< Job 18 >

1 Entonces Baldad suhita tomó la palabra, y dijo:
Then answered Bildad the Shuchite, and said,
2 “¿Cuándo acabaréis de hablar? Pensad primero, luego hablaremos.
When will ye at length put an end to words? Come to an understanding, and afterward let us speak.
3 ¿Por qué nos reputas por bestias, y somos unos estúpidos a tus ojos?
For what cause are we counted as beasts, reputed stupid your eyes?
4 Tú que te desgarras en tu furor, ¿quedará sin ti abandonada la tierra, o cambiarán de lugar las peñas?
Thou, the one that teareth himself to pieces in his anger— shall for thy sake the earth be forsaken, and the rock be moved away out of its place?
5 Sí, la luz de los malos se apaga, no brillará más la llama de su fuego.
Ah, truly the light of the wicked will be quenched, and the spark of his fire shall not give light.
6 La luz se oscurecerá en su morada, y encima de él se apagará su lámpara.
The light becometh dark in his tent, and his lamp will be quenched above him.
7 Se cortarán sus pasos tan vigorosos, le precipitará su propio consejo;
His powerful steps will be narrowed, and his own counsel will cast him down.
8 pues meterá sus pies en la red, y caminará sobre una trampa.
For he is driven into the net by his own feet, and he taketh his walk upon a snare.
9 Un lazo le enredará el calcañar, y será aprisionado en la red.
The trap will seize him by the heel, and the robber will prevail over him.
10 Ocultas están en el suelo sus sogas, y la trampa está en su senda.
The cord is hidden for him in the ground, and a trap is set for him on the pathway.
11 Por todas partes le asaltan terrores, que le embarazan los pies.
All around do terrors scare him, and chase him as he walketh along.
12 Su robustez es pasto del hambre, y a su lado está la perdición,
His first-born will suffer hunger, and calamity will be ready for his wife.
13 que roerá los miembros de su cuerpo; serán devorados por el primogénito de la muerte.
It will devour the limbs of his body: yea, the first-born of death will devour his limbs.
14 Arrancado será de su morada donde se creía seguro; le arrastrarán al rey de los espantos.
Then will be plucked up out of his tent his confidence, and [the evil] will urge him forward to the king of terrors.
15 Nadie de los suyos habitará su tienda, azufre será sembrado sobre su morada.
It will dwell in his tent, because it is no more his: there will be strewed sulphur on his habitation.
16 Por abajo se secarán sus raíces, y por arriba le cortarán las ramas.
Beneath, his roots will be dried up, and above will his boughs he cut away.
17 Perecerá en la tierra su memoria, ya no se oirá su nombre en las plazas.
His resemblance vanisheth from the earth, and no name remaineth for him in the streets.
18 De la luz le arrojarán a la tiniebla, y lo echarán fuera del mundo.
Men will thrust him out from light into darkness, and out of the world will they drive him.
19 No dejará hijo ni posteridad en su pueblo, ni sobreviviente en el lugar de su peregrinación.
He will have neither son nor grandson among his people, nor any that escapeth in the places of his sojourning.
20 En el día (de su caída) se pasmará el Occidente, y el Oriente se sobrecogerá de espanto.
Because of his [calamitous] day are they that come after him astonished, and they that went before are seized with shuddering.
21 Así son las moradas de los impíos, y tal es el paradero del que no conoce a Dios.”
Yea, such are the dwellings of the unjust, and this is the place of one that knew not God.

< Job 18 >