< Muujintii 14 >

1 Oo bal eeg, waxaan arkay Wankii oo ku dul taagan Buur Siyoon, oo waxaa isaga la jiray boqol iyo afar iyo afartan kun oo qof, oo waxaa wejiga ugu qornaa isaga magiciisa iyo magaca aabbihiis.
But then I saw the [one who is like a] lamb standing on Zion Hill [in Jerusalem]. With him were 144,000 [people]. His name and his Father’s name had been written {[He] had written his name and his Father’s name} on their foreheads.
2 Markaasaan samada ka maqlay cod u eg biyo badan codkood iyo onkod weyn codkiis; oo codkii aan maqlayna wuxuu u ekaa kataaraley ka dhawaajinaysa kataaradahooda;
I heard a sound from heaven, which was as [loud] [SIM] as the sound of a huge waterfall (OR, a great/wide [river of rushing] water) and which was [also as loud as] [SIM] mighty thunder. The sound that I heard was like [the sound that] people make when they are playing their harps.
3 markaasay carshiga hortiisa iyo afartii xayawaan iyo odayaasha hortoodii waxay ku gabyeen gabay cusub; oo gabaygaas ninna ma baran karin, boqol iyo afar iyo afartanka kun oo dunida laga soo iibsaday mooyaane.
The 144,000 people were singing a new song [while they stood] in front of the throne, in front of the four living [creatures], and in front of the elders. Only the 144,000 [people], the ones who have been {whom [the one who is like a lamb] has} redeemed/bought from among the people on the earth, could learn that song. No one else could learn the song [that they sang].
4 Kuwanu waa kuwii aan naagaha ku nijaasoobin; waayo, iyagu waa daahir; kuwanu waa kuwa Wanka u raaca meel alla meeshuu tagoba. Kuwan waxaa laga soo iibsaday dadka inay midhaha ugu horreeya u noqdaan Ilaah iyo Wankaba.
Those 144,000 are the people who are [spiritually] pure, [like] virgins [are morally pure]. They have not (defiled themselves/made themselves impure) [MET] [by worshipping any false god]. They are the ones who accompany Jesus, the [one who is like a] lamb, wherever he goes. They [represent all those whom he has] redeemed/bought for God from among the people [of earth, in order that he might offer] them to God and to [himself].
5 Oo afkooda innaba been lagama helin, iinna ma leh.
[Those people] never lie when they speak [MTY], and they never act immorally.
6 Oo haddana waxaan arkay malaa'ig kale oo samada dhex duulaysa iyadoo wadata injiil daa'imis ah inay u naadiso kuwa dhulka deggan iyo quruun kasta iyo qabiil kasta iyo af kasta iyo dad kasta; (aiōnios g166)
I saw another angel that was flying between the sky and heaven. He was bringing [God’s] eternal good message [to earth], in order that he might proclaim it to people who live on the earth. He will proclaim it to every nation, [to every] tribe, [to speakers of every] language [MTY], and [to every] people-[group]. (aiōnios g166)
7 iyadoo cod weyn ku leh, Ilaah ka cabsada, oo isaga ammaana, waayo, saacaddii xukunkiisu way timid. Oo caabuda kii sameeyey samada iyo dhulka iyo badda iyo ilaha biyaha ah.
He said in a loud voice, “Revere God and honor him, because it is now time for him to judge [people]! Worship [God, because he is] the one who created the heaven, the earth, the ocean, and the springs of water.”
8 Oo malaa'ig kale oo labaad ayaa soo raacday, oo waxay lahayd, Waxaa dhacday oo dhacday Baabuloontii weynayd, taasoo quruumaha oo dhan ka waraabisay khamrigii cadhada sinadeeda.
A second angel came after him saying, “The very evil [cities] (OR, [city]) [represented by] Babylon are completely destroyed! [God] has punished [their people because] they [have persuaded people of] all the nations [to forsake God, just like a prostitute] [MET] persuades [men] to drink [strong] wine and [as a result] commit sexual immorality.”
9 Oo haddana waxaa soo raacday malaa'ig kale oo saddexaad, iyadoo cod weyn ku leh, Haddii nin caabudo bahalka iyo sanamkiisa, ama uu aqbalo sumad in lagaga dhigo wejiga ama gacanta,
A third angel came next, saying in a loud voice, “If people worship the beast and its image and [allow] its mark to be put {its [agent to] put its mark} on their foreheads or on their hands,
10 isna wuxuu ka cabbi doonaa khamriga cadhada Ilaah oo lagu shubay koobka cadhadiisa isagoo aan badhxanayn; oo waxaa isaga lagu silcin doonaa dab iyo baaruud malaa'igaha quduuska ah hortooda iyo Wanka hortiisa.
God will be angry with them and punish them very severely [MET]. They will be tormented {[God] will torment them} in burning sulfur in the presence of his holy angels and in the presence of the [one who is like a] lamb.
