< Rooma 12 >

1 Haddaba, walaalayaalow, waxaan idinku baryayaa Ilaah naxariistiisa inaad jidhkiinna Ilaah u siisaan sida allabari nool oo quduus ah oo Ilaah ku farxo, waana cibaadaysigiinna caqliga leh.
I exhort therefore you, brothers, through the compassions of God, to present the bodies of you a sacrifice living holy well-pleasing to God which is the reasonable service of you.
2 Ha u ekaanina dadka ifkan, laakiinse ku beddelma cusboonaanta maankiinna inaad hubsataan waxa ay tahay doonista Ilaah oo wanaagsan oo isagu ku farxo oo kaamilka ah. (aiōn g165)
And not (do be conformed *NK(o)*) to the age this, but (do be transformed *NK(o)*) by the renewing of the mind (of you *k*) for to prove by you what [is] the will of God good and well-pleasing and perfect. (aiōn g165)
3 Waayo, nimcadii lay siiyey ayaan ku hadlayaa, waxaan ku leeyahay, Mid kasta oo idinka mid ah, yuusan isderejayn intuu isderejayn lahaa in ka badan, laakiinse miyirqab ha ku fikiro, sida Ilaah mid kasta u siiyey qayb rumaysad ah.
I say for through the grace which having been given to me to everyone who is being among you, not to be high-minded above what it behooves [you] to think, but to think so as to be sober-minded, to each as God has allotted a measure of faith.
4 Waayo, sida aynu xubno badan ugu leennahay jidhkeenna, oo aan xubnaha oo dhammuna isku shuqul u ahayn,
Just as for in one body many members we have, now the members all not the same have function,
5 sidaas oo kalaan, innagoo badan, Masiixa isku jidh ku nahay, oo midba midka kale waa xubnihiisii.
so the many one body we are in Christ, (*N(k)O*) and individually one of another members.
6 Innagoo haysanna hadiyado ku kala duwan nimcadii layna siiyey, hadday tahay wax sii sheegid, aan wax ku sii sheegno sida qaybta rumaysadkeenna.
We are having however gifts according to the grace which having been given to us different, if prophecy according to the proportion of the faith,
7 Ama hadday tahay adeegid, aan aad u adeegno; kii wax baraana, si fiican wax ha u baro;
or service in the service, or the [one] teaching in the teaching,
8 kii wax waaniyaana, si fiican wax ha u waaniyo; kii wax bixiyaana, deeqsinimo wax ha u bixiyo; kii wax u taliyaana, dadaal wax ha ugu taliyo; kii wax u naxariistaana, farxad wax ha ugu naxariisto.
or the [one] exhorting in the exhortation, the [one] giving in generosity, the [one] leading with diligence, the [one] showing mercy with cheerfulness.
9 Jacaylku ha noqdo mid aan labaweji lahayn, sharka karha, wanaagga xagsada.
[Let] love [be] unfeigned. abhorring evil, cleaving to good;
10 Kalgacayl walaalnimo isku wada jeclaada, midkiinba midka kale ha hor derejeeyo.
in brotherly love to one another devoted in honor one another esteeming,
11 Dadaalka ha ka caajisina, ruuxa ku kululaada, oo Rabbiga u adeega.
in diligence not lagging, in spirit being fervent, the (Lord *NK(O)*) serving,
12 Rajada ku farxa, dhibta u dulqaata, tukashada wadiddeeda ku sii adkaysta,
in hope rejoicing, in tribulation being patient, in prayer being constant,
13 oo ku caawiya waxa quduusiintu u baahan yihiin, oo shisheeyaha martiggeliya.
to the needs of the saints contributing, hospitality pursuing;
14 U duceeya kuwa idin silciya, u duceeya, oo ha habaarina.
do bless those persecuting you; do bless and not do curse.
15 La farxa kuwa farxaya, la ooya kuwa ooyaya.
to rejoice with the rejoicing, (and *k*) to weep with the weeping.
16 Midba midka kale ha la fikir ahaado, ha kibrina, laakiin kuwa hoose la socda. Kuwo isla caqli badan ha noqonina.
the same thing toward one another minding, not the [things] haughty minding, but with the lowly going along. Not do be wise in yourselves.
17 Ninna shar shar ha uga celinina. Ka fikira inaad samaysaan waxa wanaagsan dadka oo dhan hortiisa.
To no one evil for evil repaying, providing right before all men;
18 Hadday suurtowdo, intaad kartaan, nabad kula jooga dadka oo dhan.
if possible of you with all men living at peace,
19 Gacaliyayaalow, ha aarsanina, laakiin meel u banneeya cadhada Ilaah, waayo, waxaa qoran, Aarsasho anigaa leh; anaa u abaalmarin, ayaa Rabbigu leeyahay.
never yourselves avenging, beloved, instead do give place to wrath; it has been written for: Mine [is] vengeance, I myself will repay, says [the] Lord.
20 Laakiin haddii cadowgaagu gaajaysan yahay, cunto sii; hadduu harraadsan yahayna, waraabi, waayo, haddaad saas samayso waxaad madaxiisa ku kor ururin doontaa duxulo dab ah.
(On the contrary *N(K)O*) If shall hunger the enemy of you, do feed him; if he shall thirst, do give drink him; this for doing coals of fire you will heap upon the head of him.
21 Sharku yuusan kaa adkaan, laakiinse sharka wanaag kaga adkow.
Not do be overcome by evil but do overcome with good evil.

< Rooma 12 >