< Juan 6 >
1 Después de esto, pasó Jesús al otro lado del mar de Galilea, o de Tiberíades.
After this Jesus went away across the Lake of Galilee (that is, the Lake of Tiberias).
2 Y le seguía un gran gentío, porque veían los milagros que hacía con los enfermos.
A vast multitude followed Him, because they witnessed the miracles on the sick which He was constantly performing.
3 Entonces Jesús subió a la montaña y se sentó con sus discípulos.
Then Jesus went up the hill, and sat there with His disciples.
4 Estaba próxima la Pascua, la fiesta de los judíos.
The Jewish Festival, the Passover, was at hand.
5 Jesús, pues, levantando los ojos y viendo que venía hacia Él una gran multitud, dijo a Felipe: “¿Dónde compraremos pan para que estos tengan qué comer?”.
And when He looked round and saw an immense crowd coming towards Him, He said to Philip, "Where shall we buy bread for all these people to eat?"
6 Decía esto para ponerlo a prueba, pues Él, por su parte, bien sabía lo que iba a hacer.
He said this to put Philip to the test, for He Himself knew what He was going to do.
7 Felipe le respondió: “Doscientos denarios de pan no les bastarían para que cada uno tuviera un poco”.
"Seven pounds' worth of bread," replied Philip, "is not enough for them all to get even a scanty meal."
8 Uno de sus discípulos, Andrés, el hermano de Pedro, le dijo:
One of His disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, said to Him,
9 “Hay aquí un muchachito que tiene cinco panes de cebada y dos peces. Pero ¿qué es esto para tanta gente?”
"There is a boy here with five barley loaves and a couple of fish: but what is that among so many?"
10 Mas Jesús dijo: “Haced que los hombres se sienten”. Había mucha hierba en aquel lugar. Se acomodaron, pues, los varones, en número como de cinco mil.
"Make the people sit down," said Jesus. The ground was covered with thick grass; so they sat down, the adult men numbering about 5,000.
11 Tomó, entonces, Jesús los panes, y habiendo dado gracias, los repartió a los que estaban recostados, y también del pescado, cuanto querían.
Then Jesus took the loaves, and after giving thanks He distributed them to those who were resting on the ground; and also the fish in like manner--as much as they desired.
12 Cuando se hubieron hartado dijo a sus discípulos: “Recoged los trozos que sobraron, para que nada se pierda”.
When all were fully satisfied, He said to His disciples, "Gather up the broken portions that remain over, so that nothing be lost."
13 Los recogieron y llenaron doce canastos con los pedazos de los cinco panes, que sobraron a los que habían comido.
Accordingly they gathered them up; and with the fragments of the five barley loaves--the broken portions that remained over after they had done eating--they filled twelve baskets.
14 Entonces aquellos hombres, a la vista del milagro que acababa de hacer, dijeron: “Este es verdaderamente el profeta, el que ha de venir al mundo”.
Thereupon the people, having seen the miracle He had performed, said, "This is indeed the Prophet who was to come into the world."
15 Jesús sabiendo, pues, que vendrían a apoderarse de Él para hacerlo rey, se alejó de nuevo a la montaña, Él solo.
Perceiving, however, that they were about to come and carry Him off by force to make Him a king, Jesus withdrew again up the hill alone by Himself.
16 Cuando llegó la tarde, bajaron sus discípulos al mar.
When evening came on, His disciples went down to the Lake.
17 Y subiendo a la barca, se fueron al otro lado del mar, hacia Cafarnaúm, porque ya se había hecho oscuro, y Jesús no había venido aún a ellos.
There they got on board a boat, and pushed off to cross the Lake to Capernaum. By this time it had become dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them.
18 Mas se levantó un gran viento y el mar se puso agitado.
The Lake also was getting rough, because a strong wind was blowing.
19 Y después de haber avanzado veinticinco o treinta estadios, vieron a Jesús, que caminaba sobre el mar aproximándose a la barca, y se asustaron.
When, however, they had rowed three or four miles, they saw Jesus walking on the water and coming near the boat.
20 Pero Él les dijo: “No tengáis miedo”.
They were terrified; but He called to them. "It is I," He said, "do not be afraid."
21 Entonces se decidieron a recibirlo en la barca, y en seguida la barca llegó a la orilla, adonde querían ir.
Then they were willing to take Him on board; and in a moment the boat reached the shore at the point to which they were going.
22 Al día siguiente, la muchedumbre que permaneció al otro lado del mar, notó que había allí una sola barca, y que Jesús no había subido en ella con sus discípulos, sino que sus discípulos se habían ido solos.
Next morning the crowd who were still standing about on the other side of the Lake found that there had been but one small boat there, and they had seen that Jesus did not go on board with His disciples, but that His disciples went away without Him.
23 Mas llegaron barcas de Tiberíades junto al lugar donde habían comido el pan, después de haber el Señor dado gracias.
Yet a number of small boats came from Tiberias to the neighbourhood of the place where they had eaten the bread after the Lord had given thanks.
24 Cuando, pues, la muchedumbre vio que Jesús no estaba allí, ni tampoco sus discípulos, subieron en las barcas, y fueron a Cafarnaúm, buscando a Jesús.
