lo que su fama se extendió rápidamente.
The Philistine armies repeatedly came to fight the Israelis, but every time they fought, David and his soldiers were more successful than any of Saul’s other army commanders. As a result, David became very famous.

< 1 Samuel 18 >