< Sabuurradii 34 >

1 Wakhti kasta ayaan Rabbiga ammaani doonaa, Oo had iyo goorba ammaantiisu afkaygay ku jiri doontaa.
I will always thank Yahweh; I will constantly praise him [MTY].
2 Naftaydu waxay ku faani doontaa Rabbiga, Oo waxaa maqli doona kuwa camalka qabow, oo weliba way ku farxi doonaan.
I will boast about what Yahweh [has done]. All those who are oppressed/discouraged should hear me and rejoice.
3 Rabbiga ila weyneeya, Oo aynu magiciisa wada sarraysiinno.
Join with me in telling others that Yahweh is great! You and I should together proclaim how glorious he is!
4 Rabbigaan doondoonay, oo isna wuu ii jawaabay, Oo wuxuu iga samatabbixiyey waxyaalihii aan ka cabsaday oo dhan.
I prayed to Yahweh, and he (answered my prayer/did what I asked him to do); he rescued me from [all those who caused me] to be afraid.
5 Iyagu waxay fiiriyeen isaga, oo way iftiimeen, Oo wejigooduna weligood ceeboobi maayo.
Those who trust [IDM] that he [will help them] will be joyful; (they will never be disappointed/he will always do for them the things that he promises) [LIT].
6 Ninkan miskiinka ahu wuu qayshaday, oo Rabbiguna wuu maqlay, Oo wuxuu ka badbaadshay dhibaatooyinkiisii oo dhan.
I was miserable/helpless, but I called out to Yahweh, and he heard me. He rescued me from all my troubles.
7 Malaa'igta Rabbigu waxay hareeraysaa kuwa isaga ka cabsada, Oo weliba way samatabbixisaa.
An angel from Yahweh guards those who revere him, and the angel rescues them.
8 Bal dhadhamiya oo arka in Rabbigu wanaagsan yahay, Waxaa barakaysan ninkii isaga isku halleeya.
Find out for yourself, and you will experience that Yahweh is good to you! He is very pleased with those who ask him to protect them.
9 Kuwiinna quduusiintiisa ahow; Rabbiga ka cabsada, Waayo, kuwa isaga ka cabsadaa waxba uma baahna.
All you who belong to him, revere him! Those who do that will always have the things that they need [LIT].
10 Aaranka libaaxa wax baa ka dhimman, wayna gaajoodaan, Laakiinse kuwa Rabbiga doondoonaa wax wanaagsan uma baahnaan doonaan.
Lions [are usually] very strong, [but sometimes] even young lions are hungry and become weak, but those who trust in Yahweh will (have everything/not lack any good thing) [LIT] [that they need].
11 Carruurtoy, kaalaya oo i dhegaysta, Oo anna waxaan idin bari doonaa Rabbiga ka cabsashadiisa.
You (who are my students/whom I teach), come and listen to me, and I will teach you how to revere Yahweh.
12 Bal waa ayo ninka nolol jecel, Oo cimriga dheer doonayaa, Si uu wanaag u arko?
If [RHQ] any of you wants to enjoy life and have a good long life,
13 Carrabkaaga shar ka jooji, Bushimahaagana inay khiyaano ku hadlaan ka ilaali.
do not say anything that is evil! Do not tell lies!
14 Shar ka leexo, oo wanaag samee, Nabad doondoon, oo raacdayso iyada.
Turn away from doing evil, and do what is good! Always try hard to enable people to live peacefully [with each other.]
15 Rabbiga indhihiisu waxay fiiriyaan kuwa xaqa ah, Oo dhegihiisuna waxay u furan yihiin baryadooda.
Yahweh [MTY] carefully watches over those who [act] righteously; he always responds [MTY] to them when they call [to him for help].
16 Wejiga Rabbigu waa ka gees kuwa sharka sameeya Inuu iyaga xusuustooda dhulka ka baabbi'iyo.
But Yahweh [SYN] (is opposed to/turns away from) those who do what is evil. [And after they die], people will forget them completely.
17 Kuwa xaqa ahu way qayshadeen, oo Rabbigaa maqlay, Oo wuxuu iyaga ka samatabbixiyey dhibaatooyinkoodii oo dhan.
Yahweh hears righteous people when they call out to him; he rescues them from all their troubles.
18 Rabbigu waa u dhow yahay kuwa dembigooda ka caloolyaysan, Oo kuwa ruuxoodu qoomamaysan yahayna wuu badbaadiyaa.
Yahweh is always ready to help those who are discouraged; he rescues those who have nothing good to hope for.
19 Kan xaqa ah dhibaatooyinkiisu way tiro badan yihiin, Laakiinse Rabbigu waa ka samatabbixiyaa dhammaantoodba.
Righteous people may have many troubles, but Yahweh rescues them from all those troubles.
20 Isagu wuxuu dhawraa lafihiisa oo dhan, Oo middoodna ma jabna.
Yahweh protects them from being harmed; [when their enemies attack them], they will not break any bones of those righteous people.
21 Xumaan baa dili doonta kuwa sharka leh, Oo kuwa neceb kan xaqa ahna waa la eedayn doonaa.
Wicked people will be killed by their own evil deeds (OR, by [people doing to them] the same evil things [that the wicked do to others]) [PRS], and Yahweh will punish those who oppose righteous people.
22 Rabbigu nafta addoommadiisa wuu soo furtaa, Oo kuwa isaga isku halleeya, midkoodna lama eedayn doono.
Yahweh will save those who serve him. He will (not condemn/forgive) [LIT] those who trust in him.

< Sabuurradii 34 >