< Maahmaahyadii 31 >

1 Kuwanu waa erayadii Lemuu'eel oo ahaa boqorkii Masaa ay hooyadiis bartay isaga.
These are sayings/messages that [God gave to] King Lemuel’s mother, and which his mother taught him:
2 Waa maxay, wiilkaygiiyow? Waa maxay, wiilkii uurkaygow? Waa maxay, wiilkii nidarradaydow?
You are my son; I gave birth to you [RHQ]; you are the son that [God gave me] in answer to my prayers.
3 Xooggaaga naago ha siinin, Dawyadaadana ha siinin kuwa boqorrada dumiya.
Do not exhaust your energy [having sex] [EUP] with women [to whom you are not married], with women who ruin kings [by having sex with them].
4 Lemuu'eelow, uma eka boqorrada, uma eka boqorradu inay khamri cabbaan, Oo amiirradana uma eka inay waxa lagu sakhraamo damcaan,
Lemuel, kings should not be [constantly] drinking wine or [greatly] desire [to drink other] strong/alcoholic drinks.
5 Waaba intaasoo ay cabbaan, oo ay sharciga illoobaan, Oo ay kuwa dhibaataysan midkood gartiisa qalloociyaan.
If they do that, they forget the laws [that they have made], and they do not do what is right for poor/afflicted [people].
6 Waxa lagu sakhraamo siiya ka dhimashada ku dhow, Oo khamrigana waxaad siisaan kuwa naftoodu la qadhaadhaatay.
Give strong/alcoholic drinks to those who are dying and to those who are (greatly distressed/suffering very much).
7 Ha cabbo, oo caydhnimadiisa ha illoobo, Oo dhibaatadiisana yaanu mar dambe soo xusuusan innaba.
If they drink, they will forget that they are poor, and they will not think about their distress/troubles any more.
8 Afka u fur carrablaawaha aawadiis, Si aad kuwa baabba'aya oo dhan u xaq mariso.
Speak [MTY] to defend people who are unable to defend themselves; speak to encourage others to do what is right for those who are helpless.
9 Afka fur, oo si xaq ah u garsoor, Oo miskiinka iyo saboolka baahanba gartooda u qaad.
Speak [MTY] (on their behalf/to help them) and try to cause judges to decide matters fairly/justly; try to cause others to do for poor and needy [people] what should be done for them.
10 Bal yaa heli kara naag wanaagsan? Waayo, qiimaheedu waa ka sii badan yahay xataa luul.
It is very difficult [for a man] to [RHQ] find a wife who is good and who is capable [of doing many things]. [Any woman who is like that] is worth more than jewels.
11 Waayo, qalbiga ninkeedu iyaduu isku halleeyaa, Oo isagu innaba uma baahnaan doono wax booli ah.
Her husband completely trusts her, and [because of her], he has everything that he needs [LIT].
12 Cimrigeeda oo dhan isaga wanaag bay u samayn doontaa, Oo innaba xumaan kuma samayn doonto.
She never does anything that would harm him; she does good things for him all the days of her life.
13 Waxay doondoontaa dhogor idaad iyo geed linen la yidhaahdo. Oo iyadoo raalli ku ah ayay gacmaheeda ku shaqaysaa.
She finds wool and flax [in the market], and she enjoys spinning it [to make yarn].
14 Iyadu waa sida doonniyaha baayacmushtariga, Oo cuntadeeda waxay ka keentaa meel fog.
She is like [SIM] a ship that brings from far away goods/merchandise to sell, [because] she buys food that comes from far away.
15 Waxay kacdaa iyadoo weli ay habeennimo tahay, Oo dadka reerkeeda ayay cunto siisaa, Oo gabdhaheedana hawshooday siisaa,
She gets up before dawn to prepare food for her family. [Then] she plans the work that her servant girls will do on that day.
16 Iyadu waxay ka fikirtaa beer, wayna soo iibsataa, Oo midhaha gacmaheeda ayay beercanab ku beerataa.
She [goes out and] looks at a field [that someone wants to sell]; and [if it is a good field], she buys it. She [buys] grapevines [MTY] with the money that she has earned, [and then] she plants them.
17 Waxay dhexda ku xidhataa xoog, Oo gacmaheedana way xoogaysaa.
She works very hard [IDM]; she makes her arms strong [by the work she does].
18 Waxay eegtaa in baayacmushtarigeedu wanaagsan yahay; Laambaddeeduna habeenkii ma bakhtido.
She knows when she is getting a good profit from her business. [When it is necessary], she works [MTY] until it is late at night.
19 Waxay gacmaheeda ku fidisaa dunmiiqa, Oo sacabbadeeduna waxay qabtaan usha wareegta.
She holds the (spindle/rod which twists the thread that she is making), and [then] she spins the thread [MTY] [that she will use].
20 Waxay sacabkeeda u furtaa miskiinka, Oo gacmaheedana waxay u fidisaa saboolka baahan.
She generously helps [MTY] those who are poor and needy [DOU].
21 Dadka reerkeeda ugama cabsato dhaxanta barafka cad, Waayo, xaaskeeda oo dhammu waxay wada qabaan dhar labanlaab ah.
She is not worried that [the people in her house will be cold in] the winter, because [she has made] warm clothes for all of them.
22 Waxay samaysataa durraaxado daabac leh, Oo dharkeeduna waxaa weeye dhar aad u wanaagsan oo guduudan.
She makes bedspreads/quilts for the beds. She wears fine linen clothes that are dyed purple, [like queens wear].
23 Ninkeedana waxaa laga yaqaan irdaha magaalada, Markuu dhex fadhiisto waayeellada waddanka.
Her husband is [well] known by the important people of the town; he sits with the [other] town leaders in the meetings of the town council.
24 Waxay samaysaa dhar wanaagsan, wayna iibisaa, Oo baayacmushtarigana waxay ka iibisaa boqorro dhexda lagu xidho.
She makes clothes from linen cloth and sells them. She sells sashes to shop owners.
25 Xoog iyo sharaf ayaa iyada dhar u ah; Oo wakhtiga soo socda way ku qososhaa.
She is strong in her character and respected/dignified, and she (laughs at/is not afraid of) [what will happen in] the future.
26 Afkeeda waxay u kala qaaddaa xigmad; Oo carrabkeedana waxaa saaran sharciga raxmadda.
When she speaks, she says what is wise. When she gives instructions, she speaks [MTY] kindly (OR, faithfully).
27 Waxay aad u xannaanaysaa reerkeeda, Oo kibista caajisnimadana ma cunto.
She watches over everything that is done in her household, and she [IDM] is never lazy.
28 Carruurteedu way kacaan oo waxay ugu yeedhaan tan barakaysan, Oo weliba ninkeeduna wuu ammaanaa, isagoo leh;
Her children all together speak highly of her, and her husband also praises her.
29 Dumar badan baa wanaag sameeyey, Laakiinse adigu waad ka sii wanaagsan tahay dhammaantood.
[He says to her], “There are many women who do admirable things, but you surpass them all!”
30 Suuradwacnaantu waa khiyaano miidhan, oo quruxduna waa ceeryaamo oo kale, Laakiinse naagtii Rabbiga ka cabsata waa la ammaani doonaa.
Some women who are attractive [are not really good women], [but] they can deceive us [regarding what they are really like]. Furthermore, women’s beauty does not last; but women who revere Yahweh should be honored.
31 Midhihii gacmaheeda wax ka siiya, Oo shuqulladeeduna iyada ha ku ammaaneen irdaha magaalada.
Reward women who are like that, and praise them in public [MTY] for what they have done.

< Maahmaahyadii 31 >