< Sabuurradii 135 >

1 Rabbiga ammaana. Ammaana magaca Rabbiga, Rabbiga addoommadiisow, isaga ammaana,
Alleluia. Praise the name of the Lord. You servants, praise the Lord.
2 Kuwiinna guriga Rabbiga Iyo barxadaha guriga Ilaaheenna dhex taaganow.
You who stand in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God:
3 Rabbiga ammaana, waayo, Rabbigu waa wanaagsan yahay, Magiciisa ammaan ugu gabya, waayo, wuu wacan yahay.
praise the Lord, for the Lord is good. Sing psalms to his name, for it is sweet.
4 Waayo, Rabbigu reer Yacquub nafsaddiisuu u doortay, Hantidiisa gaarka ah ayuu u doortay reer binu Israa'iil.
For the Lord has chosen Jacob for himself, Israel for his own possession.
5 Waayo, waan ogahay in Rabbigu weyn yahay, Iyo in Sayidkeennu ka wada sarreeyo ilaahyada oo dhan.
For I have known that the Lord is great, and our God is before all gods.
6 Rabbigu wax alla wixii uu jeclaystayba wuu ku sameeyey Samada iyo dhulka, iyo badaha iyo moolalka oo dhan dhexdooda.
All things whatsoever that he willed, the Lord did: in heaven, on earth, in the sea, and in all the deep places.
7 Isagaa ka dhiga in dhulka darafyadiisa uumi ka soo kaco, Roobkana wuxuu u sameeyaa hillaac, Oo dabayshana isagaa khasnadihiisa ka soo saara.
He leads clouds from the ends of the earth. He has created lightnings in the rain. He has produced winds from his storehouses.
8 Isagaa laayay curadyadii Masar, Kuwii dadka iyo kuwii duunyadaba.
He struck the first-born of Egypt, from man even to cattle.
9 Masaray, isagu wuxuu dhexdaada u soo diray calaamooyin iyo yaabab, Oo wax buu ku soo kor daayay Fircoon iyo addoommadiisii oo dhanba.
He sent signs and wonders into your midst, O Egypt: upon Pharaoh and upon all his servants.
10 Wuxuuna laayay quruumo badan, Oo wuxuu dilay boqorro xoog badan, kuwaas oo ahaa
He has struck many nations, and he has slaughtered strong kings:
11 Siixon oo ahaa boqorkii reer Amor, Iyo Coog oo ahaa boqorkii Baashaan, Iyo boqortooyooyinkii reer Kancaan oo dhan,
Sihon, king of the Amorites, and Og, king of Bashan, and all the kingdoms of Canaan.
12 Oo dalkoodiina dhaxal ahaan buu u bixiyey, Oo wuxuu dhaxal u siiyey dadkiisa reer binu Israa'iil.
And he gave their land as an inheritance, as an inheritance for his people Israel.
13 Rabbiyow, magacaagu weligiisba wuu waaraa, Rabbiyow, xusuustaadu waxay gaadhaa qarni kasta.
Your name, O Lord, is in eternity. Your memorial, O Lord, is from generation to generation.
14 Waayo, Rabbigu dadkiisuu u garsoori doonaa, Oo addoommadiisana wuu u naxariisan doonaa.
For the Lord will judge his people, and he will be petitioned by his servants.
15 Sanamyada quruumuhu waa lacag iyo dahab, Oo waa wax ay dad gacmaha ku sameeyeen.
The idols of the Gentiles are silver and gold, the works of the hands of men.
16 Afaf way leeyihiin, laakiinse ma hadlaan, Indhona way leeyihiin, laakiinse waxba ma arkaan,
They have a mouth, and do not speak. They have eyes, and do not see.
17 Dhegona way leeyihiin, laakiinse waxba ma maqlaan, Oo afkoodana neefu kuma jirto.
They have ears, and do not hear. For neither is there any breath in their mouths.
18 Kuwa iyaga sameeyaana sidooda oo kale ayay noqon doonaan, Iyo xataa mid kasta oo iyaga isku halleeyaaba.
Let those who make them become like them, along with all who trust in them.
19 Reer binu Israa'iilow, Rabbiga ammaana, Reer Haaruunow, Rabbiga ammaana,
Bless the Lord, O house of Israel. Bless the Lord, O house of Aaron.
20 Reer Laawiyow, Rabbiga ammaana, Kuwiinna Rabbiga ka cabsadow, Rabbiga ammaana.
Bless the Lord, O house of Levi. You who fear the Lord, bless the Lord.
21 Rabbiga Yeruusaalem deggan ha laga ammaano Siyoon. Rabbiga ammaana.
The Lord is blessed from Zion, by those who dwell in Jerusalem.

< Sabuurradii 135 >