11 Oo qiiqa caddibaaddooda kor buu u baxayaa weligiis iyo weligiis, oo kuwa caabuda bahalka iyo sanamkiisa, iyo ku alla kii aqbala sumadda magiciisa nasasho heli maayaan habeen iyo maalin toona. (aiōn g165)
The smoke [from the fire] that torments them will rise forever. [They will] be tormented {[God will] torment them} continually, day and night. [That is what will happen to] the people who worship the beast and its image and who allow its name to be marked on them {allow [its agent] to mark them with its name}.” (aiōn g165)
12 Waa kaa samirkii quduusiinta, kuwaas oo ah kuwa xajiya amarrada Ilaah iyo iimaanka Ciise.
So God’s people, those who obey what God commands and who trust in Jesus, must faithfully continue [obeying and trusting him].
13 Oo haddana waxaan samada ka maqlay cod igu leh, Qor, Waxaa barakaysan kuwa hadda ka dib dhimanaya iyagoo Rabbiga rumaysan. Ruuxii wuxuu leeyahay, Haah, iyagu waa inay ka nastaan hawshoodii, waayo, waxaa iyaga la socda shuqulladoodii.
I heard a voice from heaven saying, “Write [this: God will] now [abundantly] bless the people who have a close relationship with the Lord [Jesus] for the rest of [their lives].” [God’s] Spirit says, “Yes, [after they die], they will no longer have to work hard. Instead, they will rest, and [the record of the good deeds] [MTY] that they have done will go with them (OR, [God] will [reward them] for the good deeds that they have done).”
14 Oo bal eeg, haddana waxaan arkay daruur cad, oo waxaan daruurta dusheeda ku arkay mid fadhiya oo u eg bini aadan, oo waxaa madaxa u saarnaa taaj dahab ah, oo gacantana wuxuu ku haystay manjo af badan.
Then I was surprised to see a white cloud, and on the cloud [someone] was sitting who looked like the one who came from heaven. He [was wearing] a golden crown on his head. In his hand [he held] a sharp sickle.
15 Oo haddana malaa'ig kale ayaa waxay ka soo baxday macbudkii, oo waxay cod weyn ugu dhawaaqday kii daruurta ku fadhiyey, iyadoo leh, Manjadaada soo dir oo beerta goo; waayo, saacaddii beergooysku way timid; maxaa yeelay, midhihii dhulka oo la gooyn lahaa way bislaadeen.
Another angel came out of the temple [in heaven]. In a loud voice, [speaking figuratively about gathering people for God to judge them], he said to the one who was sitting on the cloud, “The time has come to reap [the grain on the earth], so with your sickle [reap] the [grain], because the grain on the earth is ripe.”
16 Markaasaa kii daruurta ku fadhiyey wuxuu manjadiisii ku soo tuuray dhulka, oo midhihii dhulkiina waa la gooyay.
The one who was sitting on the cloud forcefully gathered together [all the people] on earth, [as] [MET] [a farmer] reaps grain with his sickle.
17 Oo haddana malaa'ig kale ayaa waxay ka baxday macbudka samada ku yaal, oo iyana waxay haysatay manjo af badan.
Another angel came out of the sanctuary in heaven. He also held a sharp sickle.
18 Oo haddana malaa'ig kale oo dabka xukunta ayaa waxay ka soo baxday meeshii allabariga; oo waxay cod weyn ugu dhawaaqday tii manjada afka badan haysatay iyadoo ku leh, Manjadaada afka badan soo dir, oo waxaad ururisaa canabka dhulka rucubyadiisa; maxaa yeelay, canabkii waa bislaaday.
From the altar came another angel. He is the one who takes care of the fire [of the altar. Also speaking figuratively about gathering the wicked people for God to judge and punish them], he said in a loud voice to the angel who held the sharp sickle, “With your sharp sickle cut off the clusters of grapes in the vineyards on the earth! Then gather the clusters of grapes together, because its grapes are ripe!”
19 Markaasaa malaa'igtii waxay manjadeedii ku soo tuurtay dhulka, oo waxay soo ururisay canabka dhulka, oo waxay ku tuurtay macsaraddii canabka oo weyn oo cadhada Ilaah.
So, [just like a man would] cut off with his sickle the clusters of grapes in his vineyard [MET], an angel forcefully [gathered the wicked people] on the earth. Then he threw them into the huge place where God will angrily punish them.
20 Oo canabkiina waxaa lagu tuntay magaalada dibaddeeda, oo waxaa macsaraddii ka soo baxay dhiig, wuxuuna gaadhay tan iyo fardaha xakamahooda, ilaa kun iyo lix boqol oo istaadiyon.
[The wicked people] were trampled on {[God’s agent] trod on [the wicked people]} [in] the winepress outside the city. The blood that came out from the winepress flowed [in a stream so deep that it reached] to the bridles of the horses, [and extended] (180 miles/300 kilometers).

< Muujintii 14 >