< San Mateo 5 >
1 Al ver estas multitudes, subió a la montaña, y habiéndose sentado, se le acercaron sus discípulos.
Having seen then the crowds He went up on the mountain, and when was sitting down He they came to Him the disciples of Him.
2 Entonces, abrió su boca, y se puso a enseñarles así:
And opening the mouth of Him He was teaching them saying:
3 “Bienaventurados los pobres en el espíritu, porque a ellos pertenece el reino de los cielos.
Blessed [are] the poor in the spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of the heavens.
4 Bienaventurados los afligidos, porque serán consolados.
Blessed [are] those mourning, for they themselves will be comforted.
5 Bienaventurados los mansos, porque heredarán la tierra.
Blessed [are] the meek, for they themselves will inherit the earth.
6 Bienaventurados los que tienen hambre y sed de la justicia, porque serán hartados.
Blessed [are] those hungering and thirsting for righteousness, for they themselves will be filled.
7 Bienaventurados los que tienen misericordia, porque para ellos habrá misericordia.
Blessed [are] the merciful, for they themselves will receive mercy.
8 Bienaventurados los de corazón puro, porque verán a Dios.
Blessed [are] the pure in heart, for they themselves God will see.
9 Bienaventurados los pacificadores, porque serán llamados hijos de Dios.
Blessed [are] the peacemakers, for they themselves sons of God will be called.
10 Bienaventurados los perseguidos por causa de la justicia, porque a ellos pertenece el reino de los cielos.
Blessed [are] those persecuted on account of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of the heavens.
11 Dichosos seréis cuando os insultaren, cuando os persiguieren, cuando dijeren mintiendo todo mal contra vosotros, por causa mía.
Blessed are you when they may insult you and they may persecute [you] and they may say all kinds of evil (declaration *k*) against you lying on account of Me.
12 Gozaos y alegraos, porque vuestra recompensa es grande en los cielos, pues así persiguieron a los profetas que fueron antes de vosotros”.
do rejoice and do exult, for the reward of you [is] great in the heavens; thus for they persecuted the prophets before you.
13 “Vosotros sois la sal de la tierra. Mas si la sal pierde su sabor, ¿con qué será salada? Para nada vale ya, sino para que, tirada fuera, la pisen los hombres.
You yourselves are the salt of the earth; if however the salt shall become tasteless, with what will it be salted? For no [thing] it is useful any longer only except for (being cast *N(k)O*) out (and *k*) is to be trampled upon by men.
14 Vosotros sois la luz del mundo. No puede esconderse una ciudad situada sobre una montaña.
You yourselves are the light of the world; Not is able a city to be hidden on a hill lying;
15 Y no se enciende una candela para ponerla debajo del celemín, sino sobre el candelero, y ( así ) alumbra a todos los que están en la casa.
Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but upon the lampstand, and it shines for all those in the house.
16 Así brille vuestra luz ante los hombres, de modo tal que, viendo vuestras obras buenas, glorifiquen a vuestro Padre del cielo”.
Thus should shine the light of you before men so that they may see your good works and they may glorify the Father of you who [is] in the heavens.
17 “No vayáis a pensar que he venido a abolir la Ley y los Profetas. Yo no he venido para abolir, sino para dar cumplimiento.
Not may think that I have come to abolish the law or the Prophets; not I have come to abolish but to fulfill.
18 En verdad os digo, hasta que pasen el cielo y la tierra, ni una jota, ni un ápice de la Ley pasará, sin que todo se haya cumplido.
Amen for I say to you; until when may pass away the heaven and the earth, iota one or one stroke of a letter certainly not may pass away from the law until when everything may happen.
19 Por lo tanto, quien violare uno de estos mandamientos, ( aun ) los mínimos, y enseñare así a los hombres, será llamado el mínimo en el reino de los cielos; mas quien los observare y los enseñare, este será llamado grande en el reino de los cielos.
