< Rooma 16 >

1 Waxaan idin barayaa walaasheen Foybi oo ah mid u adeegta kiniisadda ku taal Kenekhreya,
I commend now to you Phoebe the sister of us being (also *no*) a servant of the church in Cenchrea,
2 inaad iyada ku dhowaysaan Rabbiga, sida quduusiinta u eg, oo aad ku caawintaan wax kasta oo ay idiinka baahan tahay, waayo, iyaduba kuwa badan bay caawintay iyo xataa aniga qudhayda.
that her you may receive in [the] Lord worthily of the saints and you may assist her in whatever maybe of you she may need matter; Also for she a patroness of many has been and of me myself.
3 Igu salaama Bariska iyo Akula kuwa iila shaqeeya Ciise Masiix,
do greet (Prisca *N(k)O*) and Aquila the fellow workers of mine in Christ Jesus —
4 oo noloshayda aawadeed qoortooda u dhibay. Keligay uma mahadnaqayo, laakiinse kiniisadaha dadka aan Yuhuudda ahayn oo dhammuna ay ku mahadnaqayaan.
who for the life of mine for it their own neck laid down, whom not I myself only thank but also all the churches of the Gentiles —
5 Iguna salaama kiniisadda gurigooda ku jirta. Igu salaama gacaliyahay Ebaynetos, kan ah midhaha ugu horreeya ee Aasiya xagga Masiixa.
and the at house of them church. do greet Epenetus the beloved of mine, who is a firstfruit (of Asia *N(K)O*) for Christ.
6 Maryanna igu salaama, tan aad idiinku dadaashay.
do greet Mary, who much toiled for (you. *N(K)O*)
7 Igu salaama Andaronikos iyo Yuniyas oo xigaalkayga ah oo layla xidhay, kuwa caanka ku ah rasuullada dhexdooda, kuwa hortayna Masiixa ku jiray.
do greet Andronicus and (Junia *NK(o)*) the kinsmen of mine and fellow prisoners with me, who are of note among the apostles, who also before me were in Christ.
8 Ambaliyas, gacaliyahayga xagga Rabbigana igu salaama.
do greet Ampliatus the beloved of mine in [the] Lord.
9 Urbanos kan Masiixa noola shaqeeya iyo gacaliyahay Istakhusna igu salaama.
do greet Urbanus the fellow worker of us in Christ and Stachys the beloved of mine.
10 Abellees kan Masiixu u bogayna igu salaama. Kuwa reer Aristobulosna igu salaama.
do greet Apelles the approved in Christ. do greet those of the [household] of Aristobulus.
11 Xigaalkay Herodiyosna igu salaama. Iguna salaama kuwa reer Narkisos oo Rabbiga ku jira.
do greet Herodion the kinsman of mine. do greet those of the [household] of Narcissus who are being in [the] Lord.
12 Tarufayna iyo Tarufoosa oo Rabbiga u shaqeeyana igu salaama. Gacaliso Bersis oo Rabbiga aad ugu shaqaysayna igu salaama.
do greet Tryphena and Tryphosa those toiling in [the] Lord. do greet Persis the beloved, who much toiled in [the] Lord.
13 Igu salaama Rufus kan Rabbigu doortay iyo hooyadiis oo hooyaday oo kale ah.
do greet Rufus the chosen in [the] Lord and the mother of him and of me.
14 Igu salaama Asunkiritos, iyo Filegoon, iyo Hermees, iyo Batrobas, iyo Hermaas, iyo walaalaha iyaga la jooga.
do greet Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes Patrobas, Hermas and the with them brothers.
15 Igu salaama Filologos, iyo Yulya, iyo Neere'us, iyo walaashiis, iyo Olumbas, iyo quduusiinta iyaga la jooga oo dhan.
do greet Philologus and Julia, Nereus and the sister of him and Olympas and the with them all saints.
