< Sabuurradii 59 >

1 Ilaahayow, cadaawayaashayda iga samatabbixi, Oo kuwa igu kacayna meel sare iga saar.
To the chief music-maker; put to At-tashheth. Michtam. Of David. When Saul sent, and they were watching the house, to put him to death. Take me out of the hands of the cruel ones, O my God; keep me safe from those who come up against me.
2 Iga samatabbixi xumaanfalayaasha, Oo dadka dhiigyocabyada ahna iga badbaadi.
Take me out of the power of the workers of evil, and keep me safe from the men of blood.
3 Waayo, bal eeg, waxay gaadaan naftayda, Oo kuwa xoogga badanuna way isu kay wada urursadaan, Rabbiyow, weliba ma aha xadgudubkayga aawadiis iyo dembigayga aawadiis toona.
For see, they are watching in secret for my soul; the strong have come together against me? but not because of my sin, or my evil-doing, O Lord.
4 Waxay u ordaan oo isu diyaariyaan wax aanan eed ku lahayn, Dartay u kac inaad i caawiso oo aad i eegto.
For no sin of mine they go quickly and get themselves ready; be awake and come to my help, and see.
5 Rabbiyow, Ilaaha ciidammadow, Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iilow, Sara joogso oo quruumaha oo dhan soo booqo, Oo innaba ha u naxariisan xadgudbayaasha. (Selaah)
You, O Lord God of armies, are the God of Israel; come now and give punishment to the nations; have no mercy on any workers of deceit. (Selah)
6 Fiidkay soo noqdaan, oo waxay u ciyaan sida eey oo kale, Oo waxay ku warwareegaan magaalada hareeraheeda.
They come back in the evening; they make a noise like a dog, and go round the town.
7 Afkooda waxaa ka qubmaysa cay, Bushimahoodana waxaa ku jira seefo, Waayo, waxay isyidhaahdaan, Bal yaa na maqla?
See, hate is dropping from their lips; curses are on their tongues: they say, Who gives attention to it?
8 Laakiinse Rabbiyow, iyagaad ku qosli doontaa, Quruumaha oo dhan waad quudhsan doontaa.
But you are laughing at them, O Lord; you will make sport of all the nations.
9 Xooggaygiiyow, adigaan ku sugi doonaa, Waayo, Ilaah waa qalcaddayda.
O my strength, I will put my hope in you; because God is my strong tower.
10 Ilaahayga naxariista leh ayaa i hor iman doona, Oo waxaan doonayana Ilaah wuxuu iga tusi doonaa cadaawayaashayda.
The God of my mercy will go before me: God will let me see my desire effected on my haters.
11 Sayidow, gaashaankayagiiyow, Iyaga ha layn, waaba intaasoo ay dadkaygu illoobaane, Laakiinse iyaga xooggaaga ku kala firdhi, oo hoos u soo deji.
Put them not to death, for so my people will keep the memory of them: let them be sent in all directions by your power; make them low, O Lord our saviour.
12 Kibirkoodu iyaga ha dabo Dembiga afkooda iyo erayada bushimahooda aawadood, Iyo weliba habaarka iyo beenta ay ku hadlaan aawadood.
Because of the sin of their mouths and the word of their lips, let them even be taken in their pride; and for their curses and their deceit,
13 Iyaga cadho ku baabbi'i, si aanay mar dambe u jirin iyaga baabbi'i, Oo ha ogaadeen in Ilaah u taliyo reer Yacquub Tan iyo dhulka darafkiisa. (Selaah)
Put an end to them in your wrath, put an end to them, so that they may not be seen again; let them see that God is ruling in Jacob and to the ends of the earth. (Selah)
14 Oo iyagu fiidka ha soo noqdeen, oo sida eey oo kale ha u ciyeen, Oo magaalada hareeraheeda ha ku warwareegeen.
And in the evening let them come back, and make a noise like a dog, and go round the town.
15 Waxay u warwareegayaan inay cunto helaan, Oo haddaanay dherginna habeenkii oo dhan way sii joogayaan.
Let them go wandering up and down in search of food, and be there all night if they have not enough.
16 Laakiinse anigu waxaan ka gabyi doonaa xooggaaga, Haah, oo aroortii ayaan naxariistaada aad uga gabyi doonaa, Waayo, waxaad ahayd qalcaddaydii, Oo maalintii aan dhibaataysnaana magangal baad ii ahayd.
But I will make songs of your power; yes, I will give cries of joy for your mercy in the morning; because you have been my strength and my high tower in the day of my trouble.
17 Xooggaygiiyow, adigaan ammaan kuugu gabyi doonaa, Waayo, Ilaah waa qalcaddayda, waana Ilaaha naxariistayda.
To you, O my strength, will I make my song: because God is my high tower, even the God of my mercy.

< Sabuurradii 59 >