Who[ever] if then shall break one of the commandments of these the least and shall teach so the others, least he will be called in the kingdom of the heavens. who[ever] now maybe may keep and may teach [them], this [one] great will be called in the kingdom of the heavens.
20 Os digo, pues, que si vuestra justicia no fuere mayor que la de los escribas y fariseos, no entraréis en el reino de los cielos”.
I say for to you that only unless shall abound your righteousness above [that] of the scribes and Pharisees, certainly not shall you enter into the kingdom of the heavens.
21 “Oísteis que fue dicho a los antepasados: «No matarás»; el que matare será reo de condenación”.
You have heard that it was said to the ancients; Not you will murder; who[ever] now maybe may murder, liable will be to the judgment;’
22 Mas Yo os digo: “Todo aquel que se encoleriza contra su hermano, merece la condenación; quien dice a su hermano «racá» merece el sanhedrín; quien le dice «necio» merece la gehenna del fuego. (Geenna )
I myself however say to you that everyone who is being angry with the brother of him (in vain *KO*) liable will be to the judgment; who[ever] now maybe may say to the brother of him; Raca,’ liable will be to the Sanhedrin; who[ever] now maybe may say; Fool, liable will be to the hell of fire. (Geenna )
23 Si, pues, estás presentando tu ofrenda sobre el altar, y allí te acuerdas de que tu hermano tiene algo que reprocharte,
If therefore you shall offer the gift of you at the altar and there and there shall remember that the brother of you has something against you,
24 deja allí tu ofrenda delante del altar y ve primero a reconciliarte con tu hermano, y entonces ven y presenta tu ofrenda.
do leave there the gift of you before the altar and do go away, first do be reconciled to the brother of you, and then having come do offer the gift of you.
25 Ponte en paz, sin tardar, con tu adversario mientras vas con él por el camino, no sea que él te entregue al juez y el juez al alguacil; y te pongan en la cárcel.
do be agreeing with the accuser of you quickly before which you are with him on the way otherwise otherwise you shall deliver the accuser to the judge, and the judge (you he may betray *KO*) to the officer, and into prison you will be cast.
26 En verdad te digo, que no saldrás de allí sin que hayas pagado hasta el último centavo”.
Amen I say to you; certainly not you may come out from there until when you may pay the last kodranten!
27 “Oísteis que fue dicho: «No cometerás adulterio».
You have heard that it was said (to the ancients: *K*) Not will you commit adultery.’
28 Mas Yo os digo: “Quienquiera mire a una mujer codiciándola, ya cometió con ella adulterio en su corazón.
I myself however say to you that everyone who is looking upon a woman in order to lust after (her *N(k)O*) already has committed adultery with her in the heart of him.
29 Si, pues, tu ojo derecho te hace tropezar, arráncatelo y arrójalo lejos de ti; más te vale que se pierda uno de tus miembros y no que sea echado todo tu cuerpo en la gehenna. (Geenna )
If now the eye of you right causes to stumble you, do pluck out it and do cast [it] from you; it is better indeed for you that may perish one of the members of you and not all the body of you may be cast into hell. (Geenna )
30 Y si tu mano derecha te es ocasión de tropiezo, córtala y arrójala lejos de ti; más te vale que se pierda uno de tus miembros y no que sea echado todo tu cuerpo en la gehenna”. (Geenna )
And if the right of you hand causes to stumble you, do cut off it and do cast [it] from you; it is better indeed for you that may perish one of the members of you and not all the body of you into hell (may depart. *N(K)O*) (Geenna )
31 “También ha sido dicho: «Si alguno repudia a su mujer, que le dé un acta de repudio».
It was said also (that: *k*) Who[ever] maybe may divorce the wife of him, he should give to her a letter of divorce.’
32 Mas Yo os digo: “Quienquiera repudie a su mujer, si no es por causa de fornicación, se hace causa de que se cometa adulterio con ella; y el que toma a una mujer repudiada comete adulterio”.