16 Midkiinba midka kale ha ku salaamo dhunkasho quduus ah. Kiniisadihii Masiixa oo dhammu waa idin soo salaamayaan.
do greet one another with a kiss holy. Greet you the churches (all *NO*) of Christ.
17 Haddaba walaalayaalow, waxaan idinka baryayaa inaad fiiro u lahaataan kuwa kicinaya iskala qaybinta iyo xumaatooyinka oo ka geesta ah cilmiga aad barateen, kana leexda iyaga.
I exhort now you, brothers, to watch out for those divisions and obstacles contrary to the teaching that you yourselves have learned causing and (do turn away *N(k)(o)*) from them.
18 Kuwa caynkaas ahu Rabbigeenna Masiix uma adeegaan, laakiinse waxay u adeegaan calooshooda; hadalkooda macaan oo wanaagsan bay ku khiyaaneeyaan qalbiyada jaahiliinta.
For such the Lord of us (Jesus *K*) Christ not serve but the their own belly, and through smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
19 Warkii addeeciddiinnu wuxuu gaadhay dadka oo dhan. Sidaas daraaddeed aad baan idiinku faraxsanahay, laakiin waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaad garaad u lahaataan waxa wanaagsan, oo aad ka eedla'aataan waxa sharka ah.
The for of you obedience to all has reached; (*k*) Over you therefore I rejoice. I wish however you wise (indeed *ko*) to be to good innocent however to evil.
20 Oo Ilaaha nabaddu Shayddaan buu haddiiba cagihiinna hoostooda ku burburin doonaa. Nimcada Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix ha idinla jirto.
The now God of peace will crush Satan under the feet of you with speed. The grace of the Lord of us Jesus (Christ *KO*) [be] with you.
21 Waxaa idin soo salaamaya Timoteyos oo ila shaqeeya, iyo Lukiyos, iyo Yasoon, iyo Soosibater, iyagoo ah xigaalkayga.
(Greets *N(k)O*) you Timothy the fellow worker of mine also Lucius and Jason and Sosipater the kinsmen of mine.
22 Anigoo Tertiyos ah oo warqaddan qoray, Rabbigaan idinku salaamayaa.
Greet you I myself Tertius the [one] having written down this letter in [the] Lord.
23 Gayos, oo aniga iyo kiniisadda oo dhammuba aannu marti u nahay, wuu idin soo salaamayaa. Erastos oo ah qasnajiga magaalada, iyo walaalkeen Kowartos way idin soo salaamayaan.
Greets you Gaius the host of mine and of all the church. Greets you Erastus the steward of the city and Quartus the brother.
24 Nimcada Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix ha idinla jirto kulligiin. Aamiin.
(the grace of the Lord of us Jesus Christ with all of you. Amen. *KO*)
25 Haddaba ammaanu ha u ahaato kan kara inuu idinku xoogeeyo injiilkayga iyo wacdiga ku saabsan Ciise Masiix iyo muujinta qarsoodiga oo qarsoonaa tan iyo weligiis, (aiōnios g166)
To Him now being able you to strengthen according to gospel of mine and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to [the] revelation of [the] mystery in times of the ages kept secret, (aiōnios g166)
26 laakiinse haatan lagu muujiyey Qorniinka nebiyada sida amarka Ilaaha daa'imka ah oo quruumaha oo dhan loo ogeysiiyey inay addeecaan rumaysadka. (aiōnios g166)
having been made manifest however now through also Scriptures prophetic according to [the] commandment of the Eternal God unto [the] obedience of faith — to all the Gentiles having been made known — (aiōnios g166)
27 Ilaaha keligiis ah oo xigmadda leh, Ciise Masiix ammaanu ha ugu ahaato weligiis. Aamiin. (aiōn g165)
[to the] only wise God through Jesus Christ which [is] [be] the glory to the ages Amen (to Romans it was written from Corinth through Phoebe the servant in Cenchrea church. *K*) (aiōn g165)

< Rooma 16 >