When however the crowd saw that neither Jesus nor His disciples were there, they themselves also took boats and came to Capernaum to look for Jesus.
25 Y al encontrarlo del otro lado del mar, le preguntaron: “Rabí, ¿cuándo llegaste aquí?”
So when they had crossed the Lake and had found Him, they asked Him, "Rabbi, when did you come here?"
26 Jesús les respondió y dijo: “En verdad, en verdad, os digo, me buscáis, no porque visteis milagros, sino porque comisteis de los panes y os hartasteis.
"In most solemn truth I tell you," replied Jesus, "that you are searching for me not because you have seen miracles, but because you ate the loaves and had a hearty meal.
27 Trabajad, no por el manjar que pasa, sino por el manjar que perdura para la vida eterna, y que os dará el Hijo del hombre, porque a Este ha marcado con su sello el Padre, Dios”. (aiōnios )
Bestow your pains not on the food which perishes, but on the food that remains unto the Life of the Ages--that food which will be the Son of Man's gift to you; for on Him the Father, God, has set His seal." (aiōnios )
28 Ellos le dijeron: “¿Qué haremos, pues, para hacer las obras de Dios?”
"What are we to do," they asked, "in order to carry out the things that God requires?"
29 Jesús, les respondió y dijo: “La obra de Dios es que creáis en Aquel a quien Él envió”.
"This," replied Jesus, "is above all the thing that God requires--that you should be believers in Him whom He has sent."
30 Entonces le dijeron: “¿Qué milagro haces Tú, para que viéndolo creamos en Ti? ¿Qué obra haces?
"What miracle then," they asked, "do you perform for us to see and become believers in you? What do you do?
31 Nuestros padres comieron el maná en el desierto, como está escrito: «Les dio de comer un pan del cielo»”.
Our forefathers ate the manna in the Desert, as it is written, 'He gave them bread out of Heaven to eat'."
32 Jesús les dijo: “En verdad, en verdad, os digo, Moisés no os dio el pan del cielo; es mi Padre quien os da el verdadero pan del cielo.
"In most solemn truth I tell you," replied Jesus, "that Moses did not give you the bread out of Heaven, but my Father is giving you the bread--the true bread--out of Heaven.
33 Porque el pan de Dios es Aquel que desciende del cielo y da la vida al mundo”.
For God's bread is that which comes down out of Heaven and gives Life to the world."
34 Le dijeron: “Señor, danos siempre este pan”.
"Sir," they said, "always give us that bread."
35 Respondioles Jesús: “Soy Yo el pan de vida; quien viene a Mí, no tendrá más hambre, y quien cree en Mí, nunca más tendrá sed.
"I am the bread of Life," replied Jesus; "he who comes to me shall never hunger, and he who believes in me shall never, never thirst.
36 Pero, os lo he dicho: a pesar de que me habéis visto, no creéis.
But it is as I have said to you: you have seen me and yet you do not believe.
37 Todo lo que me da el Padre vendrá a Mí, y al que venga a Mí, no lo echaré fuera, ciertamente,
Every one whom the Father gives me will come to me, and him who comes to me I will never on any account drive away.
38 porque bajé del cielo para hacer no mi voluntad, sino la voluntad del que me envió.
For I have left Heaven and have come down to earth not to seek my own pleasure, but to do the will of Him who sent me.
39 Ahora bien, la voluntad del que me envió, es que no pierda Yo nada de cuanto Él me ha dado, sino que lo resucite en el último día.
And this is the will of Him who sent me, that of all that He has given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it to life on the last day.
40 Porque esta es la voluntad del Padre: que todo aquel que contemple al Hijo y crea en Él, tenga vida eterna; y Yo lo resucitaré en el último día”. (aiōnios )
For this is my Father's will, that every one who fixes his gaze on the Son of God and believes in Him should have the Life of the Ages, and I will raise him to life on the last day." (aiōnios )
41 Entonces los judíos se pusieron a murmurar contra Él, porque había dicho: “Yo soy el pan que bajó del cielo”;
Now the Jews began to find fault about Him because of His claiming to be the bread which came down out of Heaven.
42 y decían: “¿No es este Jesús, el Hijo de José, cuyo padre y madre conocemos? ¿Cómo, pues, ahora dice: «Yo he bajado del cielo?»”
They kept asking, "Is not this man Joseph's son? Is he not Jesus, whose father and mother we know? What does he mean by now saying, 'I have come down out of Heaven'?"
43 Jesús les respondió y dijo: “No murmuréis entre vosotros.
"Do not thus find fault among yourselves," replied Jesus;
44 Ninguno puede venir a Mí, si el Padre que me envió, no lo atrae; y Yo lo resucitaré en el último día.
"no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him; then I will raise him to life on the last day.
45 Está escrito en los profetas: «Serán todos enseñados por Dios». Todo el que escuchó al Padre y ha aprendido, viene a Mí.
It stands written in the Prophets, 'And they shall all of them be taught by God'. Every one who listens to the Father and learns from Him comes to me.