I myself however say to you that (everyone who is divorcing *N(k)O*) the wife of him except on account of sexual immorality causes her (to be adulterated; *N(K)O*) And who[ever] if divorced shall marry, commits adultery.
33 “Oísteis también que fue dicho a los antepasados: «No perjurarás, sino que cumplirás al Señor lo que has jurado».
Again you have heard that it was said to the ancients; Not will you swear falsely, you will keep now to the Lord the oaths of you.
34 Mas Yo os digo que no juréis de ningún modo: ni por el cielo, porque es el trono de Dios;
I myself however say to you not to swear at all, neither [swear] by heaven because [the] throne it is of God,
35 ni por la tierra, porque es el escabel de sus pies; ni por Jerusalén, porque es la ciudad del gran Rey.
nor [swear] by the earth because [the] footstool it is of the feet of Him, nor [swear] by Jerusalem because [the] city it is of the great King,
36 Ni jures tampoco por tu cabeza, porque eres incapaz de hacer blanco o negro uno solo de tus cabellos.
nor by the head of you may you swear because not you are able one hair white to make or black.
37 Diréis ( solamente ): Sí, sí; No, no. Todo lo que excede a esto, viene del Maligno”.
should be however the statement of you Yes Yes, [and] ‘No ‘No; The however excessive of these from evil comes.
38 “Oísteis que fue dicho: «Ojo por ojo y diente por diente».
You have heard that it was said; Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’
39 Mas Yo os digo: no resistir al que es malo; antes bien, si alguien te abofeteare en la mejilla derecha, preséntale también la otra.
I myself however say to you not to resist the evil [person]. Instead whoever you (strike on *N(k)O*) the right cheek of you, do turn to him also the other;
40 Y si alguno te quiere citar ante el juez para quitarte la túnica, abandónale también tu manto.
and to the [one] willing you to sue and the tunic of you to take, do yield to him also the cloak;
41 Y si alguno te quiere llevar por fuerza una milla, ve con él dos.
and whoever you will compel to go mile one, do go with him two.
42 Da a quien te pide, y no vuelvas la espalda a quien quiera tomar prestado de ti”.
To the [one] asking you (do give *N(k)O*) and the [one] desiring from you to borrow not may you turn away from.
43 “Oísteis que fue dicho: «Amarás a tu prójimo, y odiarás a tu enemigo».
You have heard that it was said; You will love the neighbour of you and will hate the enemy of you.’
44 Mas Yo os digo: “Amad a vuestros enemigos, y rogad por los que os persiguen,
I myself however say to you; do love the enemies of you (do bless those cursing you well do *K*) (to those hating *K(o)*) (you *K*) and do pray for those (mistreating you and *K*) persecuting you,
45 a fin de que seáis hijos de vuestro Padre celestial, que hace levantar su sol sobre malos y buenos, y descender su lluvia sobre justos e injustos.
so that you may be sons of the Father of you who is in (the *o*) heavens, For the sun of Him He makes rise on evil and good and He sends rain on righteous and unrighteous.
46 Porque si amáis a los que os aman, ¿qué recompensa tendréis? ¿Los mismos publicanos no hacen otro tanto?
If for you shall love those loving you, what reward have you? Surely also the tax collectors the (same *NK(o)*) do?
47 Y si no saludáis más que a vuestros hermanos, ¿qué hacéis vosotros de particular? ¿No hacen otro tanto los gentiles?
And if you shall greet the (brothers *NK(O)*) of you only, what excessive do you? Surely also the (Gentiles *N(K)O*) (the *no*) (same *N(k)O*) do?
48 Sed, pues, vosotros perfectos como vuestro Padre celestial es perfecto”.
Will be therefore you yourselves perfect (how *N(k)O*) the Father of you who (Heavenly *N(K)O*) perfect is.