< Sabuurradii 74 >

1 Ilaahow, bal maxaad weligaaba noo xoortay? Oo bal maxaa cadhadaadu ugu kululaataa idaha daaqsintaada?
“A psalm of Asaph.” O God! why hast thou cast us off for ever? Why doth thine anger smoke against the flock of thy pasture?
2 Bal soo xusuuso ururkaaga aad waa hore soo iibsatay, Oo aad u soo furatay inay ahaadaan qabiilkaad dhaxashay, Oo weliba Buur Siyoon oo aad degganaatana soo xusuuso.
Remember the people which thou didst purchase of old; Thine own inheritance, which thou didst redeem; That Mount Zion, where thou once didst dwell!
3 Tallaabooyinkaaga u soo qaad xagga baabba'a weligiis ah, Iyo xagga xumaanta uu cadowgu meesha quduuska ah ku sameeyey oo dhan.
Hasten thy steps to those utter desolations! Every thing in the sanctuary hath the enemy abused!
4 Cadaawayaashaadii waxay ka qayliyeen shirkaaga dhexdiisa, Oo waxay calaamad ahaan u qotonsadeen calammadoodii.
Thine enemies roar in the place of thine assemblies; Their own symbols have they set up for signs.
5 Waxay u ekaadeen sidii niman faasas u qaatay hawd jiq ah.
They appear like those who raise the axe against a thicket;
6 Haddaba shuqulkiisii la qoray oo dhan Waxay ku wada dumiyaan gudmo iyo dubbayaal.
They have broken down the carved work of thy temple with axes and hammers;
7 Meeshaada quduuska ah dab bay ku dhejiyeen, Oo waxay wada nijaaseeyeen meeshii magacaaga hoyga u ahayd.
They have cast fire into thy sanctuary; They have profaned, and cast to the ground, the dwelling-place of thy name.
8 Waxay qalbigooda iska yidhaahdeen, Kaalaya aan dhammaantood baabbi'innee, Waxay wada gubeen sunagogyadii Ilaah oo dalka ku dhex yiil oo dhan.
They said in their hearts, “Let us destroy them all together!” They have burned all God's places of assembly in the land.
9 Annagu calaamadahayagii ma aragno, Oo innaba mar dambe nebi ma jiro, Dhexdayadana ma joogo mid garanaya ilaa goorma.
We no longer see our signs; There is no prophet among us, Nor any one that knoweth how long this desolation shall endure.
10 Ilaahow, ilaa goormaa cadowgu caytamayaa? Cadowgu miyuu magacaaga caayayaa weligiisba?
How long, O God! shall the adversary revile? Shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever?
11 Bal maxaad gacantaada midig dib ugu celisaa? Laabtaada ka soo bixi oo iyaga baabbi'i.
Why withdrawest thou thy hand, even thy right hand? Take it from thy bosom, and destroy!
12 Laakiinse Ilaah waa boqorkayga tan iyo waa hore, Isagoo badbaadin ka dhex samaynaya dhulka.
Yet God was our king of old, Working salvation in the midst of the earth.
13 Xooggaagaad badda ku kala qaybisay, Oo masbadeedyada ku dhex jirana madaxaad ka jebisaa.
Thou didst divide the sea by thy power; Thou didst crush the heads of the sea-monsters in the waters.
14 Waxaad kala burburisay madaxyada bahalbadeedyada oo Lewiiyaataan la odhan jiray, Oo cunto ahaan ayaad u siisay dadkii cidlada degganaa.
Thou didst break in pieces the head of the crocodile; Thou gavest him for food to the inhabitants of the desert.
15 Waxaad kala furtay ilo iyo durdurro, Oo waxaad qallajisay webiyo waaweyn.
Thou didst cleave forth the fountain and the stream; Thou didst dry up perennial rivers.
16 Maalinta adigaa iska leh, habeenkana adigaa iska leh, Oo adigaa diyaariyey iftiinka iyo qorraxdaba.
Thine is the day, and thine the night; Thou didst prepare the light and the sun.
17 Adigu waxaad samaysay dhulka soohdimihiisa oo dhan, Oo adigaa sameeyey diraac iyo xagaaba.
Thou didst establish all the boundaries of the earth; Thou didst make summer and winter.
18 Rabbiyow, xusuuso in cadowgu caytamay, Iyo in dad nacas ahu magacaaga caayay.
O remember that the enemy hath reviled Jehovah; That an impious people hath blasphemed thy name!
19 Qoolleydaada nafteeda ha u gacangelin dugaagga, Weligaaba ha illoobin nafta masaakiintaada,
Give not up the life of thy turtle-dove to the wild beast; Forget not for ever thine afflicted people!
20 Bal soo fiiri axdigaaga, Dhulka meelihiisa gudcurka ah waxaa ka buuxa hoyaalka dulmiga.
Have regard to thy covenant! For all the dark places of the land are full of the abodes of cruelty.
21 Kuwa la dulmay yaanay dib u noqon iyagoo ceeboobay, Miskiinka iyo kan baahanu magacaaga ha ammaaneen.
O let not the afflicted go away ashamed! Let the poor and needy praise thy name!
22 Ilaahow, sara joogso, oo dacwadaada u muddac. Bal xusuuso siday dadka nacaska ahu maalinta oo dhan kuu caayaan.
Arise, O God! maintain thy cause! Remember how the impious revileth thee daily!
23 Ha illoobin codka cadaawayaashaada, Kuwa kugu kaca buuqoodu had iyo goorba wuu soo kacaa.
Forget not the clamor of thine adversaries, —The noise of thine enemies, which continually increaseth!

< Sabuurradii 74 >