46 No es que alguien haya visto al Padre, sino Aquel que viene de Dios, Ese ha visto al Padre.
No one has ever seen the Father--except Him who is from God. He has seen the Father.
47 En verdad, en verdad, os digo, el que cree tiene vida eterna. (aiōnios )
"In most solemn truth I tell you that he who believes has the Life of the Ages. (aiōnios )
48 Yo soy el pan de vida.
I am the bread of Life.
49 Los padres vuestros comieron en el desierto el maná y murieron.
Your forefathers ate the manna in the Desert, and they died.
50 He aquí el pan, el que baja del cielo para que uno coma de él y no muera.
Here is the bread that comes down out of Heaven that a man may eat it and not die.
51 Yo soy el pan, el vivo, el que bajó del cielo. Si uno come de este pan vivirá para siempre, y por lo tanto el pan que Yo daré es la carne mía para la vida del mundo”. (aiōn )
I am the living bread come down out of Heaven. If a man eats this bread, he shall live for ever. Moreover the bread which I will give is my flesh given for the life of the world." (aiōn )
52 Empezaron entonces los judíos a discutir entre ellos y a decir: “¿Cómo puede este darnos la carne a comer?”
This led to an angry debate among the Jews. "How can this man," they argued, "give us his flesh to eat?"
53 Díjoles, pues, Jesús: “En verdad, en verdad, os digo, si no coméis la carne del Hijo del Hombre y bebéis la sangre del mismo, no tenéis vida en vosotros.
"In most solemn truth I tell you," said Jesus, "that unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no Life in you.
54 El que de Mí come la carne y de Mí bebe la sangre, tiene vida eterna y Yo le resucitaré en el último día. (aiōnios )
He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has the Life of the Ages, and I will raise him up on the last day. (aiōnios )
55 Porque la carne mía verdaderamente es comida y la sangre mía verdaderamente es bebida.
For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.
56 El que de Mí come la carne y de Mí bebe la sangre, en Mí permanece y Yo en él.
He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in union with me, and I remain in union with him.
57 De la misma manera que Yo, enviado por el Padre viviente, vivo por el Padre, así el que me come, vivirá también por Mí.
As the ever-living Father has sent me, and I live because of the Father, so also he who eats me will live because of me.
58 Este es el pan bajado del cielo, no como aquel que comieron los padres, los cuales murieron. El que come este pan vivirá eternamente”. (aiōn )
This is the bread which came down out of Heaven; it is unlike that which your forefathers ate--for they ate and yet died. He who eats this bread shall live for ever." (aiōn )
59 Esto dijo en Cafarnaúm, hablando en la sinagoga.
Jesus said all this in the synagogue while teaching at Capernaum.
60 Después de haberlo oído, muchos de sus discípulos dijeron: “Dura es esta doctrina: ¿Quién puede escucharla?”.
Many therefore of His disciples, when they heard it, said, "This is hard to accept. Who can listen to such teaching?"
61 Jesús, conociendo interiormente que sus discípulos murmuraban sobre esto, les dijo: “¿Esto os escandaliza?
But, knowing in Himself that His disciples were dissatisfied about it, Jesus asked them,
62 ¿Y si viereis al Hijo del hombre subir adonde estaba antes?
"Does this seem incredible to you? What then if you were to see the Son of Man ascending again where He was before?
63 El espíritu es el que vivifica; la carne para nada aprovecha. Las palabras que Yo os he dicho, son espíritu y son vida.
It is the spirit which gives Life. The flesh confers no benefit whatever. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and are Life.
64 Pero hay entre vosotros quienes no creen”. Jesús, en efecto, sabía desde el principio, quiénes eran los que creían, y quién lo había de entregar.
But there are some of you who do not believe." For Jesus knew from the beginning who those were that did not believe, and who it was that would betray Him.
65 Y agregó: “He ahí por qué os he dicho que ninguno puede venir a Mí, si esto no le es dado por el Padre”.
So He added, "That is why I told you that no one can come to me unless it be granted him by the Father."
66 Desde aquel momento muchos de sus discípulos volvieron atrás y dejaron de andar con Él.
Thereupon many of His disciples left Him and went away, and no longer associated with Him.
67 Entonces Jesús dijo a los Doce: “¿Queréis iros también vosotros?”
Jesus therefore appealed to the Twelve. "Will you go also?" He asked.
68 Simón Pedro le respondió: “Señor, ¿a quién iríamos? Tú tienes palabras de vida eterna. (aiōnios )
"Master," replied Simon Peter, "to whom shall we go? Your teachings tell us of the Life of the Ages. (aiōnios )
69 Y nosotros hemos creído y sabemos que Tú eres el Santo de Dios”.
And we have come to believe and know that you are indeed the Holy One of God."
70 Jesús les dijo: “¿No fui Yo acaso quien os elegí a vosotros los doce? ¡Y uno de vosotros es diablo!”
"Did not I choose you--the Twelve?" said Jesus, "and even of you one is a devil."
71 Lo decía por Judas Iscariote, hijo de Simón, pues él había de entregarlo: él, uno de los Doce.
He alluded to Judas, the son of Simon the Iscariot. For he it was who, though one of the Twelve, was afterwards to betray Him.