< Sabuurradii 88 >

1 Rabbiyow, Ilaaha badbaadadaydow, Habeen iyo maalinba hortaadaan ka qayliyey,
Yahweh God, you who rescues me, all during each day I call out [to you] to help me, and I cry out to you during each night also.
2 Baryootankaygu hortaada ha yimaado, Oo qayladayda dhegta u dhig,
Listen [IDM] to my prayer [DOU], while I cry out to you [for help]!
3 Waayo, naftayda waxaa ka buuxa dhibaatooyin, Oo noloshayduna waxay ku dhowaanaysaa She'ool. (Sheol h7585)
I have experienced many troubles/difficulties, and I am about to die [MTY] and go where dead people are. (Sheol h7585)
4 Waxaa laygu tiiriyey kuwa hoos ugu dhaadhaca yamayska, Oo waxaan ahay sida nin aan xoog lahayn,
Because I have no more strength, [other people also] consider that I will soon die.
5 Oo meydadka lagu dhex tuuray, Sida kuwa la laayay oo xabaalaha yaal, Oo aanad mar dambe soo xusuusnayn, Kuwaas oo ah kuwa gacantaada ka go'ay.
I am like a corpse that has been abandoned; I am like dead people who lie in their graves, people who have been completely forgotten, because you do not take care of them any more.
6 Waxaad igu ridday yamayska ugu hooseeya, Iyo gudcurka, iyo meelaha dhaadheer.
[It is as though] you have thrown me into a deep, dark pit, into a place where they throw corpses.
7 Cadhadaadii baa igu soo degtay, Oo waxaad igu dhibtay hirarkaagii oo dhan. (Selaah)
[It seems like] you are very angry with me, and [it is as though] you have crushed me like [ocean] waves [crash down on people] [MET].
8 Kuwii aan iqiin waad iga fogaysay, Oo karaahiyaad iga dhigtay xaggooda. Waa lay xidhay, oo sooma aan bixi karo.
You have caused my friends to (avoid/stay away from) me; I have become repulsive to them. [It is as though] I am in a prison and cannot escape.
9 Indhahaygu waxay la gudheen dhibaatada daraaddeed, Rabbiyow, maalin kasta waan kuu yeedhay, Oo gacmahaygana adigaan kuu hoorsaday.
My eyes cannot see well because I cry very much. Yahweh, every day I call out to you [to help me]; I lift up my hands to you [while I pray].
10 Ma yaabab baad tusaysaa meydadka? Kuwii dhintay miyey soo sara kacayaan oo ku ammaanayaan? (Selaah)
You certainly do not [RHQ] perform miracles for dead people! Their spirits do not [RHQ] arise to praise you!
11 Raxmaddaada miyaa qabriga lagu sheegayaa? Aaminnimadaadana miyaa halligaadda laga dhex sheegayaa?
Corpses in the grave certainly do not tell about your faithfully loving us [RHQ], and in the place where people are finally destroyed, no one tells about what you faithfully [do for us] [RHQ].
12 Yaababkaaga miyaa gudcurka lagu ogaanayaa? Xaqnimadaadana ma waxaa lagu ogaanayaa dalka illoobidda?
No one in the deep dark pit ever sees the miracles that you perform [RHQ], and no one in the place where people have been completely forgotten tells about your being good to us.
13 Laakiinse Rabbiyow, adigaan kuu qayshaday, Oo baryootankayguna subaxduu hortaada imanayaa.
But [as for me], Yahweh, I cry out to you [to help me]; each morning I pray to you.
14 Rabbiyow, bal maxaad naftayda u xooraysaa? Oo bal maxaad wejigaaga iiga qarinaysaa?
Yahweh, why do you reject me [RHQ]? Why do you turn away from me [RHQ]?
15 Waan dhibaataysnaa oo waxaan ku dhowaa inaan dhinto tan iyo yaraantaydiiba, Intaad cabsidaada igu riddayna waan caataysnaa.
All the time since I was young, I have suffered and have often almost died; I am (in despair/very discouraged) because of enduring the terrible things that you have done to me.
16 Cadhadaadii kululayd ayaa i kor martay, Oo waxaa i baabbi'iyey waxyaalihii aad igu cabsiisay.
[I feel that] you have crushed me because of your being angry with me; the terrible things that you are doing to me are almost destroying me.
17 Maalintii oo dhan waxay hareerahayga ugu wareegsanaayeen sidii biyo oo kale, Dhammaantood way i wada hareereeyeen.
[I feel as though] they surround me like a flood [SIM]; they are (closing in on/crushing) me from all sides.
18 Kii i jeclaa iyo saaxiibkayba waad iga fogaysay, Oo kuwii aan iqiinna gudcur baad iga gelisay.
You have caused [even] my friends and others whom I love to avoid me, and [it is as though] the only friend that I have is darkness.

< Sabuurradii 88 >