< Salmos 48 >

1 Cántico. Salmo de los hijos de Coré. Grande es Yahvé en la ciudad de nuestro Dios, y digno de suma alabanza.
Yahweh is great, and he deserves to be greatly praised in the city where he [lives], [which is built on Zion], his sacred hill.
2 Su monte sagrado es gloriosa cumbre, es el gozo de toda la tierra; el monte Sión, (su) extremo norte, es la ciudad del gran Rey.
That city, on a high [hill], is beautiful; it is the city where the true [God], the great king, [lives], and it causes people all over the world to rejoice [when they see it].
3 En sus fortalezas, Dios se ha mostrado baluarte seguro.
God is in the strong towers there, and he shows that he protects the people in that city.
4 Pues, he aquí que los reyes se habían reunido, y acometieron a una;
Many kings gathered [with their armies] to attack [that city],
5 mas apenas le vieron, se han pasmado, y aterrados han huido por doquier.
but when they saw it, they were amazed; they became terrified, and ran away.
6 Los invadió allí un temblor, una angustia como de parto,
Because they were very afraid, they trembled like a woman who is about to give birth to a child;
7 como el viento de Oriente cuando estrella las naves de Tarsis.
they shook [like] ships sailing from Tarshish are shaken by a strong wind.
8 Como lo habíamos oído, así lo hemos visto ahora en la ciudad de Yahvé de los ejércitos, en la ciudad de nuestro Dios: Dios la hace estable para siempre.
We had heard [that this city is glorious], and now we have seen that it is. It is the city in which Yahweh, the almighty one, [lives]. It is the city which God will preserve/protect forever.
9 Nos acordamos, oh Dios, de tu misericordia dentro de tu Templo.
God, [here] in your temple we think about how you faithfully love us.
10 Como tu Nombre, Dios, así también tu alabanza llega hasta los confines de la tierra. Tu diestra está llena de justicia.
You [MTY] are famous and (are praised/people praise you) all over the earth, because you rule powerfully [MTY] and justly.
11 Alégrese el monte Sión; salten de júbilo las ciudades de Judá, a causa de tus juicios.
The people who live near Zion Hill should be happy! The people in [all] the cities [MTY] in Judah should rejoice because you judge people fairly.
12 Recorred a Sión, circulad en rededor, contad sus torres;
[You Israeli people should] walk around Zion [Hill] and count the towers there;
13 considerad sus baluartes, examinad sus fortalezas, para que podáis referir a la generación venidera: así es de grande Dios,
notice the walls there and examine the forts in order that you can tell about them to your children.
14 nuestro Dios para siempre jamás. Él mismo nos gobernará.
[Say to them], “This is [the city that belongs to] our God, [the one who lives] forever; he will guide us all of our lives.”

< Salmos 48 >